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rhkkmk Apr 7th, 2011 04:18 PM

Boston GTG, 2011
Karen and I were discussing what we should do this year about holding a GTG. Our consclusion is that for this year we should skip hosting such an event, given Andy's current medical situation.

We will miss seeing everyone, but I promise that we will do something next year---2012.

Andy is hanging in there, is mobil, but with many side issues. His tumor has expanded considerably and his future is less than bright. We hope for the best, but realize the inevitable.


simpsonc510 Apr 7th, 2011 06:08 PM

Bob, thanks for the information. I, too, will miss seeing everyone, but I understand the situation this year.

lcuy Apr 7th, 2011 06:30 PM

Thanks for the early notice, Bob. I will really miss being there, but understand completely.

Please give both Andy and Beth my best.

thursdaysd Apr 7th, 2011 08:56 PM

So sorry to hear that. I was thinking of posting on the other thread to ask for an update.

lincasanova Apr 8th, 2011 08:47 AM

Sending warmest regards

cigalechanta Apr 8th, 2011 12:34 PM

Regret that but totally understand. It wouldn't be the same without him. hoping he will make it next year. Thanks also to you and karen who work hard on the GTGs.

sharona Apr 8th, 2011 01:24 PM

I'll miss it, too, and thanks for the update on Andy. I was wondering how he's doing.

cw Apr 8th, 2011 01:29 PM

Bob and Karen, thanks for letting us know. I completely understand that this time isn't conducive to a GTG. It's a sad and stressful time. I'll look forward to 2012 and hope we all can meet then.

sassy_cat Apr 8th, 2011 02:50 PM

Please pass on my best wishes to Beth and Andy and I hope they have many more good days together in the months ahead.

Bob, thanks for the update.

AGM_Cape_Cod Apr 8th, 2011 04:37 PM

We will miss the GTG and all the friends we have made through it. I am sorry for the reason as well. Our best wishes for Andy and Beth.

Jackie Apr 8th, 2011 04:49 PM

Sad news all around. I will miss seeing everyone one and hearing their travel stories. Andy and Beth are in my thoughts.

justretired Apr 8th, 2011 04:56 PM

Larry and i will miss seeing everyone and are sorry to hear the latest about Andy's condition. Please keep us all in the loop and we send our best to both Andy and beth. Thanks for the hard work you all have done in organizing and running this event.


Nikki Apr 8th, 2011 06:48 PM

I am very sorry to hear about Andy, he and Beth are in my thoughts.

rhkkmk Apr 8th, 2011 07:13 PM

thanks everyone for your good wishes, i will pass them along..

marya_ Apr 11th, 2011 01:32 PM

More regrets, understanding, and good wishes from these quarters.

Smeagol Apr 12th, 2011 03:56 AM

Send best wishes from D and I to.

Florida1 Apr 12th, 2011 04:25 AM

I also send my good wishes and thoughts to Andy and Beth.

robmac Apr 12th, 2011 05:01 AM

Iris and I are very sorry to hear about Andy's situation. Please give him and Beth our best wishes.

shelleyk Apr 12th, 2011 05:30 AM

We'll miss seeing everyone. Please send our best wishes to Andy and Beth.

Jaya Apr 12th, 2011 02:29 PM

Bob, I totally understand you and Karen's decision, and like those who have already posted, I too will miss not seeing everyone this year, but there are other priorities right now. Our collective thoughts and prayers go to Andy and Beth with a special appreciation to you and Karen for being such amazing friends to them.


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