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Lucia78 Jul 20th, 2006 04:20 PM

WOW, costs add up!
I just did something that I advise no one ever to do...calculated the total cost of my trip...and I mean total...shots, insurance, prescriptions, trips to Target/Clothes, taxis, flight, safari, tips, gifs, extras. I'm completely floored! It's about $2000 higher than I thought it was.

I think I need to start the ambien I got for the flight early!

Please tell me all you Africa addicts and veterans...the pain of the price goes away...

Also for any Rwanda travellers...did you visit the gorillas more than once? Is 1 x enough or should we go more. By this point, I feel like what's another $400!!

Leely Jul 20th, 2006 04:37 PM

Lucia, are you out of your mind? Never, and I mean <i>never</i> add up total costs of your trip. Good grief!

Luckily it's almost cocktail hour in California. Your post has just given me a panic attack.

And when I say cocktail, of course I'm including Ambien in the shaker.

atravelynn Jul 20th, 2006 05:08 PM

Not to mention the photography costs. Sorry :(

Yes, it does total way more than the quote from your travel agent or operator.

Here is why I would do a second gorilla visit. (1) You've come all that way. Either all the way to Rwanda or at least all the way to PNV. Why not make the most of your travel efforts? (2) Though very rare, especially in Rwanda, it is possible that you will not locate the gorillas or that you will be unable to visit them. I know once in Uganda the gorillas were too close to forest elephants and it was unsafe to approach. Again, highly unlikely, and even less likely in Rwanda than Uganda. But I can't imagine the disappointment of not seeing any gorillas. If you have two trips, you are just about guaranteed seeing them. Also you have two opportunities for photos/video and it is hard to get decent pictures of the gorillas.

cindysafari Jul 20th, 2006 05:57 PM

This may make you feel better, Lucia...Our upcoming Kenya trip in September:
Airfare: $5,000.00
Kenyan Visa- $120.00
And we have not purchased trip insurance or clothing, yet. Feel better, now? :)

santharamhari Jul 20th, 2006 06:24 PM

Someone posted awhile ago.....think of that mastercard commercial and think of it as &quot;that other thing you can't put a price tag on!&quot;


PredatorBiologist Jul 20th, 2006 07:06 PM

The pain is all gone when you see that first big cat! In fact then you start thinking about how it is all worth so much more -- not that you would necessarily have more but it tends to end with a money well spent feel.

Lucia78 Jul 20th, 2006 07:08 PM

You guys all just made me smile! My parents joy in my going on this trip also helped alot tonight. I know it's been discussed on this forum before, but it gets difficult when you spend so much money and then most everyone you come in contact with says &quot;you're going to Rwanda and Kenya on vacation!&quot; I know they are wrong, but it's still disheartening. Glad to know there's this forum!!!

Anyway, I think you are right about the 2nd gorilla trek. I also really want to go twice, because I want to see the Susa family as well as one of the more habituated groups that is more interactive.

I leave next Friday!!!! Can't believe it.

Thanks for the moral boost!

loveintravelin Jul 20th, 2006 08:53 PM

The cost do add up, but its so worth it considering all the memories you are making. In June we went on a 10 day safari, and a 2 day gorilla trek in Rawanda.I agree, about doing the 2 days of treking. You see different groups of gorillas, and for me, I would have loved to spend even more time with them. There is something mystical about looking into the eyes of a silverback, while he is looking into your eyes. I kept wondering what he was thinking. So take the ambien......and enjoy!!!!!

kimburu Jul 20th, 2006 09:39 PM

Oh Lucia, you foolish, foolish person!!!! Now you have gone and done it (and got us all hyperventilating) I would definitely recommend you do NOT share your findings with friends or relatives - even those accompanying you. I don't even tell my wife - she knows all the individual details and how much she has to contribute to each portion, but information like this has to be distributed on a strictly &quot;need to know basis - even with yourself. The only place I know of where you will feel BETTER after revealing your total costs is here on this forum - feeling better cindysafari? I don't even KNOW the cost of my safari - I changed the itinerary and told the operator just to book and let me know the revised price later (it's a bit complicated and will require some time to work out). I actually wrote back to confirm that there was no rush and hopefully I will have enough funds in my &quot;Africa account&quot; to cover the cost before the quotation arrives. If I don't I'm going to have to ask Leely to pass the Pina Colambiens because the shortish-haul Emirates flights I planned to take in economy are full and with no practical alternative it looks like we're going long-haul business class with Kenya Airways. I am dealing with this by pretending that I did not just receive a $1800 tax refund and that the business class tickets are therefore only slightly more expensive than economy.

Ignorance certainly is bliss :-)

Hari... the reason you can't put a price tag on it might be because it is always moving ... upwards ;-)

kimburu Jul 20th, 2006 09:42 PM

And I feel better now... thank you for &quot;listening&quot;. :&quot;&gt;

LyndaS Jul 20th, 2006 09:54 PM

$30,038.67 (Cdn) but who's counting?

Chinook Jul 21st, 2006 12:01 AM


My total cost for a 2 weeks safari in Uganda will be max 5000 usd (for my husband and me) , 1 gorilla and chimps permit , car, driver , accomodations , meals, tips, visas ... , little extras included..;and I found it expensive ! I'm lucky to have free tickets flights ( booked with miles).
If you do have the budget, you are totally right to offer your the best . I cannot, so I have to reduce the costs .

Don't worry, your safari will be fabulous ! And the pain ot the price will go away ..very quick when you will see this marvellous country , wild animals and the luxury of your Lodges.
I wish you a fabulous safari

sandi Jul 21st, 2006 04:17 AM

It sure can be &quot;ambian-time&quot; when you figure out the amount before you've left home. But, unlike a trip where most don't need visas, inoculations, malaria meds... maybe even some special clothing, most of us just consider air and land (hotel, meal, tour) costs. Makes sense - all you have to do is get there/wherever (Europe, the Caribbean, as example).

Fortunately, on our first trip to Africa, I somehow included all these extra costs so it wasn't such a shock. But when it came time for our trip to Southern Africa and me wanting to stay at the most expensive Singita, had to discuss with the partner. He didn't want to know, as our other trips came in at an agreeable budget. So I went ahead and booked.

Singita was going to be our last stop - you know &quot;save the best for last&quot; - we were in Chobe, my partner having dinner alone that evening as jet lag had finally caught up with me (after 5-days already on the continent), enjoying his meal with a couple who had just been at Londilozi.

Needless to say, when he returned to our chalet, with a lovely dinner tray prepared by the chef, he asked &quot;bye the way, how much is this Singita place costing us?&quot; Well, truth time and I said &quot;it's expensive at $600 or $650/nt/person (this was in '01), but I tried to discuss this with you; you didn't want to hear... just do what you think is right.&quot;

&quot;My goodness, the total cost is more than the price of a house note, or books for a college semester.&quot; &quot;Yup, but I'm sure you'll really like it.&quot; No way was I about to get into a hissy-fit over what was already done.

Sure enough, after two days at Singita, his only complaint was that we hadn't arranged to stay for a third.

Absolutely, for as many trips to Africa that can be expensive, there are as many who travel here at very reasonable prices - all as one's budget allows.

Since we're not taking the money with us at the end of days... best anyone knows, we come around only once. Make the most of it regardless the cost.

You can tell your family on your return that you've spent their college tuition, inheritance or your retirement fund! Africa is something so special - worth every penny, sou, pence, shekel, rand or shilling.

cybor Jul 21st, 2006 04:45 AM

My DH just got tired of my repetitive &quot;just think of it as an investment&quot;, &quot;lucky us we won't have to worry about hepatitis for xx years&quot;, &quot;now we finally have a good camera and so much memory for all the rest of our trips, forever&quot; etc. He finally told me to just book, buy whatever and hide the receipts - works for me :)

Really though, most of this stuff can be used again, right? Including the amazing memories. I do hope that years from now when I'm in the home eating my porridge thru a straw, that the thought of seeing that rhino stop and spray directly in front of my vehicle will bring a smile to my toothless little mouth :O.
Enjoy your trip Lucia!

atravelynn Jul 21st, 2006 05:03 AM

It brought a smile to my completely-toothed mouth right now.

I visited the Susa group twice and found them to be as receptive to visitors as Sabinyo, the other group I visited. They were not shy or elusive. Susa is indeed well worth a visit because of the larger size of this group. At least it was larger in July 2004.

PredatorBiologist Jul 21st, 2006 05:36 AM

Lucia: Here comes the great relief. Now that you have totalled including all the incidentals you need to subtract all the savings of being in Africa. Away from home means no groceries, reduced utility bill, NO GAS purchases, extended life of your vehicle and appliances, etc.! You are probably saving hundreds by not being at home -- now your safari costs less than you thought!!

Lucia78 Jul 21st, 2006 05:51 AM

You all crack me up! Thanks for making me feel better. The saver in me is screaming bloody murder! But I sure am glad I'm going!! Thanks for the good wishes.

On another random note, how much Cipro should I have for a 3 week trip. My doctor only gave me 6 pills (and I'm sure my boyfriend has no antibiotics with him).

cruisinred Jul 21st, 2006 05:54 AM

Hopefully you won't need the Cipro at all. If you do need, a few pills clears things up very quickly. So probably have enough for 2 or 3 &quot;incidents&quot; (but check with your MD of course).
On a related note, Cipro is quite expensive but it also lasts. So if you do not use it this trip, you can save it for another trip within the next year or so.

santharamhari Jul 21st, 2006 05:54 AM


You are too funny!!! Seriously good justification for our addiction/obsession of Africa


betharwein Jul 21st, 2006 06:12 AM

We are taking our family of 8 on a safari to Kenya leaving in two weeks. We are so excited. We are nearing our 70's and figure why not give our children the memories of a family trip to Kenya. When we asked if they would liek to go not a one said no. The excitement of being together and seeing the wonders of Africa together are going to be the best. We've tried to watch costs but when you go that far you sort of have to close your eyes. We too have learned not to say much to friends. So many never travel and bad mouth other countries. They sometimes ruin what is so awesome to you. Have a wonderfull trip. I'm not going to add up costs. Betty

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