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rhkkmk Mar 25th, 2010 09:00 AM

OK, here we go again....hard to believe that a year has passed so quickly...

The Boston GTG this year will be held on Saturday, October 9, 2010 at the Bokx 109 Restaurant on the lower level of the Indigo Hotel, 399 Grove Street, Newton, MA commencing at 11 AM. This is the same location as last year, which was well received.
And this year the time has been re-extended to 3PM.

Out of town guests will use as our primary hotel, the Hyatt Summerfield Suites Hotel in Burlington, MA for both friday and saturday nites. Breakfast is included in the rate which ranges from about $95 to $130 depending on your discounts and when you book---the rate seems to change quite often so keep checking back. We do NOT have a reserved block of rooms, its all on a first come, first serve basis. This is a busy hotel.

Friday nite there will be a short wine fest at Summerfields followed by dinner at a local restaurant, yet to be determined.

Saturday nite we will again go, as a group, to Similans Thai Restaurant on First Street in Cambridge.

As in the past we will ask each person to introduce themselves at the Saturday GTG and instead of a travel story bring with them something that they have purchased on their travels and hopefully a very SHORT story about the item, its circumstances, etc... humor is a plus...

i will be sending a series of seperate e mails to those who have attended in the past, but any new folks who might want to attend please contact us at:

[email protected]

We encourage newbies to join us for one or all of the functions....its tons of fun and meeting with other fodorites is informative and helps spur future travels....

costs: lunch will be approximately $37. plus any drinks you order from the bar
dinners will be split evenly amongst the number of attendees with a seperate
bar and food bill as in the past.

Andy and I look forward to greeting all of you again..... Beth and Karen also...


simpsonc510 Mar 25th, 2010 09:48 AM

I'll be there, as usual, barring any unforeseen circumstances. All three "events." Looking forward to another fun-filled weekend. Always a pleasure!

tengohambre Mar 25th, 2010 01:15 PM

Count us in, as we now pack and head out the door for Argentina tonight.

Let's see if we can get some interesting folks to the GTG this time . . .
: )

kmkrnn Mar 25th, 2010 01:35 PM

Robert (Tengohamber) we are holding you to this!!! Clam chowder saturday at lunch!!

indianapearl Mar 25th, 2010 01:48 PM

I think I'll do this. I'm reasonably "interesting" (so my friends tell me) and will bring something from my travels for Show and Tell. Is there a prize for the best presentation?? Should we have a little song prepared?? Or a dance?? Best costume??

Gpanda Mar 25th, 2010 03:56 PM

The Panda will be present. There will be a prize for the Fodorite that best ridicules Bob. I will not be eligible. Look forward to seeing everyone.

lcuy Mar 25th, 2010 07:58 PM

Indiana- you will be allowed to do whatever you want. Be prepared for the gong though.

In the past, prizes have included squares of recycled astroturf, Boston telephone directories, and wrinkled 1000 Lira bills. Don't spend too much on your costume!

bookchick Mar 25th, 2010 08:56 PM

I'll be able to show as long as one of these two conditions are in place:

1) I have a paying job by the time of the GTG or
2) I have an appt. at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute the Friday of the GTG.

Thanks for the invitation,

rhkkmk Mar 26th, 2010 06:47 AM

no prizes....just recognition as inventive...this promises to be one of our better GTG's and they are famous, right up there with david's LA and guenmai's pasadena and even the bkk GTG's....

a glittering array of the less than famous: gpanda, lcuy, tengombre, boston harbor, rhkkmk, hawaiiantraveller?, simpsonc510 plus some of your favorites from the europe board....

Hanuman Mar 26th, 2010 07:44 AM

Oh I tried but the commonwealth of Massachusetts would not give me a visa! Something to do with being a registered Republican?

marya_ Mar 26th, 2010 07:55 AM

Check again, Sir Hanuman. As of January, we have gone over to the dark side and elected a republican senator. Or, at least some of "us" did while others of us much preferred the opposition.

lcuy Mar 26th, 2010 11:30 AM

Yes, Hanuman. Republicans are not allowed visas in MA. They are too tight with their money, so Visa can't make any profit on them. Try Mastercard or American Express.

Smeagol Mar 26th, 2010 11:37 AM

Sigh....would love to come but just not possible for us in October. Will read the dynamic duos reports with interest.....

simpsonc510 Mar 26th, 2010 12:12 PM

who would imagine... a GTG thread turning political... :)

Craig Mar 26th, 2010 01:10 PM

I do intend to come, albeit without my better half. Jeane unfortunately will be working that Saturday so that she can get away with me on the following Tuesday to spend a week celebrating our 20th on Kauai.

I will be sure to bring my MasterCard.

Gpanda Mar 26th, 2010 01:51 PM

Craig-what's more important? Getting together with your Fodors friends or reminding Jeane that she's been stuck with you for twenty years? We need Jeane. She was the star last year.

Craig Mar 26th, 2010 01:59 PM

She's always the star. If only I could do the cherry-stem knot trick...

hawaiiantraveler Mar 26th, 2010 02:45 PM

Ohaiyo gozaimasu from Tokyo! Yes the HT's are planning for the invasion of Boston. Since Bob's front yard is off limits, we have booked into the Hyatt Summerfield Suites. We can't wait to meet up with old and new friends. I have to warn you all of my shyness and that speaking in front of crowds makes me very nervous so that is why I am bringing Mrs HT to do all the public speaking,lol


rhkkmk Mar 26th, 2010 04:43 PM

note to attendees----all must speak as this is a true democratic state

simpsonc510 Mar 26th, 2010 04:47 PM

Looking forward to it, HT. How long are you in Tokyo/Japan this time?

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