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Katie_H Nov 9th, 2007 12:52 PM

Beijing Olympics: Are You Going?
Next year's Olympics came up in an editorial meeting today. I haven't seen too many messages about the Games here. Is anybody planning on attending? If so, are you heading there with a package or making your own arrangements?

Lia Nov 9th, 2007 01:11 PM

I travel to Beijing frequently on business and was told the 5* hotels are already sold out and they've been taking bookings for more than a year. A quick check of well-known tour operators shows some really overpriced packages.

My business associates are all planning to leave town that month.

Colduphere Nov 10th, 2007 09:32 AM

Long time reader, first time poster. We are a family of six going to the Olympics. We think we need to be along a subway line as our events end late at night.
I spent hours trying to find reasonable midrange accommodations and gave up. Then I spent hours trying to get a travel agaent to help us. No one interested.
Finally we found what looks like a great spot by searching under hostels. All we have to do is send them $2700 US dollars within a month to secure our room. That amount represents half of our rental for ten nights.
We get two reactions when we tell people we are going to the OLymics. "Trip of a lifetime" and "Are you crazy?!! Time will tell.

Colduphere Nov 10th, 2007 09:43 AM

Sorry about those typos. I thought I was spellchecking and suddenly my message was posted.

It reminds me of how I ended up married.

jj401 Nov 12th, 2007 10:06 AM

I was waiting for tickets through but they really messed up the ticket process. If you are looking for hotels I was able to get one at the Holiday Inn. Or if you want a name of a private tour guide you can use ours. We traveled there last year and used her, what a trip, her name is Peggy. [email protected]. Tell her that GG sent you and she will help you. Jack

Colduphere Nov 12th, 2007 10:49 AM

Thanks so much Jack. We lucked out on the ticket lottery. At least we think we lucked out. I guess we won't know if it was good or bad luck until after the Olympics are over.

Violet_1125 Nov 12th, 2007 02:31 PM

yes,everything will go up during Olympic Games,why do you not choose the appartment?which will be cheaper than hotel,maybe you also can stay with locals.
good luck

Colduphere Nov 12th, 2007 03:26 PM

Good questions Violet. We did find some apartments on the internet that were reasonably priced. But it was difficult to tell how easy they would be to return to when our events end at midnight. And I have not found the rental agencies to be overly responsive.

I have read here how taxis are numerous in Beijing. But I think the Olympics might test the taxi supply. We would rather not be trying to wave down taxis at 1am with three kids in tow.

I have heard that a family stay program may be organized. But in any event we have booked with a small guesthouse named Kelly’s Courtyard. They have just opened which makes me a bit nervous. On the other hand the man there has been very responsive and helpful with issues aside from accommodations.

lynclarke Nov 15th, 2007 03:36 AM

We are going to Beijing just after the Olympics. I have talked with several people who are trying to make apt reservations who are having difficulty. I hope to make reservations soon. So far I am leaning towards the Hua Wei Business Apartments but I do not have a quote, yet. When I wrote to them it wa too early.

Violet_1125 Nov 18th, 2007 10:40 PM

Hi Colduphere,one of my friends work in appartment agency for leasing appartments in Beijing,if you have any questions,you can ask him,Steve,[email protected]
Good luck

Colduphere Nov 19th, 2007 02:20 AM

Many thanks Violet

TracyLynn Nov 19th, 2007 05:37 PM

Hello Colduphere...

My husband and I have just booked with Kelly's Courtyard for August 16-26, 2008 through . How did you book your rooms?

We have been looking for a room for a few weeks and we would not pay $500-900/night. And pay 100% up front! That is just ridiculous!

I had one web site tell me that they had a three day package for $5,000. It included hotel, 3 sets of tickets (low cost tickets like handball) and one tour. We declined.

Anyway, Kelly's Courtyard looks like a nice place. As you said...time will tell.


Colduphere Nov 19th, 2007 06:00 PM

Hi TraceyLynn

We booked directly with Kelly's Courtyard as I was posing some questions directly to them about subway access. We paid $90 US per person - the same price listed on hostel sites at the time.

We are there August 13-22 so I really look forward to meeting you. I will be the guy with the three kids, one wife and one sister in law.

Colduphere Nov 19th, 2007 06:06 PM

Sorry about the "e" TracyLynn.

TracyLynn Nov 19th, 2007 07:31 PM

Ha,ha,ha... no problem about the 'e'.

Wow, you really have your own 'group tour' there :-)

I emailed the hotel directly and they didn't respond, so I booked through Hostels .com. Maybe it's a translation thing.

Anyway, did they take your credit card, or how are you doing the 50% down? charged their regular 10% on my visa, but they don't say how the other 40% is to be paid. I sent them an email and they will get back to me within 72 hours.

Will you be going other places in China? We will be there until September 5th when we fly home from Beijing.


Colduphere Nov 20th, 2007 04:04 AM


The fellow there speaks very good English. We used a bank transfer to send the 50% deposit late last week. He sent me his banking details via email. He said he would send a confirmation when he received the funds. I have not heard yet.

As I said in a previous posting I am a little nervous about this transaction but have proceeded anyways. Last year my daughter and I went to Germany for the World Cup of soccer/football. I ended up in a year long fight with World Cup officials when they double charged me for game tickets. That incident involved a VISA card and it was still almost impossible to get my money back. Extreeeeemely frustrating. If it wasn’t for FIFA (the world soccer body) I never would have received my money back.

But to be clear I am very impressed with Kelly’s Courtyard to date.

We are flying to Tokyo in early August and will find our way west to Beijing for August 13. Someone posted a few weeks ago how expensive one way fares are between Japan and Beijing for next summer. That is certainly what I have observed as well.

Our last Olympic event is August 21. We then have a little over a week before we fly home from Beijing on August 30. We are still trying to determine what we will do that last week. Perhaps by that point we will all want to take separate one week tours.

Katie_H Nov 21st, 2007 08:24 AM

TracyLynn and colduphere (and anyone else is welcome to chime in):

What events are you seeing?
How long ago did you start planning your trips?

Sounds like a definite trip of a lifetime...but a little stressful. That's neat that you'll be staying at the same spot.

Colduphere Nov 21st, 2007 05:23 PM

Hi Katie H

My daughter and I went to Germany last year for the World Cup of soccer/football. I don’t get overly emotional about much but I did in Germany. When you are sitting with your 14 year old daughter in a far off place and people from all around the world genuinely seem happy to be together … well it brought tears to my eyes more than once.

So to answer your question that is when I started thinking of the Olympics for the whole family.

We are seeing track and field, basketball and baseball. A few more tickets will become available through CoSport on November 26. We will try to get additional tickets but I doubt we will.

I know people say that the Olympics is a time to avoid China. But our trip is not really about the Olympics or even about China. It is about showing the kids and ourselves that people can get along and celebrate, regardless of where they are from or what language they speak.

Look for the teary eyed guy on television next August.

Katie_H Nov 26th, 2007 01:22 PM

Thanks for posting that must be nice to know that no matter what this will be an unforgettable trip for your whole family. I hope you receive some good advice here. While I know it's pretty far away, be sure to post a trip report!

Colduphere Nov 26th, 2007 02:09 PM

Thanks Katie_H. Much to my surprise there were plenty of tickets available on CoSport today. We got tickets to six more events, although not all in the "in demand" sports. We did find volleyball and weightlifting tickets. And you can't predict kids' reaction. They are thrilled to be seeing the archery finals. I think by the end we may be bleary eyed rather than teary eyed. But so be it.

I will bring a note pad so that I can write a trip report. By the looks of this thread not too many people will be interested. Maybe it is too early.

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