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Esme_Travels Jun 10th, 2013 03:32 PM

hi Elainee -

So glad to hear you enjoyed the report.

I agree with you re: one percent, and whenever I feel guilty about it I think back to the thousands of tables I waited on in high school and college. I didn't resent the people dining (well, maybe some of the kids at the golf club who would order labor-intensive malts).

I did really like that Ravi gave me a big, laminated map of Sri Lanka and he plotted out our course in advance (this is how I knew they had taken a wrong turn).

Directing the drivers is key. Sometimes I was right, and sometimes I was wrong, but I was the one paying so I didn't worry about it.

Peru and some one-post photoblogs (Detroit - surprisingly photogenic, Israel and Belgium) coming up.

- esme

Markjon_83 Jun 15th, 2013 05:19 AM

I came back from Sri Lanka just after my summer holiday. Please not SL bit expensive in Dec due to high peak season.
my advise is, if you want travel in Spt and you can save quite lot of money

Esme_Travels Jun 17th, 2013 06:00 PM

I'd love to travel in September, Markjon_83 (great weather in most places and kids back in school) but it's the busiest time, work-wise, so I wouldn't feel right doing it. My employers are cool about my taking lots of vacations because I schedule them during our slow times.

Smeagol Feb 7th, 2014 12:57 PM

I LOVED your blog Esme ( I have read other posts of yours previously and loved those too) I am planning my trip to SL this November so read this with interest.

Esme_Travels Feb 8th, 2014 04:37 PM

Thanks, Smeagol. Sri Lanka has been my favorite destination yet (am at about 50 countries). Have a great time on your trip. Feel free to email me or post if you have questions.

ekscrunchy Feb 10th, 2014 09:53 AM

I, too, LOVED reading this, and have saved your blog to read the rest of your travel tales!

FouGras Feb 11th, 2014 03:33 AM

Finished Sri Lanka and went on to Bangkok, Spain, and France. I think I have a girl crush! We go to SE Asia, India and beyond for the month of April. I vow to seize the adventure as I'm cursed with a brain that always tries to be 10 steps ahead anticipating the trouble spots. It's rather hard to be in the moment when ruminating about the "what ifs"!

Esme_Travels Feb 12th, 2014 04:00 PM

ekscruncy & FouGras: Great! Glad to hear it.

Where in SE Asia and India?

FouGras Feb 13th, 2014 04:02 AM

We are going on a cruise to "taste test" the region.....two days in BKK, then Ankor wat and Siem Riep. Back to BKK to board the ship, then Ko Sumai, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, phuket, galle, Columbo, Cochin, new mangalore, Mumbai, Muscat, and Dubai. Can't wait. You inspired me to keep a blog of the journey but the World Press site has a steep learning curve!

Esme_Travels Feb 14th, 2014 03:42 PM

Sounds like an amazing trip!

Random thoughts:

Angkor Wat/Siem Reap: I hired a car/driver for cheap in advance, but bicycle looked like more fun

Kuala Lumpur: I went there two months ago and couldn't find anything to blog about! Found it a little boring -- visited the bird park, mosque and Petronas Towers (you can book advance tickets online)

Singapore: Loved the night zoo

Penang: True foodies -- visit the food stalls. Had fun staying at the Blue Mansion (found it more charming than the E&O). The walk down from the funicular was tough but enjoyable (beware monkeys)

I think I will blog post on Dubai & Oman in March

Have a great trip.

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