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jgg Feb 5th, 2008 09:19 AM

Where can I find beautiful ready to wear asian style dresses in BKK?
I am looking for something dressy for an Asian-themed event we will be going to in May. We will be in Thailand and Cambodia In March/April and was hoping to find something to wear to the event while there. I would rather not do the tailoring thing - unless you all convince me otherwise!!

We will be in BKK, Chiang Rai, Siem Reap. I assume best place to find this will be BKK, so looking for suggestions there.

Guenmai Feb 5th, 2008 09:48 AM

What's your price range? Happy Travels!

jgg Feb 5th, 2008 09:50 AM

Well, for dresses to this event in the past I have spent anywhere from $200-$400.

rhkkmk Feb 5th, 2008 09:57 AM

you could get the best thai gown for that price, fully customized..

what style do you want?? ball gown, cocktail dress, full asian dress, casual, smart casual???

a lot will depend on your size also...if you are very very tiny you might find something readi-made...if normal western size think custom....custom requires many fittings...

the designer stores in the upscale malls will be at least as costly as you would pay at savings there....

try cotton house in back of the oriental hotel.....try js thai silk in the river city shopping center...

know what you want before you go..

jgg Feb 5th, 2008 11:31 AM

Thanks Bob. Not really looking for a ball gown (although some women do wear them to this event), but I am more of a cocktail dress person. I am a size 4 so hoping I am somewhat in line with some Thai sizes.

Not necessarily looking for any bargains, just looking for something with an asian flair or design that I wouldn't find here in the states. Are the designer stores in the malls the same as I would find here in the states?

I have seen others mention the Cotton House, but the problem is I have no idea exactly what I want which is why I am hesitant to do the tailoring thing. I also really enjoy shopping and was hoping to find something in a store.

Guenmai Feb 5th, 2008 12:07 PM

I'd go straight to Shanghai Tang in Paragon Mall and put an outfit together or try Golden Triangle in Paragon Mall. I would bring my own basic pieces from maybe a basic black skirt or a black pair of basic pants and then get a fabulous blouse, top, jacket or shawl or something else that pops invest in ONE fabulous piece. There are lots of stores in Paragon...even the big Bazaar on the top level...north end of the mall a few floors above the Jim Thompson store... has different clothing vendors in it.
I would definitley buy the outfit ready-made and not have it custom made unless I had a VERY specific idea of what I wanted and had time to go to MANY fittings to get the fit just right.
Don't forget to try to buy something that you will get tax back from when you leave BK. My Shanghai Tang purchases got me 1,000 baht back which paid for the car service to the airport. Happy Travels!

glorialf Feb 5th, 2008 01:40 PM

I would go to Siam Paragon and also the Jim Thompson store.

jgg Feb 5th, 2008 01:59 PM

Thanks so much Guen. I found Shanghai Tang's website and that is exactly the kind of store I am looking for. Even found a great looking dress on there, although on the website it was in USD and very expensive. Will things be any cheaper in their store in Bangkok or about the same? Either way, Siam Paragon seems like the shopping center to concentrate on for this purchase.

Also, I hadn't heard mention of the tax back program in Thailand before. Can you give me some details? Is it similar to the one in EU countries??

rhkkmk Feb 5th, 2008 06:36 PM

the tax rebate program is similar to the VAT tax rebates in europe if you are familiar with them....but the shop you buy in has to be a participant....many are....they have a decal on the front door usually or simply ask...

you have to show the item to a customs man as you leave thailand and he stamps your special sales form and then you go to a kiosk and they refund the cash to you (in Baht), or you can also have a credit card credit....there is a small fee... you can group all your purchases for one day in one shop together for the refund...

size 4 will probably work in thailand....but sleeves and chest may not work for can only judge by trying it on...

Cicerone Feb 5th, 2008 07:02 PM

Prices at Shanghai Tang in Bangkok are going to be about the same as on the website, they don't vary much (at least not here in Hong Kong and I am going to assume that Bangkok is the same, David Tang is no fool). Their clothes are fairly expensive, but nice material.

However, you could get something copied from the website if you bring in the photograph to a tailor, IMO that would be cheaper than buying it from Shanghai Tang and you can pick your own material as well from among the great Thai silks or another material and in the colour that would best suit you. (Shanghai Tang tends to use the heavier Chinese silk). I know what you mean about having to make a decision with a tailor but if you have a picture an style you like it is easier, plus it will fit you much better than the off the rack.

I don't know if you have considered a cheongsam, which is Chinese and not Thai, but if you are a size 4 you may have the figure for it and that would be a nice cocktail dress. Even in just a black watered silk this could be quite pretty and in a bright colour and pattern very nice too. Shanghai Tang will make you one, but you could also quite easily have one made, or you should be able to buy one even quite inexpensively in the US, albeit it may be polyester and not silk if it is really not expensive. What you could then do is have it tailored a bit to fit you better.

Guenmai Feb 5th, 2008 07:15 PM for Shanghai Tang, there's usually a sale section with a good choice. I shopped there, last month, and got 40-50% off. Some items were definitly 50% off. I'll have to recheck my trip report where I wrote about it. I got some REALLY nice items.
The store used to be right inside of Emporium door to me... then last Aug/Sept when in BK, I noticed that it had left and moved to Paragon which is where I went in Dec/Jan. There is/was also one inside of the Four Seasons Hotel on Rajadamri Road.
The dresses are beautiful and the quality very high. They are investment pieces. I particularly love the Chinese, silk blouses and the signature velvet, Chinese jacket with the silk lining of which I own. Fergie presented Oprah one, on her show, over 10 years ago. That's when it got a lot of attention. I'm glad I was watching that show and I'm glad I made the investment when I did. Smiles.

We are supposed to be getting a Shanghai Tang in L.A. soon. It's been long in coming as they have been scouting out the perfect location. For years, I've bought mine in either Singapore...there are two stores....or Bangkok. I hear there's a store in N.Y. and I know there's one in Paris in the 6th and of course in Honolulu. I dragged poor Simpson 510 off to that store when we were there in Sept for the Honolulu GTG. We got matching elephant polo shirts....twins. Smiles.
Don't give up...just go in and look. You might get lucky as I did last month.
As for the tax couldn't be easier. Fill out the tax form in the store...passport needed...and then when you get to the airport in BK, go to the tax office....BEFORE you go through immigrations and give them the form(s). They are supposed to inspect the bought goods, but they didn't do it with me. Then go through immigrations and take the form to one of the tax refund counters. I just had them give me Thai baht since I'll use them when I return and then I don't have to worry about the dollar dropping further. There might be a Shanghai Tang store inside of the I take it back....that's Singapore...unless Bangkok airport has opened one. I can'r remember off of the top of my head. Happy Travels!

jgg Feb 5th, 2008 09:05 PM

Thanks Cicerone and Guen. This is all great food for thought!! I had considered a cheongsam to begin with, then decided a lot of others might have the same idea. Hubby and I are actually co-chairs of the event this year so I guess I'm looking for something others wouldn't have. You guys have been really helpful. Can't wait to get to BKK and do some shopping!!

rhkkmk Feb 6th, 2008 07:30 AM

given this latest info, you have to have something will indeed be unique then....don't forget the jewelry to go along with it!!

Guenmai Feb 6th, 2008 12:07 PM

Will be awaiting to hear what you've chosen to wear . It's really too bad you won't be in Singapore because you could pick up an Indonesian, silk batik sarong and a fabulous kebabya and I guarantee you, you would stand out in the crowd. Smiles. Happy Travels!

ekscrunchy Feb 6th, 2008 01:11 PM

We do have Shanghai Tang here in you should all come shopping here and then we can have a GTG with Thai food in Queens..

jgg Feb 6th, 2008 01:26 PM

"don't forget the jewelry to go along with it!!" Oh, yes - how could I forget - hubby will be so pleased you reminded me!!=)

simpsonc510 Feb 6th, 2008 01:38 PM

I'm in Bangkok right now as I write (it's not quite 6am... jet lag) and I can tell you for sure that there are big sales going on right now!! I hope, for your sake, that you find some good sales in March/April jgg.

I've been in Paragon, checking out the Teena Page handbags... gorgeous! Yikes! I might have to get one. When I go back to Paragon I'll check out Shanghai Tang to see if they have any good bargains. By the way, guenmai, I wear my polo shirt often!! (twins, smile) Thanks for steering me in that direction.

Good luck with your shopping, jgg. Bangkok is a shopping paradise!!!


Guenmai Feb 6th, 2008 05:19 PM

Carol...the new Shanghai Tang elephant polo shirts were out when I was there in Dec/Jan...and the handbags were on sale for half price and I got a fabulous one...very light brown, suede-type of fabric, with a huge metal, coin- looking ornament on it that says Shanghai Tang...very hip. You'll love their handbags. You'd better take a paperbag because you might start to hyperventilate. Happy Travels!

Guenmai Feb 6th, 2008 05:24 PM

By the way, Carol...the Teena Paige store in Paragon will custom-make you a bag. I had one custom made...just twist their arm a bit.Smiles. It took less than a week to have mine done. So, if you see a bag made of a fabric you like, but not the style you like and see another one of their bags that you like, but don't like the straw-colored/design of fabric it's in then just pick the style and straw fabric/design you like and have them whip you up one. Happy Travels!

Guenmai Feb 7th, 2008 07:08 PM


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