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roz Mar 3rd, 2003 01:16 PM

Cash vs. traveller's checks
I am going to Vietnam and Cambodia next week, and I wanted to know if I should bring traveller's checks. Some people say don't bother because it's hard to cash them. Others say just bring cash (U.S. dollars). Any advice you can give me would be appreciated. Thanks.

Kristina Mar 3rd, 2003 05:56 PM

I traveled in Cambodia last July. At that time, there were no ATM's in the country. We brought US $$ and T-checks, which we cashed in local banks. It's a hassle to cash the checks, but worth it for safety. You can also use credit cards in the larger hotels.

Kathie Mar 3rd, 2003 06:09 PM

There is a long post about cash vs. travelers checks in Cambodia farther down the list. Basically, it's expensive to cash travelers checks in Cambodia. You are better off carrying cash. Depending on where you are staying, you may be able to pay your lodging with a credit card (upper range hotels) or you may need cash (guesthouses). Expensive purchases (like Atirsans d"angkor) can be made on a credit card, but most places want US$. I took call cash ($100 in 1 dollar bills, $100 in $5 bills, $100 in $10 bills, etc) There is no need to change money to riel in Cambodia. In VN, you will want to change some money into dong. I understand it is easier to cahs travelers checks in VN. Ther are also ATMs in Hanoi and HCMC.

Peep Mar 4th, 2003 01:20 AM

We just spent 2 weeks in VN. US dollar travelers checks were easy to cash and places charged 2-4%. It seemed to us that dollar and dong cash were both as readily accepted. There are ATMs in Hanoi and we saw one in Hoi An (but didn't try that one).

mvpl Mar 11th, 2003 08:01 PM

Just returned from Vietnam and Cambodia. They both love American dollars, small bills preferred, not old or dirty. There are very few atm machines in Vietnam and none in Cambodia. They sometimes charge a fee to cash travelers checks. Get new bills and they don't take as much room. Put them in a money belt or other under clothes pouch. I had no trouble in airports and everyone was always happy to accept singles. You will need some local currency for tips as sometimes a dollar is too much, and only US dollars for Visa.

Lucy_of_Oz Mar 12th, 2003 02:39 PM

Hi Roz, I'm heading off to Vietnam &amp; Cambodia in just over a week too! I've decided to take a combination of TC's &amp; US currency (&amp; credit card too) as I don't to take a whole 3 weeks worth of cash - the risk to me isn't worth it. Yes there is a couple % charge to cash the TC's but I figure given how cheap everything is over there its no big deal - plus from what I've read, a lot of places add a couple of % if paying by credit card anyway. There are no ATMS in Cambodia at all &amp; given I'm going there at the end of my trip I like having the security of TC's just in case so I won't be caught short.<BR>Have a fantastic trip!!

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