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sartoric Jan 15th, 2018 08:31 PM

Memorable India
Like it or loathe it, Facebook is good for bring up memories. Exactly twelve months ago today was the first full day of our epic Southern India tour. I plan to post a photo a day, keep them small and hopefully interesting.

Here’s the Shore temple at Mahabalipuram on the Sunday of a long weekend to celebrate Pongal (the harvest festival).
We weren’t the only ones visiting lol.

CaliNurse Jan 15th, 2018 09:31 PM

How wonderful!! Thank you Sarrtoric for posting these first anniversary photos! Good Lotrd..a year already??!!!

I quite enjoy the crowds...often at least as, or even more, interesting to watch the people watching the event!!

sartoric Jan 16th, 2018 03:34 AM

Yep, John, it was a fantastic trip, the crowds added life and colour to the experience and we’re hoping to revisit in November for Diwali.

progol Jan 16th, 2018 09:32 AM

Love the photo, sartoric! And I'm planning a trip there exactly one year from now! Of course, your TR is one I have saved for my planning :)

sanchez1234 Jan 16th, 2018 06:52 PM

Great picture! I've always wanted to go to India

sartoric Jan 16th, 2018 09:25 PM

Glad you’re enjoying the pics folks. Here’s a large and very old bodhi tree (ficus religiosa) at Auroville outside Pondicherry. The tree sends down aerial roots which eventually take to the ground and produce new trunks while still connected to the parent. Makes for a great canopy.

progol Jan 17th, 2018 03:19 AM

Lovely, sartoric! I really love the photo with the family in front of the bodhi tree - it evokes such a warm feeling.

annhig Jan 17th, 2018 10:40 AM

oh yes, lovely. And a spur to me to think again about making this trip next Feb.

Thanks for posting.

CaliNurse Jan 17th, 2018 01:02 PM

Another evocative scene--thanks, Sartoric. Btw, i mentioned you in a post by "jft" about restaurants--see end of thread-- r/t the Madurai tours you took with IndianPanorama. If you get a chance, could you check the thread and perhaps give the OP more details about the tour?

It was under a bodhi tree that Buddha found enlightenment.

Annhig, if higher temps and humidity affect your choice of travel dates, February will be very hot. November (I think you mentioned that as a possibility in another thread) will be cooler

sartoric Jan 18th, 2018 01:03 AM

Market day on the road somewhere between Pondicherry and Kumbakonam.
CaliNurse - the walks in Madurai were lead I suspect by office staff (pre nine, after five) but it won’t hurt to ask IP.
Excited for all the people planning trips to India.

progol Jan 18th, 2018 02:51 AM

Lovely! And very peaceful -- very different than the images from Rajasthan and other parts of the north, which feels much grittier.

annhig Jan 18th, 2018 05:50 AM

I was talking to a friend today who is tentatively interested along with her DH in a trip to India. She said that he feels that a group of friends together would be ideal and I mentioned that I knew of tour companies in India [like India Panorama] who could arrange such a tour.

have any of you done a private tour with more than just family and what do you think would be the optimum size of group? which part would you choose? I lean towards the south as it seems that there is plenty of variety between coast to coast which could be seen in about 2 weeks, without the long drives that seem to be typical of tours of the north and "Golden Triangle". There are also cheap direct flights into Chennai from the UK which would be useful.

thoughts, anyone?

CaliNurse Jan 18th, 2018 12:18 PM

Oh Sartoric!! Waaaaa (sound of crying). How I miss the people, and scenes like this!! I can feel the sunshine's warmth under the shade of the trees!

Annhig, Indianpanorama definitely works with larger groups than just 2-3-4 people They have assorted size vehicles. Check their website--i think there are photos of the different cars/vans/busses. Check reviews under Tripadvisor ((Indianpanorama Tiruchirapalli)--perhaps there are reviews from folks who traveled with larger groups and would give you and your friends some ideas.
The question of how large a group would depend of course on so many things, like shared interests, ability to compromise, personalities, if they want beautiful beaches, old estates vs homestays vs hotels, etc. I agree that the south is wonderful, and a great destinatio/"gentle landing" n for a first trip to India, but again, it depends on the groups' interests. A great tour can be created for just about any part of India! (That will be the first point of discussion---everyone agreeing on a destination (-: ) As with your original thread about traveling solo, check out assorted travel planners, ones you've already contacted, and/or additional ones.
There are also direct flights from LHR to Bangalore (I did that in 2008) and from Bangalore it's possible to have a route which might include Mysore, then heading through the Nilgiri Mountains at Coonor,. Inquest in a reply (jft)for itinerary help mentioned a little-known area around Valparai that he said is spectacular. I could go on and on, I'm afraid. Point is, there are numerous possible routes---once everyone agrees on the top priorities.

jft Jan 18th, 2018 03:48 PM

Thanks Sartoric for your beautiful photos.I am so excited about our trip- we will arrive in India two weeks from today! I hope to find random markets etc like the photo you posted
Annhig, I agree with CaliNurse regarding group travel and the importance of the group dynamics and similar style of travel. In the south with small quaint hotels it can be difficult to get multiple rooms; booking ahead for peak travel times is important; I would think 2-6 is good with 8 acceptable if the dynamics work.
We were initially 4 travelling and our friend's son and daughter in law who live in India are able to join us. We now have a slightly bigger car that can seat 8-9 ; cost is slightly more but divided by more people. Indian Panorama who we are using can accommodate as most likely is the same with other companies.
The hardest part is narrowing down an itinerary as there are so many interesting places to see. Where you fly into will help determine that whether Chennai or Bangalore or Cochin. V
Our dates are Feb 1-18th with 1-6 in the north. I can report back on weather after the trip- we have had a brutal winter so far in Toronto and breaking it up is quite appealing.
I think if I had to choose I would pick the south. The towns are smaller, and closer together with a lot of diversity. However I will be in a better position to answer this when I return.

sartoric Jan 18th, 2018 08:42 PM

Sri Ramaswami temple in Dharasuram, a huge living temple. A new gopura (gate) was under construction, fascinating to see the building methods from foot mixing mud to cutting marble slabs and all barefoot of course.

annhig Jan 18th, 2018 11:53 PM

thank you all for your thoughts. [and Sartorial for the continuing wonderful photos - that temple is the one that appears in so many travel brochures but never from that angle with the birds wheeling above which gives it a whole new perspective. Gorgeous].

We have a potential group of 4 I think which could work well - I suspect that the more people you add the harder it gets both before and during the trip. And thanks for the idea of flying into Bangalore - I have seen some itineraries that take in Mysore and Ooty, but I hanker after Pondicherry and Madurai. And thanks also for the reminder about booking early - I think we would be considering next Feb, at least that is my goal. Still, I have to get my Italian trip over first [also in Feb] before I start serious planing.

do keep the photos coming, Sartoric.

is your itinerary posted anywhere, jft?

messimark100 Jan 19th, 2018 03:41 AM

Pongal is a very special festival celebrated at the time of harvesting

jft Jan 19th, 2018 04:20 AM

I believe Pongal just finished Jan 14-18th this year.
I think it may have been Sartoric's post that had me wanting to spend more time in Tamil Nadu.....the pictures are fabulous.
Annhig, a quick summary of my itinerary was posted on Food for thought, Restaurant Suggestions in India with some minor changes. Originally we were thinking we would visit India just once and crammed in some north and south in the same trip. This might change after the visit as there is so much to see- our itinerary may be a bit ambitious.
It is as follows :Arrive Feb 1st Delhi ( Lutyen's Bungalow. Feb 3 Agra(Radisson Blu Agra) Feb 4 Jaipur (Trident Jaipur). Fly to Chennai Feb 6(Raintree Anna Salai). Feb 7 Pondicherry (La Maison Perumal) Feb 9 Chettinad-Karaikudi ( Chidambaras Vilas) Feb 11drive to Munnar via Madurai. (Chandy's Winding Woods Munnar);Feb 13 Cochin,Xandari Harbour. Feb 15th fly to Mumbai (Hotel Arches) Feb 17 just before midnight fly back to Toronto. We used IP in the south- some hotels we booked ourselves mostly because availability was limited in some spots. If you use an agent see what the cancellation policy is but book ahead of time. No issues in the north with getting accommodation. Enjoy Italy!
Am I the only one that has run into problems using the new format on their phone, this time I did it on my computer so I wouldn't lose my posts

jft Jan 19th, 2018 04:31 AM

Sartoric, I just looked at the location of your last photo of Sri Ramaswami Temple and it looks like it was on route from Pondicherry to Chettinad as was the market. Did your driver help you decide these stops or had you researched them before? If it is all described in your posts from last year I will look back at them. I was trying to figure out where to stop during this drive as well as the Chettinad Munnar ( definitely will stop in Madurai).

progol Jan 19th, 2018 04:53 AM

Hmm, I posted a brief comment, but it doesn't seem to be here... (and jft, I posted earlier on my desktop computer. I don't use my phone).

sartoric, another lovely photo! I love how the birds are soaring upward - feels like the gods are there, too!

It's still a year away, but your photos are getting me so excited about our intended trip to S. India!! So enjoying seeing these photos.

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