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Gabi_Rebeschini Oct 9th, 2012 08:08 AM


Today's tour included a slow boat 2 hour ride until the Pak au Caves, plus a stop at the Whiskey village on the way back.
I'm so glad I woke up with with the urge to find out if there was a fast boat. It was the best decision i made so far; a fast 30 min fun boat ride saved the day. I worn you: The Buddha cave ca be disappointing, specially after a 2 hour boat ride.
The whiskey village was not what i expected... the village today is more about the weaving and selling of beautiful scarfs then about the whiskey.

The afternoon we spent having lunch in town, getting a massage and shopping at the night market. All gifts - checked!!! I love this market!

Gabi_Rebeschini Oct 9th, 2012 08:09 AM

DAY 10

MONK PROCESSION + fly to Bangkok.

Last day, you gotta do this. Wake up at 5am, choose a spot on the main street, buy offerings, sit down, and wait for the endless line of monks and novices pass by.
A women must be sited to offer food, a man can stand. I wonder if I could have given something else besides sticky rice and fruits... Would they have liked to received chocolate bars??
An interesting thing i noticed: after i filled up the monks "basket" (don't know the official term) he nearly emptied it out by giving it away to some kids who were begging for food.
The entire cycle happens right in front of you. The local women sell you food, you give to the monks, they give to the local kids, who bring back to the home.
Tourists helping the economy I say.. Regardless, its a nice experience, worth doing, and seeing. Got some great photos!
Thank you Luang Prabang for the great time. Would love to come back here.

Bangkok - off we go!
Hotel: Shangri la
Dinner: Zanotti

Gabi_Rebeschini Oct 11th, 2012 09:33 AM

DAY 11
Bangkok city

We spent the day visiting palaces and temples plus getting Suit made to measure.
Siam Paragon Mall is a good place for lunch, the selection at the food court is huge! and quality very good too.

At night we had a reservation at the famous SIROCCO at Lebua tower. Def beautiful view, and worth going for a drink.. dinner on the other hand was def overpriced...

Traffic is very BAD in Bangkok, if possible avoid moving around by taxi or tuk tuk, opt for the skytrain.

dgunbug Oct 12th, 2012 03:05 PM

Nice report. Glad you enjoyed yourself so much. We are in Beijing now, getting ready to go to Great Wall.

Gabi_Rebeschini Oct 16th, 2012 03:06 AM

DAY 12 Train Market and Floating Market.

Make sure to visit the Train Market at the right time!! The train only passes 2 or 3 times a day. Worth seeing! incredible. i will warn you of the terrible smell in the mkt!

The floating mkt on the other hand was a bit of disappointment, very touristic.. and if you do go, make sure to arrive before 2 pm. by the time we got there, almost everything was closed.

Gabi_Rebeschini Oct 16th, 2012 03:11 AM

DAY 12 Koh Phi Phi

so happy the day finally arrived. We arrived in Phuket at 2 pm, we rushed to the pier since the last ferry is scheduled to depart at 2:30pm. after the taxi driver made some phone calls, he assured us the ferry would wait. And it did! we disembarked at Ton Say bay, where we took a long tail boat to the hotel - PHI PHI ISLAND VILLAGE RESORT.

Wow! so beautiful, warm welcoming with a virgin pina colada and off to our private bungalow on the beach front! Romantic? Oh Yes!

The ocean is so warm, and quiet, easy night at the hotel.

Gabi_Rebeschini Oct 16th, 2012 03:17 AM

Ton Say village - Yuk!!!

My boyfriend had been to phi phi years ago, and insisted we should stay in the Ton Say Village, however after reading many reviews here in fodors I opposed him and booked us at PPIV. We are both so glad with the outcome, after a 25 min long-tail boat ride to the village, all we found was sooooooo many tourists packed on top of each other in a dirty environment, fogging all the natural beauty of this Island. Lesson learned, back to our side of the island! THANK YOU

We had a great afternoon, by the pool, reading a good book, sipping a magnificent coconut dream cocktail :-)

Gabi_Rebeschini Oct 16th, 2012 03:27 AM

DAY 14 MAYA bay and snorkeling

We took the hotel's tour: speed boat, with other 3 couples, total of 5 hours. GREAT!
We stopped at several beautiful places, including where "The Beach" was filmed. Some places we snorkeled, other cliff diving, swimming, feeding monkeys, lunch. Nicest day. I recommend.

we still got back to the hotel in time to enjoy the pool, a couple of drinks and a nice couples massage.

Kathie Oct 16th, 2012 08:44 AM

I'm glad your stay on PhiPhi worked out so well. Enjoy paradise.

Hanuman Oct 18th, 2012 04:38 AM


Did you manage to see any Takraw matches? Glad to hear that you had a good trip and look forward to more of your report and perhaps even pictures!

Gabi_Rebeschini Oct 18th, 2012 05:16 AM

No... :-( unfortunately our days in bangkok were so busy... at night we were exhausted to go look for them... that's one i'll have to come back for.

I'm glad you are enjoying the report. how should i share the pics?

Hanuman Oct 18th, 2012 05:24 AM

I was just joking knowing that you're a model! But if you don't mind sharing then there are web site such as or or paid website such as where you can upload your travel photos to share with other travellers.

Gabi_Rebeschini Oct 18th, 2012 05:31 AM


Today was a merely transition day, to catch our early flight tomorrow to Hanoi.
We stayed at the Millenium Hotel, near all the mess in Phuket.
What can I say? Phuket is a cheesy town... full of bars, single men, and local women offering themselves.
After we heard so much about the ping pong show, I convinced my bf to watch it with me.. we were taken to this small bar with a stage, and few tables. Hummm.. it's not sexy! I assure you of that. it's more like nasty and awkward. At least now I know.

Hanuman Oct 18th, 2012 05:38 AM

The more people who go to these places the more unscrupulous business owners are encouraged to seek out desperate women to shame themselves for money. The lesson here is not to attend such shows in the first place.

StanKase Oct 18th, 2012 06:11 AM

With three (3) weeks why are you excluding Bali and or Java. Very cdifferent cultures and in Java some of the worlds most phenomenal 8th and 10th Century temples and a sunset and sunset at Mt. Bromo m\that can trump any other I have seen in 45 years of travel.

Hanuman Oct 18th, 2012 06:28 AM

I think you are lost Stan!

StanKase Oct 19th, 2012 07:26 AM

Read this too fast as a plan not as a recent experience. Only question then is why did you preclude Bali or Java when you had 21 days to travel. just curious.

Vientianeboy Oct 21st, 2012 01:16 AM

Just read this: "The local women sell you food, you give to the monks, they give to the local kids, who bring back to the home."
No you don't "gotta do this",(sic), at all. The food that is sold is usually of poor quality; further the monks do this to get food. It is not a circus which tourists have turned it into. I would not take part unless you are a Buddhist and it means something to you. by the way, you can see the same in any city in Lao; I pass at least 5 Tak Bats every day on the way to work.

Gabi_Rebeschini Oct 24th, 2012 01:13 AM

Vientianeboy. I did not mean to offend. The Tak Bats was beautiful to see and photograph. As a first time tourist you do not know what to expect.
I believe you gotta go and see, i agree with you, you don't have to give offerings. I correct myself.
However I don't see any harm done. The monks and novices receive so much food, they share with the local kids, they keep enough for themselves, nothing wrong with that.

I did wonder why everybody gave sticky rice... we took fruits and we had some granola bars... they liked those.

Gabi_Rebeschini Oct 24th, 2012 01:16 AM

Indonesia is definitely high on my list. I have always wanted to visit, hopefully it'll be my next trip destination.

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