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Rap_Arts Jul 23rd, 2016 08:25 AM

Boarding US-bound Flight with Expired Green Card
Hi, I am worry sick about this and the research online I have done show very conflicting opinions. Therefore, I am hoping that someone with Real Life Experience may give me some advice.

My Green Card (GC) is expired and I submitted my I-90 renewal application online a few days ago. However, before I realize my GC is expired I had already booked my trip (air and hotel) to Spain leaving the US on 09-18-2016. It is highly unlikely that I will receive my new GC before the trip.

From my research it looks like I shouldn’t have any problem re-entering the US with the expired GC along with the Receipt for my renewal application. However, the problem seems to lie with not US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) but with the airline.

On their website CBP says that

“Please be aware that if your travel plans include air travel, many airlines will not board passengers with an expired green card. To be considered for boarding with an expired Green Card, you must have Notice of Action (Form I-797) verifying that you applied to replace it.”

However, some people say that it is not enough and that the airline will not let you board an US-bound with an expired GC, period, regardless of what BCP says.

If you have any Recent Real Life Experience in a situation like mine, I would really appreciate it if you may share it with me.

Also from my research, it is indicated that the safest way to ensure a trouble-free trip is to get a I-551 stamp on my passport from the USCIS. However, every time I check (that’s multiple times daily) USCIS says there is no appointment available for the coming 14-day period. I am trying to prepare for the worst case scenario because I worry that I can’t get an appointment in time to get the I-551 stamp. I don't want to be stuck in Spain.


cfc Jul 23rd, 2016 10:06 AM

Contact the office of your local congressional representative (member of the US House) and ask for help in getting the new C expedited.

cfc Jul 23rd, 2016 10:06 AM GC expedited...

RoamsAround Jul 23rd, 2016 10:18 AM

The problem with getting "any Recent Real Life Experience in a situation like mine" is that it is at best anecdotal and very dependent on the whim of the airline ticketing/gate agents who will be on duty the day you fly. If the airline agent denies you boarding telling him/her that the responders on Fodor's Airline Forum told you it would be OK won't amount to a hill of beans.

You already know you need an I-551 Stamp so do whatever you can to get that stamp BEFORE you fly. as cdc suggested, call your congressional representative and ask for help.

Rap_Arts Jul 23rd, 2016 10:46 AM

Upon more research, I see some people saying that USCIS now only gives out the I-551 stamp for emergency situations but business or leisure travel is not considered emergency. But I will try to get an appointment anyway.

Also, there are people saying that I should be able to get a Boarding Foil (Transportation Letter) from the US Embassy in Madrid. So I will try that if I can't get an appointment for or they don't give me the I-551 stamps before I leave.

In regard to talking to my elected Representative ... I have seeked help from them before for other matters. Suffice it to say that they aren't that helpful at all.

janisj Jul 23rd, 2016 03:51 PM

>>If you have any Recent Real Life Experience in a situation like mine, I would really appreciate it if you may share it with me.<<

>>Also, there are people saying that I should be able to get a Boarding Foil (Transportation Letter) from the US Embassy in Madrid. So I will try that if I can't get an appointment for or they don't give me the I-551 stamps before I leave.<<

None of which has anything at all to do w/ whether they will board you or not. It will be <u>entirely</u> up to the airline ground staff. If someone has been successful -- doesn't mean you will be, and if someone has been unsuccessful -- doesn't mean you won't be. But in the departure lounge is too late to find out.

In fact, the airline might not even allow you to board your flight out of the States --- or they might.

If it was me - I'd pay a change fee and re-book for several months out.

Rap_Arts Jul 23rd, 2016 08:20 PM


<quote>: "In fact, the airline might not even allow you to board your flight out of the States --- or they might."<quote>

I can understand why for flight COMING IN to the U.S., but why wouldn't the airline let me board a flight LEAVING the U.S. with an expired Green Card? It is not a crime to have an expired Green Card. So what reason / logic would they have to not allowing me to LEAVE the U.S.? I honestly don't understand why you say that. Besides, unless things have changed recently, I don't recall the airline requiring any document beside my passport (maybe my driver's license additionally) for flight LEAVING the U.S. Have things changed recently?

janisj Jul 23rd, 2016 09:50 PM

>>I can understand why for flight COMING IN to the U.S., but why wouldn't the airline let me board a flight LEAVING the U.S. with an expired Green Card? <<

Simple - Because you have a R-T ticket and IF the airline suspects you would not be allowed back in the States they very well might deny you boarding in the first place. Now, you might be absolutely fine and have no problems at either end -- but IF you are denied boarding for your return flight you will be SOL . . .

>> It is not a crime to have an expired Green Card. <<

No one said it is a crime -- but you asked if you can fly w/ one. Maybe, maybe not.

thursdaysd Jul 24th, 2016 07:18 AM

>> It is not a crime to have an expired Green Card. <<

You sure about that? If your card has expired your permission to be in the country has expired. In your case you may have additional paperwork that shows that you are still legally here, but as a blanket statement I don't believe it is true. When I had a Green Card (although it was actually pink by the time I became a citizen) it said on it that you had to carry it at all times, presumably to prove your legal presence if challenged.

(And before someone goes on about this being a free country, anywhere within 100 miles of a border you are liable to challenge. )

cfc Jul 24th, 2016 09:49 AM

"I have seeked help from them before for other matters. Suffice it to say that they aren't that helpful at al"

Obviously will depend on the Rep. I used to advise foreign students and the Rep. was a godsend. When I moved to another city, suggested the same thing to friends who needed help (similar - had Green Card but some complex stuff) and they had a good experience. Then other friends in another city had a lousy experience. If you ask me to predict which Congressional districts have good Reps., I couldn't possibly. But that doesn't mean it isn't worth trying.

I suspect some will be mindful that they have potential voters making the inquiry, or people who will spread word-of-mouth praise. I've known of situations, too, where a local political leader (e.g., party leader or community figure) places the call on behalf of the person needing help.

Lots of ways to try to solve the problem. Plan prudently and don't rule out anything that might help.

Rap_Arts Jul 24th, 2016 09:59 AM

<quote> You sure about that? If your card has expired your permission to be in the country has expired. <quote>

Absolutely. It is a well known FACT. Unless your status is the "Conditional Permanent Resident" class, like when you are granted the status via marriage. In that case, your status is only for 2 years and before the 2-year period comes, you need to apply to remove the "Conditional" status in order to grain the "Lawful Permanent Resident" status for which your status will never expired or be taken away unless you commit any offense that is worthy of a legal removal of your status.

janisj, I understand there are a lot of unknown factors ... like the particular mood the airline clerk is in at the moment I check in ... even though the CBP website says that I should be OK. I understand that. Sure. But my goal here is to gain info, not to argue. I just like to hear people's real life experience, that is to say, beyond just "theory", that's all. Do you have any personal experience or do you know anyone who dose?

Rap_Arts Jul 24th, 2016 10:04 AM

<quote> Absolutely. It is a well known FACT. <quote> Edit to Add: What I say above refers to the fact that the Lawful Permanent Resident status does NOT expired even the Green Card itself expires. Just want to clarify.

thursdaysd Jul 24th, 2016 10:06 AM

Can't be bothered to look up the details again (did so a couple of weeks ago), but if you stay out of the country too long your status WILL expire.

thursdaysd Jul 24th, 2016 10:10 AM

And there is this, from

"The key thing to understand, however, is that one of your obligations under U.S. immigration laws is to carry a valid green card with you at all times. If you are caught with an expired green card, or an old-style green card with no expiration date, you could be prosecuted for a misdemeanor. Having a crime on your record can lead to other problems, for example when you apply for U.S. citizenship."

janisj Jul 26th, 2016 07:29 PM

>>But my goal here is to gain info, not to argue. I just like to hear people's real life experience,<<

Then you just <i>may</i> need to find yourself a new forum -- I doubt many Fodorites have any experience traveling w/ expired Green Cards . . . just sayin'

And it does seem you do want to argue just a bit . . .

Msp1278 Jul 29th, 2016 06:23 PM

To be honest, asking your congressional representative to help you get your green card extended really won't help all that much. Your best and safest bet is to find your local Citizenship and Immigration Services office, take your passport, your green card and proof of filing of your I-90, and they should actually stamp your passport. To also be on the safe side take your travel itinerary with you. Because processing times for green cards are around 9 months, you won't get it in time. I've stamped plenty of passports, and that will actually be faster than contacting your representative.

Msp1278 Jul 29th, 2016 06:30 PM

Please understand, just because your card is expired it does not mean your permission to be in the country has expired. It just means you have no current proof of your legal status. But you are still a permanent resident. I do agree that an airline may not let you board to leave, but they most likely will not let you board coming back. And even if they do let you board, it's up to customs to actually allow you in. I don't know where you heard or read about stamps only being given for emergency purposes, that is not true. The only changes that have occurred in regards to the stamps has to deal with filing for naturalization. If you're not leaving until September, check online at least twice a day for available appointments. And if you're close enough to an office try to see if they will take walk-ins. And I have yet to hear of anybody being charged with a misdemeanor for not caring of valid green card with them. It sure will not give you a hassle when you apply for naturalization

janisj Jul 29th, 2016 07:02 PM

>>And even if they do let you board, it's up to customs to actually allow you in.<<

Customs? Customs doesn't admit anyone into the country . . . That would be Immigration.

thursdaysd Jul 29th, 2016 07:34 PM

And a new poster with no profile doesn't carry much authority even without obvious errors.

Msp1278 Jul 30th, 2016 04:29 AM

Immigration gives the person the benefits, however, it is Customs that has final say as to who is and is not allowed into this country. They have the right to refuse admission into this country. Who do you thinks stamps passports and admits people? Immigration is not found at US ports of entry, that would be Customs and Border Patrol. But just ignore the person who actually works for the agency, because obviously people who don't work immigration and have never held a green card but have a profile here have much more power and knowledge.

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