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Toucan2 Oct 1st, 2013 05:34 PM

How big is a Mitsubishi Pajero?
That may sound stupid but we don't have them here. My travel agent has secured one for me but I am kind of worried it is too big. I want high clearance but don't need a huge car. Last time were there it was a huge diesel that made me nervous driving north of the Daintree river. I don't remember what make it was then.

I am looking it up online but I am not much of a car person so for me it's like reading Greek.

At home I drive a small SUV hybrid. A ford escape. That's about the size I want. Seats four.

Any words of wisdom from my Australian friends?

Melnq8 Oct 1st, 2013 06:44 PM

They're not huge, but I personally would have trouble wrangling one around Perth because the streets are so narrow here. Probably not a problem out in the sticks.

Looks similar in size to a Ford Escape to me, but I'm no car expert either.

stormbird Oct 1st, 2013 06:47 PM

I think the Ford Escape still has a 'car' feel whereas the Pajero will feel a little bit chunkier and more 4WD ish if you know what I mean. I would class it as the smaller of the 4WDs though and not as big as say a Toyota LandCruiser. I think you'll be fine and you probably wouldn't want any less.

Toucan2 Oct 1st, 2013 06:49 PM

Great. Thanks so much! Stormbird where are you? We will be around Brisbane, cairns, and Sydney. I am hoping to meet the Sydney contingent while there

I know I won't get to meet Mel :-(

stormbird Oct 1st, 2013 07:12 PM

Toucan2 Brisbane/Gold Coast - when are you going to be here?

Toucan2 Oct 1st, 2013 07:30 PM

We arrive December 8 and will head straight to Aaronlee Retreat near mt tambourine for 3 nights. We will head further west for several days then will be back In Brisbane for one night dec 16 before flying to Cairns.

Geordie Oct 1st, 2013 07:40 PM

<<That may sound stupid but we don't have them here>>

You may have them where you live but they are likely called a Shogun, Pajero is slang in Spanish for "wanker" and as expected is not used where Spanish is widely used :)

stormbird Oct 1st, 2013 07:47 PM

<<You may have them where you live but they are likely called a Shogun, Pajero is slang in Spanish for "wanker" and as expected is not used where Spanish is widely used :)>>

That's just too funny!

Sounds like a plan Toucan2 - we can catch up for dinner if you're keen!

Any other Brisbane/Gold coast folk interested?

Toucan2 Oct 1st, 2013 07:50 PM

Oh my! The things you learn on Fodors!

Toucan2 Oct 2nd, 2013 04:27 PM

Dinner would be great storm bird. Are you thinking the 16th?

stormbird Oct 2nd, 2013 06:11 PM

Yes Toucan - where will you be staying - in the city?

Toucan2 Oct 2nd, 2013 06:35 PM

No we will be out at the airport as we have a really earl y flight the next day. Quality Hotel airport International.

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