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totorosan May 17th, 2010 08:51 AM

Japan: 2 nights in Nara, Hakone, or somewhere else?
my husband and I are going to Japan for about 2 weeks this summer. We're going to Osaka/Kotyo (5 nights total, for work), Koyasan (1 night), ---??--- (2 nights), Tokyo (3 nights). Please help me fill in the blank.
We're thinking either Nara or Hakone. It'll be in July, and Hakone seems to be more of a winter destination. Since we're visiting some other big cities, is Nara still worth a trip? Visiting Nara as a day trip from Osaka/Kyoto will NOT be an option for us because we're there for work and do not have a free day. I've also considered Japan Alps, but I don't want to spend too much time on the road. It's my first time in Japan, but my husband has been to Tokyo and Kyoto multiple times, so he doesn't want to spend much time in those cities.

DonTopaz May 17th, 2010 09:58 AM

Tha Hakone area is certainly a summer destination, much more so than a winter place. It would probably be ideal for you.

hawaiiantraveler May 17th, 2010 04:57 PM

Hi, agree with rizzuto that Hakone is a nice summer destination.

Other destinations that I can recommend with cooler temperatures on your way to Tokyo would be Matsumoto, Takayama/Kamikochi, and Fujigoko, all would be picturesque.

I wouldn't spend two days in Nara at that time of year or at any other time but that's just me and doesn't necessarily mean that you wouldn't enjoy Nara.


inor Jun 18th, 2010 04:01 PM

I am also wondering about Nara. Is Nara an inferior version of Kyoto, and if I am already spending a few days in Kyoto, is there a reason to also go to Nara?

And if you think Nara is worth a day, do you think it makes sense to spend the night, or as a day trip from Kyoto?

Thanks, Inor

someotherguy Jun 18th, 2010 06:11 PM

It depends on your interests, but I would put Nara on a par with
Kyoto. Many people just go to the deer park, which is the least
interesting thing in town.

The ancient temples out to the west, Horyuji, Yakushiji, and
Toshodaiji are older, and I consider them more interesting, than
almost any in Kyoto. Shin Yakushuji looks like a shack in a suburban
field, but is actually very ancient and has spectacular statues. The
sangatsu-do behind the Todaiji (giant Buddha) is also really ancient
(~850) with spectacular statues. Kofukuji and the Kasuga Taisha are
interesting and there are classic views of the 5-storey pagoda of the
former from the Sarusuwa-ike and Ara-ike ponds. The Nara national
museum has a major collection of Buddhist art. These sights repay
some study: it helps to have some idea of their history and significance.

One of the most beautiful buildings in Japan, the Byodo-in (it's on
the back of the 10-yen coin), is in Uji, which is between Kyoto and
Nara. And the Fushimi Inari Taisha, the most interesting shrine in
Kyoto, is to the south, on the way to Uji, so you can take in both of
these on the journey between Kyoto and Nara.

kappa1 Jun 18th, 2010 10:58 PM

Remember Nara is the capital of Japan before it was moved to Kyoto.

> Many people just go to the deer park, which is the least
interesting thing in town.

Most go there for Todaji Temple (big buddha), Kasuga-taisha shirine (shinto) AND the deer park.

kja Jun 21st, 2010 08:01 AM

Agree, it depends on your interests. As someotherguy notes, Nara has some very special places that are different than you would see in Kyoto (which also holds many very special places), not to mention the places in between (Byodi-in and Fushimi Inari). I spent 2 very full and very rewarding days in Nara, in addition to my 4+ days in Kyoto; not everyone wants to do that.

Clark55 Jun 21st, 2010 09:38 AM

I would definitely add Nikko to your itinerary and you only need 1 night in Koyasan as you really only go there for the temple staying experience. Also Hakone is best visited with good weather so I would wait until you arrive in Tokyo before deciding on that.

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