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swintonian Dec 15th, 2010 12:52 AM

harbin ice festival
Hi,Could anyone tell me about the street and road conditions at the ice festival in Harbin China,we did not know whether to take micro spikes,also anybody got any good resteraunts in Harbin. we are also going to Shangi and wondered if you knew what to see and do there,your help would be much appriciated.thank you,swintonian.

gearsau Dec 16th, 2010 12:35 AM

Well, I hope that you don't need spikes, because, I dont have any, and am planning to be there in January for a few days..

swintonian Dec 16th, 2010 05:15 AM

Hi gearsau, We are going in January as well,after looking at photographs you might need them but not to sure any way we bought some on ebay just in case,any way we might need them in this country soon.Thanks any way .swintonian.

gearsau Dec 16th, 2010 12:03 PM

Many thanks. Just ordered some on ebay as well.

swintonian Jan 19th, 2011 09:48 PM

Hi gearsau,just got back had a great time glad i took the spikes ice everyware,hope you had a good time.swintoian.

gearsau Jan 21st, 2011 12:27 AM

Swintonian..Well, my ice spikes did not turn up in time. Ordered them from UK(eBay )on 17th December, and still not in Australia by 5th January.

Man, wasn't Harbin cold? I did not bother going to the ice festival after all that..My walking boots which I though would have been good enough, were a bit slippery, and I wasn't prepared to risk too much walking around. Still though, I did check out the Russian Church area and Zhangyang Street.

I had my boots on, two inner liners, thick socks, jeans, bomber jacket, big leather coat, two scarves and good gloves and still got cold in my fingers and toes.

Went to Beijing and Shanghai, and am now in Bangkok, and go to Cambodia tomorrow... So, from Minus 25 C to Plus 30 C.

Sone photos here ..

Kathie Jan 21st, 2011 06:55 AM

What a contrast, gearsau. I'll skip the ice, give me Bangkok any day! Brrrrrr......

gearsau Jan 21st, 2011 09:35 PM


I am now in Siem Reap..Shorts and Tee Shirts

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