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ElendilPickle Apr 28th, 2006 05:36 PM

Sounds like you all had a lovely time! I waved toward Santa Fe, but couldn't say anything because my home computer won't let me post here. Fodor's seems to think my computer won't accept its cookie.

Lee Ann

Neil_Oz Apr 28th, 2006 06:18 PM

Lee Ann, maybe your privacy settings are too high? In Internet Explorer go to Tools, Internet Options, then click on the Privacy tab. (Apologies if I'm stating the bleeding obvious.)

LoveItaly Apr 29th, 2006 01:37 PM

LeeAnn, I am not sure I would even understand computers if I read "Computers for Dummies" don't want to know how dense I am regarding computers. My saving grace is my son-in-law and my two grandsons.

But in any case, I just read what Neil advised you. Out of curiosity I went to Tools etc. Here is what I found on my Privacy. It is set for Medium. So do follow through on the easy instructions that our Neil gave you and if the Privacy is not set for Medium do change it to that. Other than that..don't ask me, LOL. Best wishes.

kodi Apr 29th, 2006 05:23 PM

Cost Plus? World Market? Where are these stores located? Are they chains? The thought of actually being able to get Tim Tams has me all excited!
But I'm in Canada, but could always cross the border to do a Tim Tam run.

I hope you Ozzies have a great time in USA and Canada.. enjoy..

Neil_Oz Apr 29th, 2006 05:41 PM

LoveItaly, thanks for supplementing my post, I should have made the same point - yes, mine is set to "Medium" too.

kodi, thanks for the thought. I must admit that I'm not myself a big Tim Tams fan (I'm more a chocolate mint slice sort of person), so I've never quite understood their popularity with North Americans. You'd think that in a market that size someone somewhere would be making an equivalent - how hard would that be?

kodi Apr 30th, 2006 04:12 AM

Neil, now you've mentioned Mint Slices and that's got me going too! We loved them too, as well as the Orange Slices. And did they come in Lemon? Not sure now.

Anyway besides the fact that the Slices and the Tim Tam's are delicious, I think it's the old story of wanting what we can't have.

As for making them here, they woulnd't be the same.
I've done 'taste tests' with Kit Kat bars made in USA, Canada, Britain and NZ. They don't taste the same. I've heard it's the cows.

SO please try to bring a suitcase full of Tim Tam's and Slices. YOU could sell them and pay for your trip!!!!

lizF Apr 30th, 2006 04:31 AM

Kodi & Neil, it is true that oils aint oils. If you go to the USA and buy a Cadbury Chocolate anything it does not taste anything like the Cadbury Chocolate that you get in Australia which I think is made in Tassie, ditto the UK. So it would be a bit like expecting Swiss cheese to taste the same if it were made in Australia. Must say I prefer our Cadbury chocolates to anywhere else.

mlgb May 8th, 2006 09:53 PM

I have also scored a package of TimTams cleverly disguised as Arnott's Original Chocolate Biscuits at Cost Plus World Markets.!

They are a chain that started in San Francisco and are now in most of the US, but not the Northeast or New England. Check

This week's flyer has a 40% off coupon that brings the net cost to $2.10 per package.

Just in time for my BDAY!

ElendilPickle May 9th, 2006 06:36 PM

New Mexico Computer Weirdness Update: I can post here again, but only by signing on to Mr. Pickle's desktop screen and getting online from there. I still can't post from my own desktop.

As long as something works, I won't complain! :-)

Lee Ann

kodi May 10th, 2006 03:10 AM

Welcome back Lee Ann. Sorry you are having a problem.

SOme things are just not fair... like I don't have a Worldmarket anywhere near me! Not even a day's drive! So still no Tim Tam's for me.

Neil_Oz May 10th, 2006 03:45 AM

Lee Ann, so you tried winding back your security setting a la LoveItaly's advice without success? And you're nowhere near Roswell? And you haven't heard any funny clicks on the phone line suggesting a federal wiretap? I give up.

ElendilPickle May 10th, 2006 01:37 PM

>>Lee Ann, so you tried winding back your security setting a la LoveItaly's advice without success?<<

Yes, Neil; I'd tried that already and also set both my browsers to specifically allow Fodor's cookies. I still can't get on from my desktop screen.

>>And you're nowhere near Roswell?<<

:-D No, I'm closer to AndrewDavid's old stomping grounds.

>>And you haven't heard any funny clicks on the phone line suggesting a federal wiretap?<<

As a fairly conservative Republican, I think I'm pretty low on the threat radar... ;-)

I'm sorry you aren't coming back to New Mexico on this trip, but what you have planned sounds great!

Lee Ann

AndrewDavid May 10th, 2006 06:36 PM

Gentle readers:

johnj greatly understates the level of hospitality we received from him when we were in Sydney: 6:30Am airport pick up ( he was unnecessarily concerned we'd end up in Woop Woop) followed by early morning tour and breakfast. Additional tour to Palm Beach and the unique island family estate complete w/ transport by tinny. Transport to and half day tour of Blue Mountains. Needless to say there would have been even more hospitality extended our way if we hadn't filled our dance card w/ rendzvous with Alan and Margo

I'm only sorry I couldn't have spent more time w/ John and spouse in Santa Fe.


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