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casey_reed84 Jul 21st, 2008 01:48 AM

Where do Australians want to live?
Would you rather as an Australian live in America or somewhere in Europe?

afterall Jul 21st, 2008 01:56 AM

America - no. Europe is a good second choice, but not now, thank you very much! But there are a number of South American countries I've never even been to that I'd gladly take a job in for a year (not that that's ever likely to happen).

shandy Jul 21st, 2008 04:15 AM

Without a doubt Europe. Which is not to say I dislike America but I want the history of Europe and the quick access to all the diferent cultures on offer there. I'm not bothered by the language difference at all.

LizzyF Jul 21st, 2008 03:02 PM

I am just happy living in Australia thanks. Too many people in both the USA and Europe.
If I moved anywhere it would be to the Perigord region of France ( could do that as I have dual passport for living in Europe) but I am happy living in Australia, and the USA - which my Grandfather left to come to Australia - would not be where I would like to live.

PRLCH Jul 21st, 2008 03:12 PM

I spent 24 years living in South Africa, and have visited England, Europe and North America several times. They are all great places ..... to visit - but each time I return back to Australia I realise what a great country we live in. We give our politicians a hard time and complain about roads, hospitals, public transport etc etc - but we still have a great lifestyle down under!!!

Susan7 Jul 21st, 2008 03:30 PM

I don't want to live anywhere else either. I lived in Europe for several years (have two passports also), and I love visiting the States but I'm always happy to return to Australia. If I had a sabbatical somewhere else it would be Brazil!

margo_oz Jul 21st, 2008 06:38 PM


No interest in America at all.

Wouldn't mind spending some time in the south of France, though!

schnauzer Jul 21st, 2008 06:44 PM

Like many of the previous posts I have a dual passport and whilst I love to visit Europe and would happily (I think) spend a few months there (France) I would always want to come back to Australia. It is not called the Lucky Country for nothing!!

I have lived in the UK and the West Indies for many years but for the past 30 have lived here in Aus and really wouldn't have it any other way.
Schnauzer from Sydney

Bokhara2 Jul 21st, 2008 07:04 PM

Interesting question, Casey.

My response would have to be "Either and Neither".

I don't want to LIVE for any length of time anywhere other than Australia. I would, however, be very happy to spend a year or two in many places - the US and just about any of the European countries included.

I think it would be fantastic to live in New York just long enough to really experience it and not long enough for the romance of the newcomer to wear off!

There was an interesting discussion on ABC (Australian) radio recently about Australians being amongst the world's greatest travellers and workers abroad; yet very few stay away permanently.

As for changing nationality; it is something I can't imagine doing in my wildest dreams. I have enormous compasion for those whose life circumstances force them to abandon their country of birth and gratitude for those who choose to be Australian. For me, it's such a visceral thing that I think it must be an unimaginable wrench for anyone to give up their citizenship of birth to embrace another. It's not that I think being Australian is necessarily better than being anything else - it's just that, at the core of my being, that's what I am.

Long - winded answer, I know .... but "Either and Neither" :)

adeben Jul 21st, 2008 07:11 PM

If I had a choice, I would live in a seaside town near the Great Ocean Road in the State of Victoria in the south of Australia.....and I do!

Peteralan Jul 21st, 2008 08:59 PM

Wouldn't want to actually live elsewhere really. To me Sydney has most things I like and travel can get me those things we lack here. However I do harbour an unrealistic dream of living 6 months here and 6 in New York!

Saltuarius Jul 21st, 2008 10:49 PM

Taking your question to mean I had to live elsewhere and had a choice of somewhere in the USA or somewhere in Europe, I think that if I had employment with insurance then the USA.

Libretto Jul 22nd, 2008 01:38 AM

I don't want to live anywhere else other than Australia, although I could live - briefly - in Paris, one of the world's most beautiful cities in a country with a rich culture, and the social support systems which make for a civilised society.

America most definately not, despite many visits to my son (soon to return home, but currently living in the States with his American fiance) it's a country I 'm always so, so glad to leave.......

lanejohann Jul 22nd, 2008 02:30 AM

i would love to go and live in america for a while

done the coast to death and would love to move to an english speaking country and explore it for the next five years
but retire in australia

speckles Jul 22nd, 2008 06:59 AM

I've always had an interest in living in the UK or central western Europe, but not sure if I could cope with the cold winter weather. I like the history and closeness of other coutries for travelling purposes.

As for America, I'll be there in less than 2 weeks, but can't imagine I would want to live there. The convenience and availability of products and services is probably a drawcard, but there are a lot of other things which are offputting.

I like Australia. I think most Australians do. We seem to like to travel and explore, but then return to our island at the bottom of the globe.

"I've been to cities that never close down.
Like New York and Rio and Old London Town.
But no matter how far, or how wide I roam.
I still call Australia home."
- Peter Allen

Why would anyone want to permanently leave the best country in the world?

afterall Jul 23rd, 2008 02:45 AM

14 replies and only one shows any interest in living in the US.

Looking forward to Casey's return.
Do come back and tell me why you asked the question. And have the replies disappointed you?

Bokhara2 Jul 23rd, 2008 04:06 AM

afterall, if you check out Casey's other posts, I think you may see a certain theme .....

Neil_Oz Jul 23rd, 2008 01:46 PM

I'd be more than happy to live in the US for a while, but not permanently. But then, I wouldn't want to permanently live anywhere else either. My picks for cities/areas in the US would be NY/New England (espcially NYC and Boston), the Bay Area, Northern California generally, Portland OR.

That said, I'm sure there'd be other areas I'd find congenial - not the South (although I knew an Australian couple who lived in Austin, Texas and loved it) because I think the God-bothering would get me down. Likewise I'd have trouble living ina a predominantly Republican-voting area.

cathies Jul 23rd, 2008 02:36 PM

I think six months of the year in my beloved Sydney (born and bred) and six months in Paris sounds perfect! Guess I'm definitely a city girl.

No interest in living in the US, my feeling is that Australia already follows the US trends too often and it may just be a little too similar to home. I love the history, food, attitudes of Europe and would prefer to experience more of that way of life.

What a good question though!

casey_reed84 Jul 24th, 2008 12:19 AM

Actually all your posts are making me want to move to Australia! I think it's great nobody wants to move. Besides, I'm not disappointed. I'd like to live in Europe for awhile believe it or not. Even though I don't think they'd want me there. :) I'm a little to conservative for most European countries. But I love all your praise your giving your country. I love my country too, even though it's getting increasingly more difficult.

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