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bahiye Sep 28th, 2010 03:10 PM

where can i find replica handbags
i would like to know where it would be better to shop for replica handbags in singapore or in thailand

rhkkmk Sep 28th, 2010 03:41 PM

thailand you will find them all around the city.....some are better than others....the weekend market....pratinum market... the market off of silom road at noontime...

bahiye Sep 28th, 2010 04:59 PM

thanks for the feedback have you ever been in singapore can you find replica there or is it hard also where can i find jewerly .

LAleslie Sep 28th, 2010 05:04 PM

I hate to be a party pooper, but this is trademark theft and takes away legitimate jobs. Piracy in clothing brands and entertainment taKES money out of the people who create things and who legitimately should get the profits of their creativity. Please don't encourage it.

Kathie Sep 28th, 2010 05:25 PM

And why go halfway around the world to buy fake western goods? Buy beautiful and unique handbags by local designers.

LAleslie Sep 28th, 2010 05:32 PM

Exactly, Kathie.

Curt1591 Sep 28th, 2010 06:38 PM

Hate to be a party pooper, but much of the "design" is buyers heading over to places like SEA and finding the "next big thing". The "designers", themselves, dream up outrageous mind-fart runway clothing and sail America's Cup yachts, while all those at work scrape to eat.

That said, most of the copy crap concentrates more on copying and less on build. Why not just find something unknown and beat the "designer" to the next big thing? Besides, by the time you get that "hot" item home, the "designer" will probably tell you you're supposed to like something else!

Amy Sep 29th, 2010 01:46 AM

This may be an old thread, but the information is applicable to fakes anywhere:

merckxxx Sep 29th, 2010 11:01 AM

How silly. You all know that when it comes to purses, shoes and other fake merchandise, no amount of self-righteous windbaggery will deter women from the chase. I was sitting with a multi-million (as in more than $100 million) hotel owner one day when an assistant told her the location of where she bought some out-of-copyright LV (and other) goods on the weekend. The obsessively religious & always militantly moralizing hotelier could barely get out of the door fast enough to acquire some fake goods asap. Nothing comes between women and purses today - nothing.

LAleslie Sep 29th, 2010 01:45 PM

Hello. Self-righteous windbagger here. People can be educated. Even those of the female persuasion can occasionally have a rational, enlightened, purseless thought in our pretty little heads.

sf7307 Sep 29th, 2010 02:23 PM

So are any of these creative new handbag designers in Vietnam? Anyone in particular?

rhkkmk Sep 29th, 2010 02:31 PM

seems like these comments belong in the lounge....haha

the handbag market is big enough for all... i don't feel sorry for any of them....the real or the fake....THEY ARE ALL UGLY...

Kathie Sep 29th, 2010 03:06 PM

When I was in Hanoi, I was shopping at Craftlink and met a woman who owned a high-end boutique in Switzerland. She goes to Hanoi sevral times a year to buy some of the interesting and unusual hand-made handbags there.

There are local designer bags in Bangkok, and I'm sure ther aer some in VN as well. But do look at the amazing hand-crafted bags.

Curt1591 Sep 29th, 2010 03:35 PM

When it comes to marketing, often "education" is actually "delusion".

sf7307 Sep 29th, 2010 03:40 PM

Thanks Kathie -- I'll definitely be on the lookout.

khunwilko Sep 29th, 2010 06:27 PM

Fakes are fakes and as such theft of intellectual property.

What you think about this is open to debate.

Fakes in thailand fall into 2 categories - those that make whatever they like and stick a well-known logo on it.

the others are often released by the same people who manufacture the originals - (or used to before losing a contract) - they can be OK.

But with ALL copies or fakes the quality is usually crap.
check materials and stitching - without the supervision of the customer company short-cuts are the order of the day. If you have any appreciation of workmanship or quality at all you will be let down by what you see.

At best you might bring home something that your friends can have a laugh about when you show it them.

If you think you'll get a cheap "reproduction" of the original you will be disappointed.

as recommended, you might find it far more satisfying to support local design and manufacture by buying original local designs. Thailand - always fond of"face" has some great designers.

SiamKitty Sep 29th, 2010 07:56 PM

I've bought some amazing fakes in Thailand. Those of u who decry buying them are naive, pc imbeciles brainwashed by corporate industry that's been raping ppl financially for ages.

Loki Sep 29th, 2010 08:05 PM

Yet you so need a bag that says "LV" on it that you will go to Thailand and buy some piece of garbage with the logo on it instead of a quality bag without the logo on it. Now who is brainwashed by corporate industry???

Cicerone Sep 29th, 2010 08:18 PM

I would not look in Singapore for fake handbags, as Singapore actually tries to enforce trademark laws, and fake bags are not really evident there as they were in the late 1980’s when you could go to Change Alley downtown and see thousands of them. In Thailand you will see them everywhere.

I would agree with the above posters that spending time and money looking for fake bags is rather silly. In addition to being both illegal and a not inconsiderable contribution to the funding of activities of organized crime, there is so much more to see and do in Thailand and Singapore, that simply ending up with a bad quality (and probably overpriced) fake bag as a “souvenir” of a region which has such vibrant arts and crafts is rather a shame, IMO.

I must admit to amusement at merckxxx’s comments about women and the buying of fake merchandise. From what I see of the crowds of men poring over the fake Rolexes in the Temple Street night market here in Hong Kong, the <i>gender</i> of the silly buyer of fake merchandise is irrelevant. I also find it very amusing that merckxxx makes the assumptions that (i) multi-millionaires are not cheap, and (ii) religious people are never hypocritical when it comes to their private versus public behavior. What a lovely, rose-coloured world merckxxx must live in where those assumptions are true, and where the only people buying fake merchandise are women. For the rest of us in the real world, open a newspaper and see which pastor/priest is in trouble this week for nefarious activities…and who doesn’t know a cheap rich person?

I would finally note that the laws being infringed by the fake LV seller are trademark, not copyright. Copyright applies to artistic /literary creations like books (and websites). A copyright does not have to be registered with a governmental agency or have ownership actively asserted to maintain its effectiveness, as a trademark does. Most importantly, copyrights have a limited term, which is generally the lifetime of the creator plus 70 years. After that they become public domain and anyone can copy them.

Mango7 Sep 30th, 2010 09:12 AM

Loki- Nice try, but your logic fails you once again.

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