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Clifton Sep 9th, 2010 04:12 AM

Well done on this virtual wake. I've only just discovered it, but had a bit of a moment with some wine this evening, in the midst of getting dinner on for everyone. A stirfry. Neil was an advocate to the world for Australia, with his daughters living abroad, he was almost as equally enthusiastic about his travels in Asia, so why not?

I'll sure miss reading his thoughts on anything he wished to share. A really fine person and a real loss.

sassy_cat Sep 9th, 2010 04:18 AM

Thanks for topping this, I'm heading out the door too.
I was a lurker on Neil's recent Aussie election thread where he made one tiny mention he was sick which I ignored because he seemed so on the ball as always.
It didn't matter if the Brits were rude, he'd respond wittily but never coarsely.

Neil, cheers!

Bokhara2 Sep 9th, 2010 05:06 AM

Robyn & their family also raised a glass with us at 6.

I was in town at a meeting that went longer than expected, and when I realized I wouldn't get home by 6, said I wanted to have a drink with a friend & invited the other 2 to join me.

Ordered a nice bottle of champagne & 4 glasses. Had the waiter pour the 4th and told them about Neil & Stormbird's idea of having a toast to him.

We talked about people who'd left their mark in our hearts, travels, food, the happenstance of unlikely friendships & how some can touch people and probably never know the impact they have.

As we emptied our glasses, we topped up with some from Neil's - so in the end we did what he'd expect ....drank our own and his, too!

Cheers Neil - I'm very glad our paths crossed.

Florida1 Sep 9th, 2010 10:39 AM

I will raise a glass to Neil tonight as well. I always enjoyed his posts and he will be greatly missed. I wish I had been able to meet him-he was such an interesting person!

stormbird Sep 9th, 2010 02:42 PM

Thanks to all for participating and in finishing - on behalf of the Fodors Family - to Robyn_Oz and all your family please accept our deepest sympathy and hope you can take comfort in the knowledge that Neil was so well respected and much loved!

ElendilPickle Sep 9th, 2010 02:51 PM

Thanks for starting the thread, stormbird. I raised a glass of NZ Sauvignon Blanc in Neil's honor.

Lee Ann

bookchick Sep 9th, 2010 04:05 PM

I'm sorry I didn't even think to come online for this cyber-wake, but I thank you Stormbird, for doing so. I toasted Neil with pink lemonade in what was the wee small hours of the morning (4-ish) here in Michigan in the USA. And just saying his name when I toasted him made me feel very warm and much better. So...our friend has begun his newest adventure. As my late da's Irish pals said at his wake, "May we meet again..but not too soon!".


AlanJG Sep 9th, 2010 07:13 PM

I missed the wake but not the drink. Had in the local park here in Yungaburra that had once been a railway yard.

Peter_S_Aus Sep 9th, 2010 07:28 PM

Seeing Neil in action was like being at the tennis. Always a decent first serve, pretty good at the net, lovely lob shot just inside the base line, a lightning fast second serve, and drop shots that had everyone guessing where they’d come from.

Occasionally having to have stern words with the linesmen, particularly Bushie, and having it back with the umpire, CW. Occasionally an overhead smash when he thought that the opposition deserved it.

A glass of red when they changed ends – Neil’s favourite sports drink.

He played left handed, I recollect, and was tickled pink when Australia elected a left government, and installed Julia as PM.

Lovely to watch in play – and keeping the ball in play seemed more important than winning the point.

Always thunderous applause from Robyn and the offspring, and much loved by the gallery.

The Open won’t feel the same without him ......

ivenotbeeneverywhere Sep 10th, 2010 03:02 AM

I have just got home from Malaysia and read the thread and am toasting Neil with a glass of pink sparkling. We corresponded a fair bit off-fodors and I will miss his repartee, AND there were occasions when I actually won the debate - not many - but some. Vale Neil.

cathies Oct 1st, 2010 03:04 AM

Oh my goodness, I'm sorry I'm so late!!! I did raise a glass to Neil when I read of his passing, but somehow missed his cyber wake. :(

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