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mcrogers Mar 1st, 2004 11:45 AM

My 21 year old son needs help. He is studying at Bond Univ. and finishes in late April, he has not yet been to New Zealand and wants very much to go there when he finishes final exams. Unfortunately, all his friends finish one week sooner, so he will be traveling alone. He is rugged and loves to fish, is interested in trout fishing and in general wants to maximize his experience in 4-5 days Where would be the best place for him to go in New Zealand, where to stay, where to fish, etc. Any suggestions, (Spoon feeding is always welcome)

lizF Mar 1st, 2004 12:30 PM

South Island Marilyn - unless you live in a cold hilly part of the USA, then I would suggest the North Island around the trout fishing lakes - I am sure that the NZers will tell you exactly were they are.

lizF Mar 1st, 2004 12:32 PM

PS Marilyn: you have not told us whether your son has enjoyed his time at Bond - especially when the poor boy has been here for the worst summer in 80 or so years!

mcrogers Mar 1st, 2004 01:02 PM

Liz, I just emailed you earlier to tell you what a terrific time he is having!! I can't begin to tell you how much he has enjoyed the Hinterland, coast, and he is just so hungry to see it all. We're heading to the GBR with him next week, then down to Broken Head. He absolutely loved Tabourine and the surrounds, the waterfalls, glow worms. He said he can't wait for us to see it all. He is a guy of few words but I can tell he is loving it. I do hope some of you New Zealanders will help him out with his travels there. I hate it that he has to go it alone.

johhj_au Mar 1st, 2004 01:29 PM

Hey Liz,
Doesn't Freedom air fly out of coolangatta to nz? (at good rates)

lizF Mar 1st, 2004 03:26 PM

Yes Freedom Air does fly from Coolangatta and the rates are usually fantastic. I am not sure though if he would be going to NZ as part of his ticket home to the US. However the website for Freedom Air is:

and the cost is about $200 for a one way ticket.

mcrogers Mar 3rd, 2004 07:40 AM

Liz, you asked what part of the US we lived...we live in the Carolinas, near the coast. We have a place in the Rocky Mountains, too, so Reed has fished for River trout and deep sea. Really, hope someone who is familiar with fishing in NZ picks up on this and lends a helping hand. Liz and Johnj, always to the rescue!

lizF Mar 3rd, 2004 11:36 AM

ah! ha! Now that I know where you are then I suggest that the South Island is the best place for him to go and possibly he could fly into Christchurch and go from there to just about anywhere in the South Island. There are piles of information folders at the airport in Christchurch itself and while I have been there a number of times I have not been trout fishing so I am unfamiliar with the best streams, although there must be 100s within a short distance of CC. The scenery in the South Island is the best and I am sure that if he does a bit of net surfing he can find a million things to do.

mcrogers Mar 3rd, 2004 02:02 PM

Thanks Liz, just as soon as I get to him I am going to get him going on this Fodors where he can do his own net surfing. I know he will learn a lot and find his way. South Island sounds grand.

mcrogers Mar 4th, 2004 03:59 PM


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