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MmePerdu Sep 27th, 2014 06:53 AM

Maybe "danger" these days is defined by lack of ATMs on every corner, inadequate wifi service and not being able to pay for one's coffee with a credit card. In which case Burma is indeed a scary place. But getting safer, I'm sure, as we speak.

Kathie Sep 27th, 2014 07:06 AM

You might be interested in reading Tony Wheeler's Bad Lands, wherein he writes about places that have been cast as "no go." He talks about how/why they get cast that way and the reality of the situation. This was written before Burma opened up, but what he has to say about Burma before it opened is still illuminating. Also, your husband may find the contrast with other "bad lands" useful. In any case, it's a fun book.

yestravel Sep 27th, 2014 08:16 AM

Actually I felt safer in Myanmar than just about any place I have traveled. Can't relate to the article at all.

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