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GTL Oct 26th, 2004 07:18 PM

Fall colors in Japan
Author: GTL
Date: 10/26/2004, 11:12 pm

Message: I have read in several places that the best
time to see Fall colors in Japan is in
November. I will not be there until the
12th of November. Now, I have folks telling me that I will be there too late. I planned this trip at this time to see Fall
in Japan. Please tell me that I was right.

Thanks in advance.

KimJapan Oct 26th, 2004 07:24 PM

Depends where you are going. We live in Kanazawa and the leaves haven't changed yet. In the mountain areas just an hour away, they have. Kyoto is supposed to be peak this year around the 20th Nov.

GTL Oct 26th, 2004 07:41 PM

Thanks so much for your response.
I appreciate you taking time to answer.

I will be in Esashi on the 13th,Tokyo
on the 14th, Nagoya/Gifu on the 15th & 16th,Kanazawa on the 17th,
Hiroshima on the 18th and 19th,Kyoto on the 20th,21st and 22nd.

Thanks again.

dovima Oct 27th, 2004 10:20 AM


Hiroshima is far enough to the south so that autumn color would be extended to mid-November or so. Kanazawa is closer to the west coast of Japan, where it tends to be a little colder and autumn comes sooner. I have traveled quite a few times to southern Japan in November and early December and did note that sometimes there were still trees bearing color in the first week of December (this was Hiroshima and points south). It really depends on the individual year and the temperature, rain, etc.

Here's another autumn/early winter sight to delight your eye - the persimmon trees which grow all over suburban and urban Japan. With the leaves all fallen away, you see black branches and orangey-russet fruit - stunning, especially when backdropped with a whitewashed farmhouse. In rural areas, you will often see a clothesline strung with peeled persimmons being dried on the veranda. Don't turn down a dried persimmon with a cup of tea should you get offered one.

Have a wonderful trip!

dovima Oct 27th, 2004 11:04 AM

Sorry, that should have been "the persimmon trees that grow all over suburban and RURAL Japan"! And the reason you should not turn down a dried persimmon is because they are delicious - chewy on the outside, velvety soft on the inside.

mrwunrfl Oct 27th, 2004 02:15 PM

GTL, you were right. When you are in Hiroshima, you ought to consider visiting Miyajima. It might be a little early for that area, but I believe that the trees put on quite a show, particularly the maples in Momijidani on Miyajima.

GTL Oct 31st, 2004 07:35 AM

DOVIMA, Your suggestion sounds
delicious! I will remember your advice and try a persimmon. I appreciate your taking time to offer
valuable suggestions.
MRWUNRFL, we have a whole day planned for Miyajima, this place I am
really looking forward to seeing. I think it will be totally awesome! I thank you for your suggestion. Also, I
thank you for taking time to reply.

Just keep the good advice coming!
You guys are great!!!

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