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BigFeat Mar 1st, 2004 09:14 AM

Roppongi Hills - Tokyo
Can anyone offer personable feedback on this new town. It was developed Spring of '03. It's official website only describes it from marketing angle and doesn't offer any comparative or personable feedback. How does it pair up against the main tourist areas (i.e. Ginza, Shinjuku, etc.) of Tokyo thus far? I thougth this information could be very usefull since I'll be spending most of my nights in Roppongi.

rkkwan Mar 1st, 2004 10:05 AM

Roppongi is in the middle of Tokyo. Roppongi Hill is not a town, just a new complex served by the Roppongi subway station, which can bring you to anywhere in Tokyo. Why limit yourself to one area? It's very safe to travel in Tokyo by subway even at night.

In general, for tourists, it really doesn't matter where you stay in Tokyo, as long as it's close to a subway or the JR Yamanote circular train line. There's interesting stuff to see at any neighborhood, and you can always just hop on a train to the next.

Of course, if you're going to Japan for a meeting or conference, then you want to be close to work. But for leisure travel? Who cares...

BigFeat Mar 1st, 2004 10:50 AM

I see... The website made the place look bigger then it was I guess. I will be at the Roppongi Mansions and I remember reading a member state that it was difficult to get back to the hotel late at night because transporations dies down. I really want to avoid taxis, so I was looking for places to stay at late at nights without the fear of missing the last pub transpo back to the hotel.

KimJapan Mar 1st, 2004 02:29 PM

Transportation other than taxis usually finishes between sometime between 11 PM and 1 AM, depending on the line and what stop you are at and where you want to go. After the last train/bus, you can take taxis, which are available any time of day. Anywhere you stay in central Tokyo, be it Shinjuku, Ueno, Roppongi, name it, will be similarly served by public transport. Every area has nightlife, restaurants, and tourists. The best place to stay is the one that looks the best for you...choose it by looks, price, amenities...but you don't need to worry about the transportation issue.

Roppongi Hills is new last's a shopping, dining and living complex. It's a Japanese tourist attraction, of sorts, since it's new and has all the designer shops and restaurants that you have to line up for hours to get a lunch's been pushed hard as being upscale and exclusive so everyone wants to go there, you know?

I wouldn't be afraid to venture out for fear of missing the last train back...just check the schudule, keep the last train time in mind, and if you are still having fun, consider a taxi. They are clean, efficient, safe, and while more expensive than in many other countries, they are not so bad that people never take them. I'm not good at measuring actual distance, but I do know that I have taken a taxi in lieu of walking in bad weather...the walk would have taken 45 minutes at a good pace, the taxi costs about 1000 yen. I wouldn't be afraid of the can even ask what the price should be (about how much) before you set off.

BigFeat Mar 1st, 2004 02:53 PM

With that said is Roppongi Hills illustrated in current Tokyo maps? I'm not sure how often tourist maps gets updated, but it sure would be helpful to find out. I don't think I ever think about checking issue dates in maps I purchase. I wouldn't normally think to check because chances are I wouldn't have fore-knoledge of new additions or changes to a city/town I've never visited. I'm use 24/7 subway systems because of my 5am night life curfews. As long as we're in walking distance I wouldn't mind doing that. Never having been to a place makes it very difficult to estimate proximity especially when looking at maps.

KimJapan Mar 1st, 2004 03:51 PM

Yes, Roppongi Hills is on the new maps. Walking in Tokyo is certainly done...but distances on the map are often deceiving as you know. All streets are also not on the tourist maps. A real street map of Tokyo comes in book's about an inch thick. Adding to the confusion, Japanese streets aren't named or signed as a rule. People navigate by city area, subway stop, landmark businesses and building and so forth. If you are out till 5 AM, you'll be able to catch the first train of the day.

emd Nov 27th, 2004 05:13 AM

For anyone who is looking for info on this complex, see:

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