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sandals Jul 23rd, 2018 10:26 PM

Yellow Fever Vaccine Requirement?
I'm getting mixed answers...leaving for Tanzania at the end of August.

amyb Jul 24th, 2018 05:12 AM

You don't say where you're coming from or transiting through. For example, if you are coming from the US and transiting through Europe, you don't need it. If you're coming from a country or stopping in a country that has known yellow fever risks, you'll need it. I needed it when I was coming from Rwanda, which is a known yellow fever country, but not when I was coming from the US through England or Netherlands.

sandals Jul 24th, 2018 07:38 AM

Thanks--we will be coming and going from the USA and through Amsterdam. Some of the posts I've seen indicate that if you purchase your visa for Tanzania in the airport, they may require proof of Yellow Fever vaccination--or may not---so I don't trust the info I've been getting. What do you think?

amyb Jul 24th, 2018 08:03 AM

I only have anecdotal experience, but I did not need the Yellow Fever vaccine when I got my visa on arrival in TZ in 2013 and I did the same routing you are: US to Amsterdam to Kilimanjaro. You are not coming from or transiting through a country with YF, so you shouldn't need it and they shouldn't be asking for it. If you're seeing a travel clinic doctor to get your anti-malarial meds (general practitioners usually don't prescribe those) you might want to ask that doctor to confirm.

The US CDC Centers for Disease Control has a link about everything they recommend for traveling to Tanzania and says that the Tanzanian government only requires it if you're coming from a country with a YF risk.

sandals Jul 24th, 2018 08:15 AM

One of the Fodor's Forum post said they asked for it when they went to the island of Zanzibar, which is part of Tanzania, but...??

amyb Jul 24th, 2018 09:05 AM

I'd go first with the opinion of my travel clinic doc who will be interpreting what the CDC says. The Zanzibar comment doesn't make sense to me unless they were coming from a YF country.

mlgb Jul 24th, 2018 09:59 AM

I'd read the CDC and Tanzania websites myself and not rely on a random poster who may have forgotten where they actually were when asked for proof. I can't see how you're required to prove a vaccine if you are flying in from the US via Amsterdam

btw the experts now believe that one vaccine gives lifetime immunity.

laurieco Jul 24th, 2018 04:15 PM

I have read in a few places that when going to Zanzibar, even from mainland Tanzania, they may require a yellow fever vaccination even though Zanzibar is part of Tanzania. It seems very silly and most likely we won't be asked, but since my husband and I were vaccinated for yellow fever in the past and the vaccines are still in effect, we will bring our yellow cards and proof of vaccination just in case, since we are spending three days in Zanzibar after our safari. We leave for Tanzania on Tuesday. Cannot wait!

panecott Jul 28th, 2018 08:00 AM

Have a wonderful trip, laurieco.
I just booked a last minute Tanzania safari this week, for September. I'm also going to Zanzibar..
I look forward to hearing about your safari when you return.
Safe and happy travels!

Leely2 Jul 28th, 2018 12:10 PM

Fourteen (holy smokes, it was a long time ago!) years ago, I had to show my YF card when arriving to Zanzibar. Not sure if it's still required--please let us know when you return, laurieco.

And safari njema!

sdb2 Aug 1st, 2018 05:07 AM

Unfortunately, there's lots of conflicting info out there on Tanzania and the need for the YF jab, so the mixed answers. Though Tanzania has done a pretty good job of cleaning things up in recent years, angst still runs fairly high among visitors about what awaits them at Tanzanian airports. Much of the confusion arises from dated information on the net (e.g, Rwanda is a risk country, jabs last only 10 years), a perpetuation of the once true story line that officials will do whatever they want and whenever they want (I haven't read of "visitors being marched off for a shot" in many years now), incorrect information posted by some Tanzanian Embassies/HCs and sometimes just plain wrong information given by posters. It should be remembered too that being asked for proof of jab does not equate to being required to have the jab....explaining why one doesn't need the jab in a respectful manner will get one through.

The above doesn't really help the worried traveler in many cases. Though I don't recommend unnecessary jabs, getting the jab may be the only way to peace of mind for some before they head to Tanzania.

laurieco Aug 14th, 2018 02:48 AM

We flew to Zanzibar yesterday. While you need to go through immigration even when coming from Tanzania, they did not ask for proof of yellow fever vaccination.

sandals Aug 15th, 2018 07:07 AM

You just saved me a long drive and a big chunk of money. Your recent experience there is, well, "priceless"! I got the other vaccines I needed for Tanzania at Walgreen's. Yellow Fever shots require a trip to Denver, and several hundred dollars for the "consultation" and the vaccine. I already have our VISAS for Tanzania, so it should be smooth sailing. Thanks for the update!

mlgb Aug 15th, 2018 08:06 AM

Glad you didn't waste your time and money based on bad/outdated information!

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