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Pam Garrett Nov 7th, 1999 09:42 AM

beg. scuba trips
My family and I will be in the Grand Caymans for only one day on a cruise ship. We are interested in a resort dive, (only one of us is certified) that will pick up at the dock and return us in the afternoon. Arriving Nov. 24, 1999. Kids ages are 13 and 16. <BR>Thanks for any infor. <BR>Pam

David Nov 10th, 1999 04:48 AM

My suggestion is that you go snorkeling instead of diving. Because diving is somewhat complex and can also be dangerous, I always suggest that people become certified before they do it. You'll enjoy diving more once youre certified as well. One other thing to keep in mind is that if youre a beginner the dive shop will probably only take you to a shallow dive site and you'll probably only see what you could have seen while snorkeling (for the most part). I'm not sure if you wanted to have the kids dive, but all in all I think everyone would enjoy snorkeling more just because SCUBA is so involved and somewhat complex.

Michel Nov 11th, 1999 09:07 AM

I totally agree with David. If diving interests you, become certified before you leave. I've seen too many people attempt a first dive after spending one hour in the pool. Since they're not comfortable with the equipment, since they don't know what to do in certain situations... very few end up enjoying it. In fact, several end up panicking, and vow never to dive again. Take a course, know what you're doing... Then enjoy! <BR>

Sandy Nov 11th, 1999 10:05 AM

Hi Pam, <BR> I agree with the above posts. I was one of the foolish ones that had my first dive without any previous experience. I was given a short lesson on the boat on the way to the dive sight. When I entered the water I found there were just too many new things to think about and remember to enjoy the experience. If I ever get brave enough to try another dive I will be well trained in a pool first. It is a beautiful world down there but for now I'm sticking to snorkeling. <BR> <BR>

Charlie Nov 11th, 1999 03:36 PM

I do believe the above posts are sensible, I made several dives in Hawaii this year, my first ever! I had a great time! HOWEVER, It is important that anyone doing this is a swimmer that is VERY comfortable in the water. A snorkle trip just before the escorted scuba trip helps to relax. Also practice diving down while snorkelling. Have fun.

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