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sidii Nov 16th, 2006 08:01 AM

Arriving in singapore at 1am (with husband and infant plus luggage) but hotel(oriental) will not let us check in till 2pm...any ideas on a cheap hotel to stay at till check in at oriental?would love to sight see as well so as not to waste the morning hours before check in.
2ndly how can we get from airport to hotel?

JamesA Nov 16th, 2006 08:10 AM

Taxis are easy, available 24/7, no problem at all. Don't take notice of those offering Limousine, just go straight to the Taxi queue ( which won't be that busy at that time.
I would stay somewhere close to the oriental, perhaps if you re-post with the question:

"Singapore Experts - hotel close to Oriental for the night before as can't check in until 2 pm"

You will attract those who can suggest somewhere close to the Oriental. Lindsey lives in singapore and others know that part of town better than me, if you title a psot like that they will spot if quicky.

sidii Nov 16th, 2006 08:26 AM

thanks james... will do. any ideas on how much taxis cost to that area?

Guenmai Nov 16th, 2006 09:43 AM

I didn't see this post. Anyhow, take a taxi. There are over 10,000 of them in Singapore and one should cost less than US$25.00 at that hour even though the rate is higher then.As for the hotel situation why would you want to change hotels and with an infant? Happy Travels!

sidii Nov 16th, 2006 10:00 AM

i dont want to change hotels...i'm just at a loose end between 1am when we arrive and 2pm when we check in? what do i do with hubby,infant and luggage?

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