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Diamantina Dec 5th, 2012 01:28 AM

Te Puia is a sort of large indoor-outdoor complex that comprises the geothermal valley (geyser, mud pool), Maori carving school, Maori weaving school, so on. So you get to see it all for the price of admission. I didn't go there at night or see a performance there.

I went to a Hangi with Maori performance outside of Rotorua. I didn't care for it, the performers were not seriously involved. I liked the Auckland Museum performance far more (though it used to be free). This was more than 16 years ago. (I have returned to Rotorua since then).

There are some tremendously talented Maori artists in Rotorua, wood carvers, weavers, jade/pounamu carvers. It is a center for Maori culture, but it is also touristy, lots of souvenir shops, bus tours passing through. If you know what to expect, you won't be disappointed or surprised. The geothermal activity is very interesting, another reminder of NZ's volcanic nature, but the gas emmisions can be noxious and smelly. I might have mentioned the last time we were there, we stayed outside of Rotorua to distance ourselves from the rampant tourism and hydrogen sulfide fumes. The area around Rotorua is lovely, a lot of lakes

Diamantina Dec 5th, 2012 01:55 AM

Sorry. I did not answer your question about the Auckland War Memorial Museum. Yes, it is the same place, housed in a neoclassical building high on the Auckland Domain. There is parking there, but the traffic in Auckland is busy. As you will be in Auckland at the end of your trip, you might want to ditch the rental car when you get there, particularly if you have no plans to drive out of town. There is a tourist hop on hop off bus, but it is expensive. The regular bus is cheaper, but you will have to walk a bit to the museum (not far). There are detailed instructions on the Auckland Museum website ("Getting Here").
You'll enjoy the architectural contrast between the Auckland Museum and Te Papa!

ElendilPickle Dec 5th, 2012 01:52 PM

>>Te Puia is a sort of large indoor-outdoor complex that comprises the geothermal valley (geyser, mud pool), Maori carving school, Maori weaving school, so on. So you get to see it all for the price of admission. I didn't go there at night or see a performance there. <<

We went there in 2004 for their evening performance and hangi, and had a good time. They explain everything clearly and everyone seemed to be enthusiastic and involved in the welcome ceremony, performance, etc.

Lee Ann

ElendilPickle Dec 5th, 2012 01:55 PM

I was just looking at Te Puia's website, and it looks like they've added a tour of the geothermal area to the evening. When we were there, they lit up the big geyser after dinner, but we didn't get to see anything else.

Lee Ann

Diamantina Dec 5th, 2012 03:14 PM

mlgb, when I read your additional comments about the scary drop-offs on the Hump Ridge Track, it reminded me of an article that came out about a week earlier. Like your comments about the Hump Ridge Track, this news underscores the potential dangers of the NZ wilderness, and the need to be extra-cautious and respectful of its changing nature. To think this climber was experienced and prepared for such conditions!

krishnan Dec 11th, 2012 04:19 PM

A belated thank you to all for your suggestions on supermarkets and food, Rotorua, Auckland. You fodorites are the best! And will make sure to get a "chilly bin"!

Diamantina, I just received the Te Maori catalog: great photos, and essays that provide a lot of insight into Maori culture, as well as the issues involved in becoming part of mainstream NZ culture (at least as of the mid-80s). Will make our trips to the museums a lot more meaningful - thanks again for the rec.

Diamantina Dec 12th, 2012 01:53 AM

I am glad you like it. It's an "oldie" but "goodie" --a classic. My copy of Te Maori is in storage in California along with a couple of dozen books about Maori art & culture.

I hope you have a great time in New Zealand.

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