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Kathie Sep 22nd, 2009 05:37 PM

Report on Burma visa
We sent in our visa applications, $20 money orders, passports and return Fed Ex envelopes to the Myanmar Embassy in Washington DC last Monday. Today, exactly one week later, we received our passports with the visas affixed and the forms stapled to the passports.

For the next Fodorites applying for a Burma visa, here is the link to the requirements and forms:

I have to say this was the most extensive visa application I've ever filled out - they even ask for job history!

LAleslie Sep 22nd, 2009 05:43 PM

Thanks for this Kathie. A quick turnaround. Helpful info.

(The job history reminded me: I once almost emigrated to Australia from the U.S. way back when, and had to get police reports from every place I ever lived. Plus fill out a detailed family tree.)

rhkkmk Sep 22nd, 2009 07:39 PM

ok, kathie, you are on their list now....they will watch for your arrival and will welcome you....they may even offer tours to places you no longer wish to visit...

seriously, that is fantastic service..

Nywoman Sep 22nd, 2009 09:08 PM

Kathie, you have yours and I have mine we are on our way.
Myanmar watch out the Scandinavians are coming........

SKOL Sep 22nd, 2009 11:35 PM

Just back 10 days from a wonderful revisit to Burma after 4 years--enjoyed as much if not more than last time.

It ia an incredibly magical Country with the most amazing people, so warm and smiling, despite their living under such a horrendous and evil regime-- and mostly in VERY poor conditions.

Coincidentally one of the the group was a great gal from Seattle and she actually runs wonderfulworldjourneys from there !

As she writes on Facebook, words are so hard to descibe the experience-- I think that "STUPENDOUS / SURREAL"--specially Inle Lake-- will gives you an idea of just what you can look forward to.

Craig Sep 23rd, 2009 01:48 AM

Sounds like you are READY to go!

Kathie Sep 23rd, 2009 11:04 AM

Yes, we are ready to go! There are a few more details I'm looking into, but we're soon on our way.

marya_ Sep 23rd, 2009 12:48 PM

May the smooth visa procurement process set the tone for the whole trip!

Kathie Sep 23rd, 2009 05:44 PM

Thanks for the good wishes, marya, believe me, you'll all get a full report!

Femi Sep 23rd, 2009 05:53 PM

Thanks for providing the link. I usually use a passport agency, but considering your results, I might try to do it myself for a possible trip next year.

dogster Sep 23rd, 2009 09:01 PM

Maybe here is a good opportunity [with resurrecting that lengthy P*andaw post] to reveal that Detective Dogster has solved the mystery of the tangata banning. heh. My sources are impeccable.

Forgive the diversion, Kathie. I just couldn't resist.

SKOL Sep 24th, 2009 12:00 AM

Unbelievable--after just joining this site, I posted on my recent time in Burma and suddenly there is the "Dogster" the guy who managed to jump ship ,remembered from brief meetings on the hilariously described Quest !!

You were absoloutley correct in envisaging the repetetive and at times down right boring 10 TRIVIA filled days to Dubai--after that though all was quiet enjoyable and as the price was so incredible, it was just another of life's experiences--many would envy us and I am greatful for it too, though not one to be repeated any time soon !

Your fans here are right, you have an amazingly descriptive and entertaining style--sure that you have missed your way in the publishing World--not too late though.

Incidentally in August I took a a few days to see Guillin and Yangshou--wonderful in their own way--though no comparison to my No 1 destination of Burma.

Great if you have some time to e mail me and let me know what your next exciting plans are.

SKOL Sep 24th, 2009 12:07 AM

Repetitive !

Kathie Sep 24th, 2009 07:36 AM

Well, dogster, we are all awaiting the results of your investigations.

BTW, today I received an email from the Inle Lakeview regarding airport transfers and getting a car and driver. I sent the original email on Sept 7. Their email has an automatic foooter than states if you haven't heard back from them in 48 hours to re-send your email. Burma is not a place for the impatient!

Kathie Sep 24th, 2009 07:37 AM

Femi, in spite of the length of the application forms, this was the fastest, most efficient visa I've ever gotten.

Nywoman Sep 24th, 2009 08:26 AM

Don't keep us in suspense!!!

Would like to read your Burma report, but am unable to find it, unless you referring to your mention on this thread.

dogster Sep 24th, 2009 09:42 AM

SKOL can tell you how well behaved I was on the Azamara Quest.

As for the mystery: how to tell without appearing to malign a respected and liked contributor AND reveal my source? Mmmm. I'll be back.

LAleslie Sep 24th, 2009 11:01 AM

I assume you are talking about Tangata, dogster. You can't malign an anonymous person, can you? We merely seek the unvarnished truth here. In America, at least, truth is a defense against libel.
Give it up!

SKOL Sep 24th, 2009 07:45 PM


Correct, hardly a report, but my enthusiastic words speak volumes and the Country should be very high up on that list of 1,000 places before the inevitable ! has a great site with lots of info about Burma -- one of the founders is a charming Burmese lady & our group were invited for an excellent dinner in her Yangon restaurant ,she naturally is extremely knowledgable about all the wonders for travellers to see.

If you e mail me [email protected] I will forward some amazing photos shot very professionally by a fellow traveller from Exotissimo's Bangkok office.

Dogster, we actually spoke more on the cruise critic roll calls--I know that myself and many of our fellow passengers looked forward to hearing all about your many adventures--reportedly your behaviour was impeccable onboard-- but your disappearance was so unexpected and regretted by many of us .

However, very pleased to have caught up again--albeit in cyberspace- and look forward to reading many more of your postings.

Sawasdee from a VERY wet Phuket.

dogster Sep 24th, 2009 09:10 PM

See? Impeccable behaviour! lol.

Now I know who you are SKOL. If you go here you can read what I was doing while you were winning all those Trivia competitions.

I wonder who had the best time...?

LA, I'm having a crisis of confidence. I'm thinking I'm gonna breach the privacy of my sources and I'm suddenly not comfortable with that: although, your point is correct - difficult to libel an anonymous person. lol. But I think it would be inappropriate.

Somersault's last words on the matter in that other post are instructive.

'...In my opinion Tangata meant no harm... but of course when tensions are running high as they were at times on board among the crew having a "grumpy old man" ( sorry Tangata!) carping and giving his considered opinion of how things should be done better would be very hard to take... '

Add an Edinburgh Festival moment and there you have it. Perhaps the prospect of more of the same was too much. Pretty simple really. The report in Fodor's didn't have a lot to do with it, other than to pour petrol over an already smouldering fire. Last straw. Camel's back.

But, of course, I couldn't possibly comment about the matter.

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