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SFHSMOM Sep 3rd, 2005 10:12 AM

Niagra falls help
Next weekend My husband and I and our two daughters (25 &23)and 6 mo. grandaughter will be making a road trip from Oklahoma City to Montreal. We are stopping in Niagra Falls on the way. We will spend only 1 full day seeing the Niagra Falls attractions and already have reservations at the Marriott with full veiws of both Canadian and American falls. We will be alternating by twos seeing the attractions because of baby. The attractions that we would like to do/see are The Maid of the Mist, Cave of the Winds/Goat Island and one of the observation towers. My questions are: Which tower? Do the People Mover buses go on the Canadian and American side? About how long of a walk is it over the Rainbow Bridge and do we go through customs on it? So, would it be too big of a hassle to go back to the American side just to do the Caves since we are staying on the Canandian side? Where can I get some discount tickets? What is the weather like in mid September for this area? And will the foliage/scenery be pretty this time of year in upstate N.Y. for our drive from N.F. to Montreal. Mapquest has us taking this route. Any other helpful advise would be appreciated.

sobolik Sep 3rd, 2005 11:27 AM

We did the Minolta tower and I found it to be situated perfect. I gazed over to the Skylon and felt no more need to go there.
I highly recommend that you reconsider your plan. 1 day is fine but the alternating business coupled with your target attractions causes me to say can't be done. I do not know why you should be concerned about the Baby issue unless the Boat sinks. Take the child next to me as a fellow tourist and I won't care if it is fussing as I will move along shortly. Obvious baby care is assumed. The rest of the world has babies and SHOULD be used to it. If they have a problem with them then shame on them. Don't believe my warning? Do map quests for all attractions, determine geographical locations travel times etc. Figure out the logistics and it should add up to it can't be done. The bridge is internatioal issues avoid unless required and stay put on the Canadian Side. Scrap the caves if need be. It is one full day to take the people mover to the Butterflies and end up at the Minolta tower end. Thats not with alternating shifts. I went for 1 1/2 days and would never try to pull off what you are proposing. I do not think the folliage will be anything but GREEN at this time.

BAK Sep 3rd, 2005 12:08 PM

If the weather a week fro now is like today, it is as close to perfect as it can be. About 70, sunny, fluffy clouds...

Highly unlikely you'll see colored leaves.

Once you're in Canada, I'd skip going back to the USA for more falls.

The baby will like the Maid of the Mist. Nice gentle mist and vibrations from the boat are just about the only thing tiny kids enjoy.

Do you have Niagara on the Lake on your agenda? This is well worth visiting.

About the two towers -- I wonder why you'd go to either tower if you alredy have a hotel room with an sky-high view of the falls.


sobolik Sep 3rd, 2005 08:11 PM

PS If you do take a stroller I would take a bicycle chain lock and a chest kid carrier "back pack". If the baby is more or less part of you then the baby could possibly go free of charge. I do not remember if they charge in the first place. If entering with a stroller they may want to charge for the child. Just a thought and suggestion to ask/try for free. AND THERE MAY BE PLACES A STROLLER IS BEST LOCKED FOR A SHORT TIME ANYWAY.

garyt22 Sep 4th, 2005 01:11 PM

Although I do agree with BAK on the tower issue(those towers were built long before the higher rise hotels), we differ on the crossing of the border... its a wonderful walk across the rainbow bridge and customs only takes a few minutes. Make sure you have picture ID such as a drivers license.

Without a doubt, the Cave of the Winds tour is better than the Journey Behind the Falls... each year engineers build a complete wooden walkway near the bridal veil falls including the Hurricane Deck which allows you to walk into the heavier spray of the falls... there is a scientific effect on the body caused by the positively charged ions of the water and it is truly energizing... the US side also allows you to stand within a few feet of the rapids and peer over the edge of the falls... you gotta do that at least once...

Discount books are available for the activities at the Cave attraction so go there first...

Finally... I'm not sure your 6 month old would be well suited for a maid of the mist ride... it's very wet and the raincoats are like cleaner bags... you would have to keep the baby wrapped for the 15 wettest minutes of the tour... you should split into two groups and hand the baby off at the dock while switching...

have fun and welcome to my area

SFHSMOM Sep 4th, 2005 11:07 PM

Thanks all for the great advice. I think that all 4 of us plus baby will go on the Maid of the Mist carrying her in her little snuggly. She's a trooper at new experiences and doesn't mind some water splashes on her face. She's ridden on a taxi boat before and liked the vibrations and the noise didn't scare her. Hopefully all will go well. Either all of us or part of us will go to Journey Behind the Falls and skip the tower if time doesn't permit. After watching a Niagra video, we've decided that Cave of the Winds is a little more wind and water than we're in the mood for this trip. But, we are definately going to the U.S. side of the falls (Goat Island) to see the views from this side before we hit the highway to Montreal.

Cher Sep 5th, 2005 05:39 AM

If you have time, I would also recommend the White Water Walk. It's on the Canadian side, just up the road a bit from the Falls at the Whirlpool Rapids ... the People Mover stops there. It's a walkway that goes right along the rapids ... very cool.

michi Sep 7th, 2005 07:01 AM

I won't add to the good advice given already, except for the Maid of the Mist. Visit the excellent website below.
click on "Proceed to the Maid of the Mist"

Last June we were on the MM in hot weather and it rained. No matter where one stood outside it was very, very wet - at times torrents of water from the rocking boat, the falls and the rain. Most prefer the top of the boat but there is also a lower level that will provide more protection if needed. but rain or no rain it is fun.

So go prepared. Adults can look after themselves but I'd suggest you take the weather into consideration. If you take the baby and it's cool, she should have warm clothing and her own raincoat or other protective wear since getting wet can be cold. The raincoats are very thin plastic and not the old protective wear once offered.

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