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Mitmap Sep 25th, 2007 02:49 PM

Parents everywhere, don't fly with Air Canada!!
I've never been a fan of them, but now they've really pissed me off. We just came back from a trip to Montreal. Even though the flight wasn't full, they would not give my baby a seat at check in, and because they couldn't guarantee a seat, they would not let us take our car seat on board to strap her in. And then they tried to give us static about gate checking our umbrella stroller by telling us that it looks a little big for an umbrella stroller. And then after we got on board with the extra empty seat for our baby, we asked for a pillow to try to make her comfortable, since she didn't have her car seat to fall asleep in, they wanted $2 from us. They just threw EVERY obstacle at us to make life difficult with baby on board. Whereas when we flew with Westjet, they gave us an empty seat right at check in. Car seat? no problem. I talked to my strollercise instructor today, she has the same complaints. I would NEVER fly with Air Canada again, even if we have to pay extra money and not get any airline points. It's stressful enough to fly with baby without the airline making things even more stressful!! I'm making it my mission to tell every parent I know about AC and their poor attitude.

wow Sep 25th, 2007 04:58 PM

Sorry to hear this. How old is your baby?

Mitmap Sep 25th, 2007 07:48 PM

7.5 months.

kodi Sep 25th, 2007 07:49 PM

How old is the baby? Was the original plan that the baby would sit in your lap? IF that's the case, I can understand that they wouldn' assign the baby a seat and wouldn't allow the car seat to be taken on board if you hadn't bought a seat. Is there a reason why they should?
Could it possibley been your attitude that you seemed to expect it , even though you had not paid for that option.
I always seem to find staff anywhere usually go over board when it's not something I have expected for nothing.

toedtoes Sep 25th, 2007 08:43 PM

From what I've heard, most airlines won't GIVE you a seat for a lapchild at check in when you haven't paid for that option. If there are empty seats, then you're allowed to utilize them after take off. That allows for late additions to the flight.

Say there were 2 extra seats on the flight when you checked in. You claim one for the baby at check in without paying and put your car seat in it. Now a couple arrive trying to get on the flight - they're willing to pay, but you've appropriated one of the two seats. Now they have to tell you that you can't have the seat after all and they have to check your car seat in at the last minute. This slows down everything and everybody. Instead, they make you check the car seat and don't let you appropriate an extra seat at no charge until they know they won't be filling the seat.

As for the pillow, they don't have regular pillows and blankets anymore. For $2, they offer a plastic ziplock pouch with a blanket in it. When you take out the blanket, you blow up the pouch and that's your pillow. No more regular pillows. They are yours to keep. These pillows are very small and wouldn't have made your baby any more comfortable.

I would recommend that when you fly with the baby on any airline, you either 1) pay for a seat for the baby to guarantee the seat and allow for the car seat to be carried onboard; or 2) carry a pillow or small padded throw to make the baby more comfortable in case you get an extra seat after take off.

cdnyul Sep 26th, 2007 01:01 AM

Having traveled frequently with four children (two girls + twin boys) your rant falls on deaf ears.

Re the stroller, was it one of those SUV models with all-terrain wheels and central air-conditioning?

Simply put, you paid for a certain number of seats, and having a baby does not entitle you to a free one or claim additional storage space, or have the staff jump at your every request.

Next time, try to be nice. People are just like software, GIGO.

If the tone of your post reflects your attitude at check-in then I am sure the feeling is mutual.


mitchdesj Sep 26th, 2007 02:14 AM

You ended up with a free seat for the baby, that's good. Everyone pays 2$ for their pillow, so it's only fair that you did also. A car seat is an enormous piece of equipment, I can see that they don't want to be stuck with it, if it turns up that there are no empty seats.
Personally, I think they should force people to buy a guaranteed seat for babies of any age; a child under 2 should not be unsecured in a seat.

mitchdesj Sep 26th, 2007 02:29 AM

p.s. I know you've had harsh responses, but from a business point of view, I can see that the staff have guidelines to follow and people do have the option to purchase a seat for their baby.

I wonder how much business the airlines would lose if they forced people to buy a seat for children under 2.

cd Sep 26th, 2007 05:29 AM

I understand Air Canada's position completely. You wanted them to GIVE you a seat, they wanted you to BUY one.

semiramis Sep 26th, 2007 06:01 AM

If you want a seat for your baby - BUY one. Neither AC or any other airline owes you a free seat just because the plane was not full.

SallyCanuck Sep 26th, 2007 06:28 AM

Transporting babies and children has been going on for a few thousand years, Mitmap – you weren’t exactly travelling for weeks in the back of a prairie schooner and having to cook your next meal on an open fire while fending off wolves or taking six weeks to cross the stormy Atlantic in winter. And from the sounds of it, there were two of you to take care of one small baby. That’s two laps for the baby to sit in - isn't that where they're most content?

Cdnyu, you’re right about strollers these days, they’re practically the size of Volkswagens and hold almost as much - I’ve gone to Europe for a week with less than many mothers take with them for a couple of hours shopping at the mall or on a flight of a couple of hours.

By the way, I did fly with my kids when they were babies.

wow Sep 26th, 2007 10:21 AM

Try to think of it this way: I buy an AC ticket. Regular fare. Then when I get to the airport I learn that there are empty seats in First Class. I ask if I can sit there. They say "No".
The relity is that "you get what you pay for" in today's market.
And, in not flying AC you are cutting off your nose to spite your face. AC has a monopoly in Canada.

ShelliDawn Sep 26th, 2007 11:26 AM

AC has a monopoly in Canada.

Not really, there's this other airline called WestJet. Admittedly they don't have the international routes AC does, but they do cover Canada pretty well.

kmowatt Oct 1st, 2007 06:28 PM

Will be quite happy if all parents listen to your rant and don't fly with their children - a much quieter plane ride for all of us.

By the way, I have travelled with my son from the time he was 6 months old and never thought that the airline owed me a seat that I didn't pay for. Glad to hear Westjet did - keep flying with them and stay off my AC flights.

LJ Oct 2nd, 2007 05:30 AM

For the sake of accuracy, I'd like to add information about Porter Airlines: some great bargains availabe right now for travel between TO, Montreal, Ottawa, Halifax...but like you, I don't want to tip the inexpereinced Mitmap off to the existence of any flight I am going to be on.

While my heart goes out to most young families traveling with kids, I don't want my seat to go out to them!

mat106 Oct 4th, 2007 05:35 AM

Hi - I'm feeling, in my opinion, that the reaction is maybe a little harsh to Mitmap's post. I think part of the problem may stem from the fact that when one is made happy by the treatment they receive from a supplier (of any service or product), there is some tendency to benchmark that service as being an industry standard. Then, when another provider doesn't offer equivalent service, it could seem unreasonable by comparison. Especially if one doesn't have a lot of experience (e.g. maybe isn't a frequent flyer).
Now that being said, I agree that it would "not" normally be reasonable to expect an airline to offer a free seat, whether or not they have vacancies. I am quite surprised that Westjet did that, I don't think that is typical of most airlines' service and, usually, strict policies.

MrFun Oct 6th, 2007 06:57 PM

a child under age 2 is safer on your lap than belted into a seat.
If there's an empty seat beside you, let the baby sit there after the seat belt sign goes off.

Yes, sometimes Air Canada's motto seems to be "We're not happy 'til you're not happy" but try flying some US carriers. Most of the suck, big time! Give me AC over most of them.

Westjet is also welcome to the scene, and hopefully Porter makes a go of it.

Like posted above, attitude when travelling can either help you or hamper you. Airline staff put up with crap. Be nice to them, you may actually get a full can of pop rather than just an ice-packed half glass. :)

soclwrkr Oct 8th, 2007 10:45 AM

Yes please, do us all a favor and fly Westjet. Hopefully your message will reach every couple who feels that because they made the choice to become parents that they are entitled to priveleges and services that only those with chldren should receive.
If indeed
westjet previously offered a free seat at check in, I wonder why you would have even flown with Air Canada.

NorthwestMale Oct 8th, 2007 12:56 PM

Was it $2 Canadian, or just $2 U.S. ???

wow Oct 10th, 2007 05:44 PM


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