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sartoric Jan 29th, 2014 08:39 PM

Where did MmeDanielles Morocco post go ?
I skimmed it, and was looking forward to a thorough read.

Whattha ?

Zambezi Jan 30th, 2014 11:44 AM

I am wondering, too, since I posted a short reply. It did have overtones of a commercial. ZZ

sartoric Jan 30th, 2014 04:14 PM

Perhaps, I only skimmed thru. The poster was Australian though, seemed genuine to me.

I have asked the mods to comment, maybe they will (or won't)

MmeDanielle Jan 30th, 2014 10:10 PM

Whattha is about right!

My report is genuine and not a commercial.
I have also asked the mods to comment.

It's my first report so perhaps there's something that's outside the guidelines....who knows? I hope they'll tell me.

We just love Morocco and are planning another trip this year as independent travellers this time. We thought our experience with a tour company may help anyone thinking of travelling there for the first time because I know we really agonized over whether to use one of the tour companies or travel independently as usual.

Genuine traveller who loves Morocco

sartoric Jan 31st, 2014 12:46 AM

Hey D

Hopefully the mods will read this and reconsider their actions.

I'd like to revisit your report, Morocco is fantastic eh ?

Lucky you to get there twice ! Well, soon three times.

Thanks for posting.

- moderators, please put the post back

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