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khunwilko Jan 18th, 2015 01:24 AM

Various species of fruitbats all over the world...they are quite intelligent and I'm sure that the environment and encounters with humans will affect their behaviour. In some countries they are pests or others protected. We have huge numbers roosting in Brisbane and almost darken the sdky when they fly out each night. I have seldom known them put yo flight whilst roosting or avoid photographers.
Cautionary note - these bats can carry a rabies-like if by some chance you are bitten, seek medical help immediately.

cokesmith Jan 18th, 2015 03:48 PM

YEs - that is true. Even though the ones in the Daintree area were a bit more nervous than other areas, I was still able to get loads of great pictures and nothing like a mass exodus occurred...But I would love to see the dusk flight in Brisbane. I've seen this sort of thing in Komodo and Sri Lanka (large fruit bats) and it is a sight to behold...

khunwilko Feb 10th, 2015 03:35 PM

Just stay around Sangate i North Brisbane fr a couple of days...and WHOOSH!

khunwilko Feb 10th, 2015 03:40 PM

BTW - do you realise that Huai Kha Keang is under threat?
the proposals to build the Mae Wong Dam on the edge of that forest is likely to interfere with Tiger habitat etc.
Conservationists have argued against the project since the 1980s but it keeps getting resurrected....and for different reasons - one minute it's flood control then it's irrigation, but quite apart from anything the dm isn't like to have any significant benefits apart from making some "officials" vey rich.

khunwilko Feb 10th, 2015 05:59 PM fact Lertviroj Kowattana of the the Royal Irrigation Department (RID) TODAY has announced that they want to continue with plans to build the dam......this is potentially a disaster for the Huai Kha Khaeng sanctuary.

cokesmith Feb 16th, 2015 06:16 PM

Oh yes - I know this. Horrible plans to say the least. To take a UNESCO World Heritage site and turn it in to a boondoggle like this is criminal. And this is only one of many megaprojects that are getting "green lights" with EIA's being waved.... Truly a tragic turn in history here in Thailand.

khunwilko Feb 22nd, 2015 02:48 AM

Have you read Alan Rabinowitz's book "Chasing the Dragon's Tail"? It covers the early days of Huai Kha Khaeng. There is an interesting lack of information about this guy at the ranger centre at Huai kha khaeng...i think he got the wrong side of the politicians there.

cokesmith Feb 23rd, 2015 04:02 AM

Yes, Alan is a good buddy of ours and we've talked about what you mention quite a few times. He is not least not on the surface anyway. I think it is part of the Asian way - foreigners never get the credit whenever there is a worthy local person around....Seub got it all for sure...Not that he doesn't deserve all of the adulation he has received, but to ignore Alan's contribution is a bit odd for sure.... Last time he was in town, we had lunch and he was on the way to talk to some bigwigs so I thing he still might have a few bridges left....Although the discussion was about the damn and that seems like it might go ahead after all...

khunwilko Feb 23rd, 2015 05:24 PM

How's his health?

cokesmith Feb 24th, 2015 07:02 PM

As of last winter or so, it was really good. He looked great! Things seem to be in remission - has been for some time actually. But he did mentioned that he suspected it was only a matter of time until that changed....I guess the same could be said for all of us...

khunwilko Feb 25th, 2015 05:58 AM

i watched to program on Bhutan and his plans regarding Tiger conservation involving that region, (i have family who work for BBC Nature progs) and he seemed to be taking the sedentary roles. However I do hope the remission proved longterm and if you see him, please give him best wishes from a "fan" in Thailand.
I hope if he ever returns here, i'll get to see him speak or whatever....
he actually needs to be better known in Thailand has his approaches to conservation are pretty much ignored here, along with any other scientific approach to conservation.

I'd love to hear what he has to say about the Tiger Temple and their claims to being a conservationist establishment.

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