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inquest May 4th, 2012 08:32 PM

The tigress I met at ranthambore
She was magnificent.Walked right past us.Though the footage is not good quality(shot with my Nikon D90 and fading light).Thought I'll share it with you:)

inquest May 4th, 2012 08:33 PM

Oops.The link

atravelynn May 4th, 2012 09:51 PM

Good job on the sighting.

Can you elaborate on your stay there?

Kathie May 5th, 2012 07:39 AM

Nice. I do hope you'll write a report on your trip for us!

one2travel2 May 5th, 2012 10:40 AM


I'm so envious! I went to Rathambore and missed seeing any tigers although I did enjoy seeing other game.

Thanks for sharing~

inquest May 7th, 2012 02:40 AM

Thanks.It was in fact a very short trip from Jaipur.All of 3 days,so this is more or less a short trip report.Had gone to Jaipur to meet up with some old friends.So it was a weekend free.Someone suggested Ranthambore and a river cruise on Chambal from Kota.

It was a 4 hr drive from Jaipur,setting off at about 8am,reached the Tiger Moon Resort at around 12noon.The cottages were ok,clean loos,comfy beds,good enough.This resort is about 2km fron the Sherpur Gate,the main entrance to the sanctuary.Its off the main road,a winding mud track through fields brings you to this place.In fact its adjoining the western boundary wall of the game park itself.We were told that leopards are occasionally seen at night.Its part of Indian Adventures,who have properties in other sanctuaries as well.
It was a 'well rewarded' one night stay(that it).A welcome drink,a hearty lunch(buffet laid out)assorted indian breads,curries,popodums(which I love) ambled towards the cottage.A hammock under a shady tree looked more inviting.Guess it was an hr or so later,a gentle nudge,opened my eyes to a beady eyed,mustachioed face with a pleasant smile..." your vehicle is ready saab" he said.I had askes for a Gypsy(a 4wd) which seats around 6.Unfortunately the did'nt have on so had to make do in a open top 'Canter'and reluctantly join a bunch on noisy kids on exchange program from Canada.No option.We started off at 3.30pm.The naturalist and guide from the resort came along.A little talk and an oblique reminder that the only noise the tiger is used to is the rattle of the Canter.Then there was quiet all the way....will continue

inquest May 7th, 2012 05:55 AM

Aah kathie,you have encouraged & inspired me in the past.will try not to disappoint.
While the formalities were on progress at the Sherpur gate,dozens of vehicle piled up vying with each other to get the ring-side view of nature has to offer.Hordes of birds descended from nowhere.These dive bombed us.Apparently,they were egging people to feed them titbits.These pesky little creatures were the Indian Tree Magpies.Brilliantly hued.Golden rust body,a black hood and a long tail.this is how they look.

Well it was 3 tigers we got to see on two different locations.Very lucky indeed.The vehicles a allocated different 'zones' & they have to stick to it.We were given 'zone 1'.There evening sun beating down on us,it was hot and humid.Vegetation was dry.Visibility good.As we passed a small stream,we stopped by.The naturalist indicated that it was here that 3 tigers,a large male and 2, 18 month old cubs frequented.Waited for about 15 mins.Deathly silence.Air was still not a leaf shook.Wiped the beads of sweat running down my face.Camera ready in anticipation.Nothing happened.We moved on and went about 500mtrs.Suddenly there was a alarm call of a sambar deer.The naturalist perked up ears picked it up.He ordered the canter to turn around.Sped back as fast as we could go.Right to the very spot we were.All eyes were on the direction of the Sambar's gaze.Heart pounding I could barely keep my camera still.An anxious 5 min wait,he broke cover.There he was,the king himself,a regal stride,walked straight towards us and the stream near us,barely 25mtrs away.Behind him was the little prince,equally impressive.Settled down for a drink....will continue..

atravelynn May 7th, 2012 06:40 AM

Cetainly glad you decided to share more than the video.

I've been told those beautiful magpies are also known as Tiger Birds because (a) they share the same coloring as a tiger and (b) they have been seen picking out bits of flesh that is stuck between the teeth of a tiger. Dental hygienists.

The possibility of ending up in a large cantor is a concern I have about Ranthambore. But you had a good experience, a very good one in it. Your 15 and then 5 minute waits were quite minimal considering one can wait for hours without a sighting.

Seeing papa and the kids had to be marvelous!

inquest May 8th, 2012 12:05 AM

Atravelynn,you are absolutely right.The Tree Magpies are the tiger's toothpicks.On the contrary, the Canter is spacious.Gives one a lot of 'elbow room',especially viewing wildlife,you constantly need to keep looking around.This allows the freedom of movement.Secondly,photography point of view,you could stand up and lean against the seat or crossbars in front,providing stability & the hands are completely free for the camera.In the gypsy,you'll be straight jacketed!In my opinion,the canter is a better bet.Either way the its a very bumpy ride.
Back to the 'King and his princes'.Let me tell you a little story I heard from the naturalist.When the cubs were a few months old,the mother,in the prime of her age, got into a fatal territorial fight with another female.She was mortally wounded.The Wildlife vets intervened.Treated her.She succumbed.To tell you an interesting twist to this tale.The king stepped in and actually took care of the cubs.This,I believe is unheard of.It was always thought that its the tigress who bring up cubs and fight off other tigers including their father.Well,here was a doting father.Times have changed?
Guess no one will know the answer.
A good half an hour.Tens of photographs.The crowds gathered.We moved on....more to come..

Kathie May 8th, 2012 05:45 AM

Thanks for giving us a report as well as the video! I'm really enjoying this.

inquest May 8th, 2012 10:53 PM

Thanks kathie.Wildlife viewing was exceptional that day or we were simply lucky.What followed were,a wild hog wallowing,langurs,peacocks,spotted deer,sambar,fishing owl,red-faced mangoose and a marsh crocodile.The light was fading as we made our way back,again at the same spot,a little distance away we was the father and son lolling under the tree,spent another 10 mins as the evening light began to fade,we moved on.As we were making our way back,there seem to be a lot of commotion close to the exit and wildlife guard's quarters.Our naturalist said they have sighted another tiger,a brief moment later we too spotted her & that is the video I've posted.Magnificent as I mentioned.This time did get a good video op.In spite of the presence of so many vehicles she nonchalantly walked past all of us.Our naturalist had a little story about her too.She is known to openly 'flirt' with to males at the same time,so he had named her after a popular bollywood vamp!!LOL.Well,well whats happening in the wilds of Ranthambore !!

Back at the resort,freshened up.The bonfire was being lit and the bbq was being readied for an evening of entertainment.Local folk singers and dancers enthralled us.Flame throwers lit the night up.We sat by the fire,under the moonlit sky talking about the King,the prince and the vamp.The following day.. on the way...

inquest May 9th, 2012 02:25 AM

A knock on the door.A pot of hot 'garam chai' arrived.It was still dark.Sat on the porch,misty all around,could feel the morning chill in my bones.Slowly as dawn broke the resort came alive.The roosting langurs began to stir.Birds awoke to fill the morning air with melody.6am sharp the canter arrived.Time for the morning safari.Warm jackets,woollen scull-caps,scarfs to keep the chill out on the open canter,we started.This time we were allocated 'zone 5'.There was initial enthusiasm.Expectations high,we rattled on.A occasional false alarm.Absolutely uneventful.Came across nothing,absolutely nothing.3hr into the safari,the sun was merciless.Exhausting.This was the other side of an 'Indian jungle safari',simply put-its about being at the right place at the right time.
Back at the resort, after a good breakfast decided to take a look at the Ranthambore fort.Set high above on the rocks,its a place worth a visit.The fort is a marvelous piece of architecture.Said to have kept many a Moghul invasions at bay,till it eventually fell.The view around is breathtaking.There is beautiful Ganesh temple in its premises.Took us a good 3hrs.It was time for lunch.Soon we
packed the cars and were on the road to Bundi a good 120km away.Roads were single track,traffic heavy,the going was slow & took us a good 4hrs.
It was just after dark we got into Bundi.The reflections of the lit Taraghar fort in the lake as we entered town was mesmerising, we made our way through the narrow lanes of a bustling town and found our place of stay-Katkoun Haveli.

atravelynn May 9th, 2012 06:48 PM

The reference to the tiger bird and rufous magpies should read rufous treepie. I got my pies mixed up. When given a preference I prefer rhubarb or French silk. ;)

You witnessed tiger history and a whole new discovery of family dynamics, Inquest! Sad for the mother, but the daddy tiger saved his offspring. I wonder if he knows how endangered his species is.

Thanks for the info on the canter. Encouraging.

inquest Aug 17th, 2016 10:48 PM

Machli (T-16) 'The Queen of Ranthambore ' passes on....a legacy that she's left behind,the numerous

inquest Aug 17th, 2016 10:54 PM

oops...cubs she sired.At a 'ripe' age of 20.She won the 'Lifetime achievement Award'by the Travel Operators for Tigers.I had an opportunity to have seen her way back in 2007.

Kathie Aug 18th, 2016 06:56 AM

Sorry to her of the death of this fabulous tiger. Thanks for posting, Inquest.

inquest Apr 20th, 2018 03:33 AM

More tigers and other fauna from Nagarhole in Karnataka where I stayed at the Jungle Lodges and Resorts property..Kabini River Lodge. Some great sightings....sharing some with you...​​​​​​​

A intent gaze...hunting mode

Turned to take a look at us

...not very pleased

Awww...leave me alone !!

inquest Apr 20th, 2018 03:38 AM

The Dholes ( Indian wild dogs)......


Quite different from the African Painted Dogs

Deep rust

After a mighty meal..time to rest

inquest Apr 20th, 2018 03:42 AM

The peacock celebrating the onset of monsoons. A mating dance to impress the ladies

inquest Apr 20th, 2018 03:45 AM

More of these magnificent pheasants

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