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travlintoes Feb 18th, 2011 08:08 PM

Very long layover Toronto to LHR--stay at airport or something else?
Will arrive Toronto May 27,2011 on way to London. Have lonnng layover. Arrive 2:29PM--depart 8:45PM. Advise how to spend the time? Would like to see bit of the city--is this a feasible option? Thanks.

Morningglory47 Feb 19th, 2011 04:54 AM

I'd think so...they likely want you to be back about 6:45 so, depending on how long it takes you to get through Customs (or are you flying from somewhere else in Canada?), you might have 3 or four hours. You could take the airport bus downtown and get off at the Sheraton Hotel which is across from City Hall and have a wander around. There's a TTC bus stop in the airport - that's the regular city transit - for $3 each way you could take it to the subway but it would take much longer.

BAK Feb 19th, 2011 06:16 AM

If we knew where you were coming from and had an idea what interested you, we could suggest a few interesting hours. Any children involved.

How many adults? And where on the prosperity scale?

For instance... my son's best friend's father is a limo driver and he's takes people on drives around the city.

If kids are invoilved, the combination of city bus and subway gets you to intereting places in a way that kids often enjoy, depending on where they come from.

The big airport express bus can drop yuou near the Hockey Hall of Fame, or the Art Gallery of Ontario, or the Royal Ontario Museum, eachof which is surrounded with other itneresting things to see and do for a couple of hours.

Got a map?

The interesting area starts at the lake. You'll see islands near the foot of Yonge Street.

The interesting area extends from Yong Street east to Parliament Street, and west to Bathurst Street.

Follow Yonge stree north (think of it as a spine) as far as Bloor Street, which runs east-west.

Within this rectgangle is most of the several-hours-worth interesting stuff.

BOTTOM LINE --yes, that's enough time to see a bit of the city. Question is, which bit.

travlintoes Feb 19th, 2011 11:05 AM

Thanks for your replies. We're coming from San Antonio, Tx on our way to London.

BAK-- could you give me a bit more info on the drive around the city--how do I contact this gentleman? We are 2 travelers--my adult daughter and myself.

Morningglory47--love your handle! Checked out the site for the shuttle. Thinking about it. Says due to ongoing construction, allow 20 minutes more to journey. Sounds like San Antonio! LOL


BAK Feb 20th, 2011 05:32 AM

Send me an email to [email protected].

I expect to talk with Robin in the next day or two, and I'll find out how you should contact him. It may be that you call the limocompany,and ask specifically forhim, or it may be that you contact him directly.

I think that today he's at the Toronto Auto show with his son and mine.

Where would Niagara Falls fit on your list of places to visit? That's possible in your time frame, but would eliminate downtown Toronto.

Anyway, send me an e-mail and I'll find out more from Robin.


jomagpie Feb 23rd, 2011 12:16 PM

"they likely want you to be back about 6:45 so, depending on how long it takes you to get through Customs (or are you flying from somewhere else in Canada?), you might have 3 or four hours." -- let's say your flight arrives on time and you get through customs within 30mins. then you'd have to factor in rush hour. Which going towards the airport is quite horrible. It may take you 45mins to get downtown, then another 45-mins to an hour back to the airport...doesn't leave you much time to see the city. You've spent most of your time travelling!

If you and your daughter decide to leave the airport, make sure you know exactly what you want to see in Toronto, see it, and then hurry back. You may be cutting it close.

jomagpie Feb 23rd, 2011 12:20 PM

Oh as for Niagara Falls, it'll take about 1-1.5 hours to get there, and then another to get back (depending on traffic of course)...that pretty much takes up your time. So you'd be paying for a car ride to the Falls, get out for 5mins, then head might as well Google Street View the place, it'll be cheaper :P

Hope you're able to find something to do and/or get to your flight in time! Bonne chance!


almcd Feb 26th, 2011 04:50 AM

The idea of going to Niagara Falls is crazy. Don't even consider it

OceanBreeze1 Mar 2nd, 2011 01:36 PM

Hello, Travlintoes! (love your screen name!)

Considering that you arrive in Toronto on Friday, May 27, I would not go downtown if I were you. Trying to get back to the airport during rush hour on a Friday evening gives me a headache just thinking about it. And, heading downtown on Friday afternoon will be equally stressful.( at least for me it would be).

I would just head over to the Sheraton Gateway Hotel. Follow the signs to Terminal 3/Sheraton Gateway. The signs will lead you to the monorail. Then it's 2 minute ride on the monorail to The Sheraton (I just did this on Sunday night!). Once there, head for the restaurant on the 2nd floor, near Reception/check-in area. Dinner service begins @ 5:15.(they will seat you @ 5:00.) The restuarant is closed b/t 2:30PM & 5:15PM but you can always have something to eat @ the bar/cafe which is located next to the restaurant. Have a nice, relaxing early dinner before you head back to the airport for your 8:45Pm flight to London.

The Sheraton Gateway has a spa, pool & health club. You can get a "day pass" for $25 p/p. Maybe go there b/f dinner & work up an appetite!

Click on Sheraton Gateway Hotel (terminal 3)

Ocean ((H))

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