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24Lisa Oct 2nd, 2005 01:55 PM

If we cancel or Bali trip, where to go???
Trying to decide if we should cancel our long awaited trip to Bali leaving on Oct 26. We decided to cancel our trip in 2002 for the same reason.

If we do cancel, any suggestions for alternated vacation destinations. We went to Thailand/Cambodia last time.

We want a place that has a lot of cultural experienced, beautiful scenery and beaches.

Does Langkawi compare? How about Sri Lanka/Maldives?

So confused and running out of time.


24Lisa Oct 2nd, 2005 01:58 PM

Oops, meant to say "if we cancel our Bali trip..." Sorry

fiona Oct 2nd, 2005 02:06 PM

Vietnam? Haven't been there yet but it ticks all the boxes.

Kathie Oct 2nd, 2005 02:15 PM

Malaysia? Laos? Different areas in Thailand? Vietnam? Sri Lanka? All are possibilities.

Where are you coming from? How much time do you have? What were the things you liked most when you went to Thailand and Cambodia?

KimJapan Oct 2nd, 2005 02:28 PM

We're probably still going to Bali in December, but IF we don't, we made a back up plan yesterday...Vietnam.

harzer Oct 2nd, 2005 03:20 PM

They say that Australian tourists will increasingly divert their attention from Bali to Fiji as a result of the latest incident.

Personally I still intend to do my annual trip to Bali. But then I stay in places, and eat at places right away from the tourist ghettoes.

My little hotel is called Lusa, it's 100 yards from the beach, the rooms are fan-cooled but clean and comfortable and cost just 150000 Rp ($15) a night. There is a pool and restaurant and the grounds provide a lovely garden setting. And there are no tour groups staying there, just individuals like me.

Just up the road away from the beach are two very nice restaurants where you can eat very well for $10 or less. And you won't be the target of a mad bomber there.


24Lisa Oct 2nd, 2005 03:20 PM

We are coming from Chicago and have 14 nights not including travel. My favorite part of our trip to Thailand/Cambodia were the temples at Angkor,the beaches in Krabi, and the people.

We were supposed to also go to Java to see Borodudur. I really enjoy ancient architecture.

Lyndie Oct 2nd, 2005 04:47 PM

Hi 24Lisa. We've recently returned from a month long trip in Sri Lanka. We had probably the best holiday we've ever enjoyed. Sri Lanka has it all. There are ancient sites, spice and tea plantations, mountain resorts like Ella & Nuwara Eliya, magnificient waterfalls, beautiful beaches, budget to five star hotels and it is one of the best value destinations in the world. You can hire a car and driver for US35 a day and stay where you like or buy an all inclusive package with hotels up to US500 per day! We backpacked and caught local trains & buses and we met wonderful locals and ate local cuisine. We did not get sick or have any safety issues. We loved the weather-30 degree days and 27 degree nights. It was, for us, perfection. Sure we had small moments of frustration when we had to stand up for 4 hours on a train because it was a public holiday, but I'd suggest you see Sri Lanka soon. Beauty like that will not stay undiscovered for long.

BTW we're going back Dec 13 for 2 weeks. It is a glorious destination and travellers are not the targets!

Sri Lanka has it's own internal problems but travellers are pretty safe if they avoid parts of the East Coast & Jaffna.

ccc Oct 2nd, 2005 05:44 PM

We, too, went to Sri Lanka as an alternative to Burma when bombs went off a few months before this summer's trip. We really loved it and I agree that it would be a great alternative. Next summer, we've already got our ff tickets and are planning to go to Burma, Laos, and Bali. We're not changing anything at this point as who know what the landscape will look like in 6-9 months. However, if we can't get comfortable with Bali, we'll probably add time to Burma and/or Laos and maybe spend a few days on the beach in Thailand. The reality is that bad things can happen anywhere/anytime in today's world, including places like England, where we're going later this week.

Kathie Oct 2nd, 2005 05:57 PM

Lisa, I had forgotten that you were planning on Borobudor as well. That's a hard one to replace. I haven't been to Sri Lanka, but it's on my list of places I want to go. It might be a good option for you.

You might want to consider going to Luang Prabang, Laos in combination with another location or two. I loved Luang Prabang with it's slow pace and lovely wats. I also enjoyed a river trip and trips out into the countryside. That could be combined with other locales in Thailand or Vietnam.

While you could spend the whole time in VN, the weather in central VN would be very rainy. You'd have to plan carefully to avoid the monsoons.

Good luck - I know this is a hard decision to make.

24Lisa Oct 2nd, 2005 06:57 PM

Myanmar looks like a good alternative. Does anyone have any suggestions on itineraries? Normally I would research my trip for months and have some sort of idea but given the circumstances I really don't have a lot of time and need to make a decision soon.

As far as Borobudur is concerned, have there been any terrorist threats there?


glorialf Oct 2nd, 2005 07:05 PM

Burma is a wonderful country but not for beaches. I also think it's not a place you should go to casually -- I think you should go only when you have had the time to do some reading.

Kathie Oct 2nd, 2005 07:11 PM

Lisa, the US government has been recommending for a number of years that US citizens defer travel to all of Indonesia. So while there have not been specific threats that I know of in that area, the State Department would still say you shouldn't travel there.

That said, there are many of us who have chosen to travel to Indonesia despite the travel advisory. (I was in Lombok last November, for instance.) But that's a decision each person must make for themselves.

I agree with Gloria to really do your research on Burma to decide if you want to go. The Lonely Planet guide has a nice discussion of the issues.

glorialf Oct 2nd, 2005 07:11 PM

Just to put a few things into perspective:
There were bombings in Rangoon in Burma a few months ago.
There is constant turmoil and bombings in southern thailand and terrorists in that country have said they will attack Bangkok
There are bombings in Europe
There is unrest in Sri Lanka
There are earthquakes and fires in California
There are hurricanes and floods in florida and the gulf states.

Yes, you need to weigh your comfort level and weigh the safety factor but there aren't many 100% safe places these days.Including at home for many of us (I work a block from the Sears Tower),

Personally -- there is nothing like Bali for people who want both a beach and culture. And Borobudor waa one of the highlights of my 40 years of travel.

KimJapan Oct 2nd, 2005 08:37 PM

Gloria...your points are excellent. These are all things we have thought about before, and are thinking about now as well.

There aren't many places left in the world where safety can be taken for granted any more. Sometimes I think life nowadays is one near miss after another. There are so many "what if" situations...what if I were in Bali in one of the bomb locations? What if I were in Khao Lak last December 26? What if I were in a car crash? What if I have cancer? After a while, I just can't even think about the risks in life...I'd never leave my bed.

The best we can all do is try to evaluate the risk for ourselves, in everything we do, not only in travel. I choose to wear a seat belt because, to me, the risk of not wearing one is too great, but some people miraculously walk away from horrific crashes. I choose to exercise because doctors say it's more risky not to, but some people do drop dead on the treadmill. I choose not to smoke, but some smokers live long, healthy lives.

I'm working on our backup plan right now because I'm just not sure I want to take the risk and go to Bali. We've decided to wait and see what happens, but I really want to go somewhere even if it's not Bali. I'm having a bit of trouble justifying a change in plans to another country, as there is risk everywhere...we could get sick, hurt, blown up, robbed, jailed...maybe I'll just take a nap...

BillT Oct 3rd, 2005 04:12 AM

Try Palawan in the Philippines. Much ignored on this forum the Philipines has a lot to offer. There are some very nice resots on Palawan Island.

ccc Oct 3rd, 2005 04:22 AM

Palawan is one of the most spectacularly beautiful places I have ever been, but the Philippines have their own issues with terrorism, kidnapping of tourists from resorts, etc.

cruisinred Oct 3rd, 2005 04:55 AM

Hi 24Lisa

This is a tough decision to make,as others have said. I am still tentatively planning a Bali trip and May, but will wait and see how things go in the next few months. I wish you luck with whatever you decide. If you do decide to still go, I know you will be met with great warmth and gratefulness by the Balinese people.

As an aside, I need to agree with GloriaF and just never now when and where something can happen!

24Lisa Oct 3rd, 2005 04:58 AM


So if it were you, would you still go?

I know the decision is ultimately mine to make, but we canceled our trip last time and we would have been fine to go. I guess were having doubts because of family members telling us not to go.

Our plans are to stay at The Legian, Four Seasons Sayan, and Amanjiwo. Are these areas a little removed from the main tourist areas? We are not the "clubing" type of people to begin with and had no plans to visit Kuta. Just wondering,

Thanks for all the info so far.

glorialf Oct 3rd, 2005 05:14 AM

Lisa -- yes,if it were me I would go. As I have often said if I'm going to be killed by terrorists I would rather it be while on vacation than while sitting at my desk working and I think my risk is just as great here. I actually was a in a terrorist attack once. It was in the early 1970s and I was at work at a classical music agency. The Jewish Defense League threw a fire bomb into our offices because we were bringing over Russian artists and attractions. I was in the ladies room at the time but had I been in my office I would have been killed. So I know you don't have to travel to be a target for terrorists.

I also think that when we talk about "risk" we often mean our perception of risk. Bali is no riskier or safer today than it was a week ago. It's just that it's perceived to be less safe at the moment. We only think about risk after something happens. Then we forget about it until the next thing happens. I'm sure people are traveling to London but is the city really any safer than Bali? Bottom line is what your comfort zone is. I would not travel to Iraq these days and I suppose I would not go to Kashmir or other true war zones. Nor would I go to places where I would feel uncomfortable as a Jew. But in terms of the rest of the world -- I think it's more about where I "think" I am safe rather than where I truly am safe.

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