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GAW871 Jan 19th, 2017 11:10 AM

Feedback on rough one month SE Asia trip

I'm currently planning a one month trip across parts of SE Asia and was hoping i could get some feedback on my current plan.
For background I'm a 24 year old British male who will be travelling alone. I have experience travelling solo, most recently a two month trip across the US so am comfortable with this aspect of the trip but am more concerned about the logistics.
My current plan is as follows:

Day 1- Fly to Bangkok from London - 4 days in Bangkok
Day 6- Bangkok to Siem Reap via bus- 3 days in Siem Reap
Day 10- Bus to Phnom Penh- 3 days in Phnom Penh
Day 14- Bus from Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minch (using the 15 day Visa exception for UK citizens), 3 days in Ho Chi Minh City
Day 18- Fly to Da Nang, taxi to Hoi An- 3 Days in Hoi An
Day 22- Fly to Hanoi- 3 days in Hanoi
Day 26- Fly to Singapore- 3 days in Singapore
Day 30- Return to UK

I appreciate that this is only a basic overview of SE Asia and more time would be required to go in depth, so due to time constraints I've mainly gone for the more touristy cities and am comfortable with this. The segment i'm most concerned about is Vietnam due to the fairly rapid succession of flights, has anyone had experience with this?


crellston Jan 19th, 2017 11:39 AM

Looks like a well paced trip which will provide a decent overview of SE Asia, albeit, mostly cities, which I presume is what you are looking for.

Personally, I find Singapore to be one of the most expensive and least interesting cities in Asia and would cut back the time spent there in favour of adding the nights elsewhere - maybe getting the boat and buses from PP to HCMC via Chau Doc and t Mekong Delta for some variety.

Internal flights within Vietnam are frequent and reasonably priced. Choosing early morning flights will enable you to maximise your time in each location. An alternative would be to take the overnight trains from north to south which we did in 2015 - more info on that on the Vietnam section of our blog @ a good opportunity to meet te people.

Transport is easy to book online except around the Tet holiday at the end of Jan and beginning of Feb.

Kathie Jan 19th, 2017 11:59 AM

While I think Singapore has some interesting things to offer, it is the most expensive place you will be visiting by far. If budget is a consideration, you might want to skip it. I think you did a good job with pacing the trip. I don't think Phnom Penh requires three full days - personally, I'd cut a day there and add it to Siem Reap, but it's your trip.


RM67 Jan 20th, 2017 03:19 AM

See my TR for info on travel in and between Thailand and Vietnam. We also moved about quite a lot over a shortish space of time and found it ok, though had the luxury of a beach resort to chill at the end.

LancasterLad Jan 20th, 2017 04:18 AM

RM67. Don't know why, but somehow I missed following your adventure. Too much to readvin one sitting but I'sure I'll enjoy it.

RM67 Jan 20th, 2017 04:34 AM

It's my fault for not tagging it LancasterLad. I did ask the mods if they could do it retrospectively for me but I don't think they've been able.

I reckon it's about an hours read with a cuppa and custard creams.

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