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stonest May 19th, 2010 10:21 AM

Sydney for a week?
My husband and I are considering a week long trip to Sydney with day trips to Blue Mountain and Hunter Valley. This is pretty much a last minute decision, as we're looking to go June 14-23, but we're a little afraid to pull the trigger as it's a 20 hour flight and Sydney has never really been on our "travel radar" before now. We've done the research and it looks like there is plenty there to keep us busy and interested, but.. before I book it, I wanted to ask: is this a good idea?! Our low budget means we can't really leave Sydney, so please know that we can't travel all around Australia. I'm just trying to figure out if we should really fly all that just to go to a big city. Any advice/suggestions for other trips (if this isn't the best idea) would be greatly appreciated!

elnap29 May 19th, 2010 10:57 AM

Go for it! I was there Aug/Sept 2009 to visit family in Queensland. We only spent 4 days in Sydney on the way home and it wasn't nearly enough! Loved, loved, LOVED Sydney! There really is a lot to do in the city and in nearby areas.
Have a great trip! (By the way, it will be winter there, but that won't interfere. In August it was 70 degrees. June will be cooler but no worse than visiting San Francisco in the summer).

stonest May 19th, 2010 11:01 AM

So happy to hear you say that! And funny too, San Francisco is the other place we're considering - but I'm fairly certain we won't have the time to fly to Australia again for years and years while San Fran is only a four hour flight. Thanks for the recommendation!

Bgale May 19th, 2010 02:21 PM

I say "go for it." I think the only regret you would have is needing more time to see/do everything Sydney has to offer. The US $ is a little stronger than the Aussie $ so that will help some with the budget. Enjoy!

wlzmatilida May 19th, 2010 06:02 PM

Hi Stonest,

You don't say where you're flying from, BUT...20 hours? While I absolutely love Sydney and could find tons of things to do staying there a week, If ALL you have is a week, that really means FIVE days when you count in the travel time. I absolutely would not travel there for 5 days, it's just too much travel time compared to seeing anything.

Sydney and San Francisco have much in common, but the travel time for you is a huge consideration -- with your time constraints, I'd choose SF and leave Australia for another trip when you can see more of the country. I'm in the Bay Area and would be happy to help you with planning a trip here!

Hope this is helpful!


Certified Aussie Specialist

stonest May 19th, 2010 06:46 PM

Bgale, thanks! We've definitely thought about the US dollar being slightly stronger - huge perk considering we spent two months in Europe last year where the Euro was not as friendly!

Wlzmatilida - We actually have 10 days, so we're taking into consideration the travel time. We figure we have seven good days to spend in Sydney/day trips from there. Does that change your opinion? San Francisco is definitely on our radar - as is wine country - and of course spending a little less would certainly be nice. I will definitely be in touch if we decide to do California instead!

aussie_10 May 19th, 2010 08:42 PM


Sydney in June is not cold. It is May now and days are 21C.

There are lots of things to do in Sydney and easy day trips by rail or bus.

Sydney Harbour is beautiful. You can get a day pass which will include unlimited rail, bus and ferry travel for under $20Aus.
We have a great zoo based right on the harbour, easy ferry trip.
A trip to Bondi and surrounds is always popular.
Darling Harbour, Sydney Aquarium, Sydney Harbour Bridge climb is a memorable experience. The list is endless.
A day trip to the Blue Mountains is also very popular.

Lots of good eating experiences also

If you have any specific enquiries, don't hesitate to ask.

lavandula May 19th, 2010 09:00 PM

Is your concern the travel time given the short amount of time you will spend in Sydney? I live in Sydney and I don't know if I would travel to Europe (24 - 26 hrs in the air) for just a week unless I had a few days afterwards to recover. I did the trip in reverse once (living in Brussels, came back to Sydney for a family wedding and spent less than a week here, then returned). I had bad jet lag that time - felt dizzy for a day when I got back to Brussels and had to be back at work immediately. I think it was because there was such a short adjustment period. However, I don't want to put you off coming here. Coming from the US, you might not get the jet lag, at least not like I did. And the length of time in the air is not at all something that would put me off, you just get used to the fact that Australia is a long way from everywhere when you live here. Sydney is a great destination, a world city, but with a lot of green. You would get some idea of the bush by taking a day trip to the Mountains or an idea of rural areas with a trip down the South Coast or into the Hunter, as you suggest.
It's also our winter when you have decided to come. Don't be put off by that either, Sydney winter isn't much compared to most of the US. You will be fine with warm jackets / coats and maybe an umbrella. It doesn't usually get much colder than 15 degrees, absolute min. 12 degrees during the day. There is still a lot of green around, plenty of sunlight, and missing the heat is a benefit as far as I'm concerned.
Whatever you decide, I hope you have a happy holiday.


wlzmatilida May 20th, 2010 05:24 AM

Hi Stonest!

Well, having 10 days vs. 7 days certainly helps, but it doesn't change my opinion much :) But then again, that's just MY opinion. I typically split my travel time between Australia, New Zealand or Europe and take 3 weeks; if I'm travelling all that way I like to see as much as I can. So, for me, would I do it? No. But that's me. You may have a completely different travel style and this works for you.

Let us know what you decide!

Certified Aussie Specialist

longhorn55 May 20th, 2010 10:52 AM

Actually, the U.S. dollar is weaker against the Australian dollar than it has been in the past. A year ago, U.S. dollar would buy 1.33 Australian dollars. Now, one U.S. dollar will only buy about 1.12 Australian dollars.

stonest May 20th, 2010 03:47 PM

Well, the decision has been made. The prices for Sydney went up last night (as did my anxiety about 40 hours in a plane for a week) and we decided to go with San Francisco and Sonoma/Napa. In fact, my husband booked it today - we were tired of talking about it and we knew we'd be happy whereever we ended up. Soooooooo, San Fran and wine country June 14 - 22!

Melodie, I'd love any and all recommendations! We like most wines, so "must do" wineries would be helpful as would things to do in San Francisco that aren't the super-touristy things to do (those we will be able to do using a travel guide). We like walking and are hoping to do several good walking tours and we like to take pictures, so any "secret" spots you know of would be amazing.

amelie May 20th, 2010 04:27 PM

I think you should save up for the future and go to Australia one day, and go for longer and go see more than just Sydney. It will be worth it!
Have fun in San Fran.

elnap29 May 20th, 2010 05:39 PM

I live in Napa Valley, so feel free to start another post for tips. People on this forum can get mighty opinionated, but those of us who live here can advise you if you tell us more about things you like to do.

We are only about an hour from San Francisco. My husband and I LOVE taking the stairway walks in SF that are listed in Adah Bakalinsky's book, 'Stairway Walks in San Francisco.' The walks are great fun, historical, and give you a unique perspective of The City. It's available from

And do try to go to Sydney someday. It's a wonderful city with friendly people.

margo_oz May 21st, 2010 04:27 PM


How sad! :(

I suppose you could enjoy yourself in San Francisco - but there's not that many Aussies there, and we are something special! :)

elnap - opinionated!? pbbbffftttthhh!!

Neil_Oz May 21st, 2010 07:00 PM

I can vouch for the fact that the natives of the Bay Area are friendly. And Melodie will certainly see you right.

bobrichards May 22nd, 2010 08:45 AM

We think you have made the right decision. A week in the SF area in June will be ideal but we think you need to allow at least 2-3 weeks for Australia.
If you are hiring a car Monteray and Carmel are worth a visit.

stonest May 22nd, 2010 05:07 PM

Thanks, all! I will be perusing the forums for additional info on San Francisco and Napa, but I appreciate the tidbits here and there from this one!

Maybe we'll be able to give more time to Australia in a few years!

mztery May 22nd, 2010 06:06 PM

OK hits is weird.
I came to the forum today to post "is it worth going to Sydney for a week" - as there is a fare sale on UA for August. It's mean 14 hrs ion coach ...but it seems like the week would be well spent with activities. S o if we decide to go I'll be back....

mztery May 22nd, 2010 06:06 PM

THIS is weird that is

bobbuuck May 26th, 2010 09:04 AM

We are from the US and have traveled to Sydney twice and to San Francisco 6 or 7 times. They are our two favorite cities in the world to visit. It is certainly an easier trip to San Francisco, but be sure and get to Sydney at least once in your life and book a hotel on the harbor with a view of the Opera House if you can possibly afford it. We did the brige hike when we were there last time and loved it along with a lot of good pictures and bragging rights when we got back home.

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