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sarasotababe May 25th, 2009 01:09 PM

THE JAYAVARMAN Mekong River Cruise
Has anyone taken The Jayavarman Mekong River Cruise? I am interested in knowing about the rooms, the food, and the tours. Is it as luxurious as they claim? Are there other Mekong River Cruises that are in the luxury category?

Kathie May 25th, 2009 05:16 PM

I don't know that cruise, but the Pandaw does a Mekong river cruise (as well as river cruises elsewhere in Asia).

kawh May 25th, 2009 07:05 PM

Don't know about this line, but it looks like they are giving Pandaw some competition... trying to be slightly higher end?? Also looks like their first voyage is October of this year '09. I can't tell from their site exactly what is included. We are doing Pandaw this summer, and pretty much everything seems to be included, but don't know about this new line. Hmmmm... should be interesting to see them fight it out!

leonbrown Nov 11th, 2009 12:42 AM

we were booked onto a 7 day cruise up the mekong delta saigon to siem reap from 21st november and we just been advised by heritage line that the boat will not be leaving, no other explanations. We are now left with flights to Bangkok and connecting flights to and from Vietnam and Cambodia as it was all booked seperatley. AVOID Heritage Line and Jayavarman at allcosts

dogster Nov 11th, 2009 10:38 AM

This post is thinly disguised spam.

Just don't waste your time answering. You'll note the original post was placed in May this year, some six months before the company had even begun. My devatating reply, I note, has been deleted. Why?

The cruise is either a fabrication, a disaster or a con - I don't know which.

If you can be bothered going to the website you'll note that the pictures are photoshop composites of a Pandaw ship with a bit of art-work superimposed.

The cruise has never happened. Judging by the above post, it never will.

Just what sarasotababe's agenda is, who knows? She has a history of strange hotel reviews and absolutely nothing else. Life is short. We have to look out for each other.

leon's unfortunate experience says it all.

filmwill Nov 11th, 2009 10:43 AM

A pretty good scam at that. They were featured in either Travel & Leisure or Conde Naste last month (can't remember which.)

I remember seeing this post back in May and thinking the same thing as dogster, but then when I saw the article I thought perhaps it might be legitimate.

Sorry, leon, that you got screwed. Go enjoy a fantastic trip in Vietnam and Cambodia on your own (we can help you plan it) and chalk this up to a lesson learned.

Smeagol Nov 11th, 2009 10:45 AM

It was in Conde Nast (Uk) Edition back in the spring too, in fact i kept the article, very strange!

dogster Nov 11th, 2009 11:05 AM

I don't think I can locate a copy of Conde Naste right now. I'm surrounded by water and men with guns. [No, it's not Alcatraz]. At the moment my only options are a bullet or a Gangetic Dolphin. Given the way this adventure is turning out, I'd prefer the bullet.

I'm wondering how CN can write praising a cruise that has never once happened. Money talks. Maybe sarasotababe wrote the article.

But thanks leon for confirming my prediction. I'm sorry, too, that you got done over - with, I assume a fell refund?

Gpanda Nov 11th, 2009 11:21 AM

Following up on one of Dogster's choices, I looked up Gabgetic Dolphins on wikipedia. I was surprised to learn that they were once considered the same species as Indus dolphins, then split in to two species and are now one again. The Once and Future Unispecies.

Smeagol Nov 11th, 2009 11:58 AM

The conde nast article wasn't praising it, it was just talking about up and coming cruises etc. it was a very small piece

dogster Nov 11th, 2009 12:02 PM

They still look like plain old dolphins to me. I'm a bit of a dolphin is a dolphin is another bloody dolphin kinda guy.

Gpanda Nov 11th, 2009 12:08 PM

Dolphins are a lot sneakier than people think. Fresh water, salt water, fish, mammal. I think they cause the confusion on porpoise.

Smeagol Nov 11th, 2009 12:42 PM

on porpoise...... your sharp today A (that and your chin jibe earlier... very funny!)

Scotters Nov 11th, 2009 02:38 PM

I know nothing about the Jayavarman but a new luxury boat the RV La Marguerite has started running cruises from Saigon to Siem Reap or VV. A friend of mine visited the boat when it docked in Phnom Penh on its maiden voyage in late September. Very lux and pricy. Web site here.

Marija Nov 12th, 2009 04:00 AM

Take a deep breath, Dogster. The rescue operation is underway. Mrs.Madge and her troops, emboldened with gin, are safely on the ground. Indiana Pearl will soon be in the air, armed with espresso powder. Stay on the boat this time!!!

dogster Nov 12th, 2009 10:48 AM

lol lol lol Detective Marija - you are just amazing. Google Maps 'Semaria'. That's where I am right now.

Then go to

that's where I'm staying, as a guest of the family, from tomorrow. I can reveal no more.

Marija Nov 12th, 2009 01:21 PM

Looks like you made it to day 11-- not too bad for Dogster. How absolutely shocking that you'll miss "Wildlife on the Ganges" and Ghazipur's opium factory, unless, of course, they've been deleted from the schedule. At least you frolicked in the Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary.

I can't believe they bus people into Varanasi...

Now what is it that you're not revealing?

Mango7 Nov 12th, 2009 03:41 PM

Looks like the land that time forgot, Dogster.

Mango7 Nov 12th, 2009 03:44 PM

Map view, that is :D

kawh Nov 12th, 2009 04:01 PM

having done the pandaw (saigon to siem reap) cruise last june (and having discovered it on the fodors forum...) i can say that it was amazing beginning to end. competition or no-- i really can't imagine why anyone would look further. as for "luxe" -- pandaw's service, comfort, genuine friendliness and flowing cocktails were plenty luxe with us. it was perfect. -kawh

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