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Maggi Dec 6th, 2013 08:33 PM

Need Packing Advice for Sydney and New Zealand in January
Hi guys, I'm starting to organize my wardrobe for 5 days in Sydney and 10 day cruise to Auckland on Regent Voyager in January. I think it will be very hot in Sydney, but will need specific clothing for the ship and for outings in NZ. I don't want to overpack. It's all new to me and I would appreciate any advice you can give me.

michelhuebeli Dec 6th, 2013 09:46 PM

What do you mean by "specific clothing for the ship?"
Something warm enough to guard against the brutal air conditioning, sure, especially when you come in from the open decks, but other than that these days, "neat casual" should do it, no different than what you'd wear in a city like Auckland or Christchurch.

Go as light as possible and when you find you need something, an extra shirt or whatever, buy it there, it will become a souvenir reminding you of the trip every time you see it in your closet

Bokhara2 Dec 7th, 2013 01:02 AM

Doesn't the ship have an Agenda of events & suggested clothing?

cathies Dec 7th, 2013 02:15 AM

You are correct that Sydney is usually hot in January, however after a few days of scorching weather we generally get a cold change that can last for 24 hours or so. You will need a reasonable weight jumper or fleece or jacket if that happens.

RoamsAround Dec 7th, 2013 09:56 AM

See my reply to this same question you posted on the "Cruise" form.

lavandula Dec 8th, 2013 05:44 PM

Agree with cathies - even if you pack most of your wardrobe for hot weather, you would be best off bringing a light cardigan or windcheater along, if for no other reason than the vicious air conditioning.

Sometimes we have a cold, overcast Christmas and that weather can last into January. It's been sort of odd weather lately in Sydney - it's supposed to be a bit warmer (high 20s to low 30s) but today I am wearing jeans, light cotton knit and a light denim jacket and I'm comfortable. It's also overcast where I live. January and February you often get hot, hot weather (30s to low 40s) but I don't know if we'll make it there till after the silly season.


lavandula Dec 9th, 2013 01:41 PM

Gahhhh - take it all back! It's just after 9 am and it's HOTTTT! Exactly what you'd expect for mid-December! But actually, I'd still stick with a light cardi, and pack most of your wardrobe with clothes suitable for 30+ degrees. Maybe throw a pair of capris in. :)


Maggi Dec 9th, 2013 03:23 PM

Thanks! Since we've never been to that part of the world and where I live it is currently 12 degrees Fahrenheit, it's hard for me to judge how much to pack. I thought it might be colder in the south of New Zealand and hot in Sydney. We will be taking excursions into the Blue Mountains for instance, which I believe will be colder for sure. I appreciate it very much.

cathies Dec 9th, 2013 03:28 PM

Maggie, sorry to burst your bubble but in the peak of summer, the Blue Mountains can also be hot, hotter than Sydney proper. I hate the mountains in summer, to me they are somewhere to go midwinter when it's cold. But, that's just me.

Maggi Dec 9th, 2013 07:12 PM

Haha, Cathies, I actually welcome the hot/warm weather. I hate cold, snow and winter where we live and count the days til spring. Although I'm surprised because in Europe there can be snow on the mountaintops in dead of summer.

cathies Dec 9th, 2013 07:18 PM

You'll love our weather then. What dates are you in Sydney? We have other mountains that occasionally get snow in the summer but it's pretty rare. We were in Tasmania last October and there was still snow on the mountains there then. It was very beautiful.

Maggi Dec 9th, 2013 07:36 PM

We will be in Sydney five days, starting January 2nd. Then we board a cruise for 10 nights that will take us to New Zealand, ending in Auckland.

cathies Dec 9th, 2013 08:27 PM

That sounds lovely! I hope you enjoy my hometown, Sydney is gorgeous in the summer. I have a subscription to the Australian Ballet and every time we leave a performance and head to our favourite post ballet cafe, we do give ourselves a pat on the back for being so clever to live in such a lovely city. Make sure you go for a stroll around the opera house after dark. Unfortunately there is lots of renovation going on there at the moment and it's not looking its' absolute best, but still lovely with the Harbour Bridge looking spectacular too.

Maggi Dec 9th, 2013 08:49 PM

I look forward to it!!! I'm actually thinking of attending LaBoheme at the opera house. I think the ballet is performing the night before. I'm also thinking of doing the bridge climb, but I'm not sure I'm physically up to it. Have you done it?

cathies Dec 9th, 2013 08:59 PM

I haven't done the bridge climb, but my husband has and his fitness was pretty ordinary at the time. If opra Winfrey can do it then I'm sure you can. ;) la Boheme would be a great choice.

Maggi Dec 9th, 2013 09:11 PM

Haha, thanks for the vote of confidence :-)

michelhuebeli Dec 9th, 2013 09:50 PM

If the bridge climb turns out to be a bit much, at least go up on the pylon that's open to the public, with a 360 degree lookout. There are some stairs involved, but it's nothing like the involved and expensive climb over the top - you do it at your own pace, so what's the rush? Look at‎ - it's gorgeous up there, and only costs a few bucks.

Maggi Dec 10th, 2013 05:15 AM

What a great idea! I will definitely look into that. I didn't know about it. And the good thing is, I will be able to take my own photos, whereas on the bridge climb you are not able to bring your camera. Awesome, thanks so much.

cathies Dec 14th, 2013 10:52 AM

Maggi, another other thing to consider is to get a taxi from your hotel to kirribilli, which is on the northern side of the harbour, and using the pedestrian access, walk across the bridge back to your hotel. The pedestrian path is on the east side of the bridge and provides wonderful views of the harbour, opera house etc.

Maggi Dec 14th, 2013 09:42 PM

I appreciate the advice, cathies and have put that suggestion on my list of things to do.Can't wait to start capturing those photos!

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