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Celiaanne Apr 9th, 2003 02:40 AM

Victoria or San Juan Islands??
Hi,<BR><BR>Trying to decide between these two for a one-two night stay as part of a two-week vacation. I've read a lot about Victoria but not too much about San Juan Islands. <BR><BR>Any guidance/recommendations?<BR><BR>Thank you.<BR><BR><BR>Sheila

GaryA Apr 9th, 2003 07:02 AM

This is definately an apple and oranges choice. Victoria is BC's capital city eith a population of almost 400,000 and a great deal of man made tourist attractions as well as having many scenic attractions. It's not nearly as scenic as Vancouver but it is pretty.<BR><BR> The San Juans are beautiful but relatively underdeveloped Islands with the draw being entirely scenic and atmospheric, (i.e. tranquil). Actually if peace and Tranquility are what you're looking for you'll do better to vist the Gulf Islands just north of the San Juans which are much, much more natural and unspoiled but because of that have limited facilities requiring early reservations.

SusanInToronto Apr 9th, 2003 08:12 AM

I agree - it probably is like apples and oranges. The other difference is that Victoria is in Canada and the San Juans are in the US. Makes a difference when you're exchanging dollars!

Carmanah Apr 9th, 2003 03:07 PM

Have you also thought about a trip to the Gulf Islands (ie: the Canadian islands directly north of the San Juans - easily accessible from Victoria and Vancouver)?<BR><BR>

Celiaanne Apr 9th, 2003 06:00 PM

Hello,<BR><BR>Thank you all for the replies. I need to do some more research! I hadn't considered the Gulf Island, but they sound very nice....and the exchange rate certainly helps.<BR><BR>Gary, did I understand you correctly when you say Victoria isn't as scenic as Vancouver? I was actually thinking of skipping Vancouver.....we're spending 2 nights in Seattle and thought that was enough for &quot;big cities&quot; ??<BR><BR>Sheila

GaryA Apr 9th, 2003 06:26 PM

Yes Celiaanne, Vancouver is easily one of the 4 or 5 most beautiful cities in the world and certainly the most beautiful in North America. Victoria is pretty but doesn't hold a candle to Vancouver. Nor does Seattle. Seattle has a lot of pluses but when you come down to it it's just a very lovely American City. Vancouver is a world class cosmopoliton centre that's ethnically and culturally extremely diverse. If you've never been and you're in the area - don't miss it! <BR><BR><BR>

PamSF Apr 10th, 2003 10:43 PM

places we have stayed and liked alot: Victoria:Abigail's<BR>San Juans(Lopez Island was our favorite) The Inn at Swifts Bay(Lopez)<BR>Mayne(the gulf islands)..we stayed at Oceanwood and agree it is quite nicely done..we did find the innkeepers rather stiff,frankly despite all the talk of how gracious they were. It's a nice establishment..just don't go expecting much graciousness.

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