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hamishbear May 21st, 2008 02:31 PM

What made you go to Africa for the first time?
As there are many people on here with exceptional knowledge gained from many visits to Africa, I was wondering what made you go on that first trip to Africa?

ca_vol May 21st, 2008 02:39 PM

I wanted to go on safari. Also, we had Delta Airlines vouchers and wanted to go somewhere far with them. We decided on South Africa. It was absolutely amazing. Safari is something everyone should do at least once. I don't even like animals! It was just surreal. It's expensive but worth every dime.

MyDogKyle May 21st, 2008 02:53 PM

Not that I'm one of the exceptionally knowledgeable ones here, but...

I've wanted to go on safari since I was about 4 years old -- as corny as it sounds, my love of animals (African ones, especially) was initially inspired by visiting the zoo as a kid and watching Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. I wanted to be a wildlife researcher, and used to practice by "tagging" my cat. Fortunately, I only had to wait 33 years to go on my first safari, and I'm planning a return trip to Africa later this year. And also, fortunately, I've since learned that there are many wonderful, interesting and beautiful things about Africa, aside from just the animals.

hamishbear May 21st, 2008 03:07 PM

My first thoughts of Africa were back in 1988 when I was 18/ Circumstances dictated a year out before going to Uni and I got loads of brochures for the overland Africa tour operators, but was not brave enough to take the plunge and go.( I doubt my parents would have let me go ,and paid for me to go, anyway!)I think it was about that time I also read Fiona Campbells On Foot Through Africa. Once that seed was sewn I think it was inevitable it would "bloom" at some unexpected time many years later.

mpkp May 21st, 2008 04:27 PM

My husband and I met hiking. We like the outdoors and always wanted to go to Africa among other places. We thought it would be when we were older and retired. Then I was diagnosed with a chronic form of leukemia and we were given a $10,000 gift and told to spend it. He started planning the trip knowing I would take over as I love travel and planning trips. He wanted me to focus on living and that did the trick.

We thought that one trip would be it but we enjoyed it so much we went back and we are going again this year. It is expensive -- not something we can do every year -- but it is such an amazing experience.

matnikstym May 21st, 2008 04:45 PM

I had just gotten back from two weeks in New Zealand and a friend called and said she was going to Africa. I thought, "I want to go to Africa too." Did a bunch of research, booked a package trip, found Fodor's, and the infamous Rocco convinced me that I could do better than the package trip I was on, so cancelled and followed Rocco's advice and went to Zambia. From there I became hooked. (A month after cancelling and getting my air-tickets the original company went bankrupt) Been back 4 times now and another trip in September.

girlpolo33 May 21st, 2008 04:59 PM

What a great question! I sometimes wonder if we have a sense of our future as a young child. When I was very young, I was completely taken with African animals. My room was filled with giraffe, zebra and lion (well, plush toys!). As an adult, I've been able to fulfill this dream by visiting Africa many times. Also, I believe that many of us are drawn to the adventure of a journey that has some element of risk. Horseback safari is one of the most exhilarating experiences imaginable. Finally, I have found the African people to be warm, open, friendly and welcoming. Their countries are stunningly beautiful.

LynnieD May 21st, 2008 05:02 PM

I'm a travel opportunist. My friends daughter is in the Peace Corps in Mozambique and she misses her. We're going for a visit.

rickmck May 21st, 2008 05:45 PM

The animals... And, off-the-beaten-path places... Although many paths in Africa are quite well trod, I was still blown away. I'm going again, and I don't think it will be my only return...

Leely2 May 21st, 2008 05:58 PM

The itch, the fantasy was always there, although I have tried to sublimate those kinds of "impossible" travel desires. Truth will out, though, won't it?

Looking at airfare to Croatia several years ago, I got frustrated and said to myself, "Yeesh, for all this money I might as well go to Africa." Ding! ding! ding! Right answer!

Would love to go twice a year but can only manage every 2-3 years at this point. Still thrilled beyond compare that I can make the trip at all. How fortunate I have been without doing anything to deserve it.

ShayTay May 21st, 2008 06:11 PM

Back in 1997, a friend said that she'd like to go on safari. I hadn't ever considered doing it; my vacations were all scuba diving trips. However, I told her that I'd go with her and we went to Kenya in 1998. We were both hooked and have been back several times, sometimes with each other and other times, not. I don't dive anymore; I'm too busy going on safari!

Gardyloo May 21st, 2008 06:26 PM

I wanted to go since I taught some South African students during a brief flirtation with being a university teacher, in the 1970s. The desire was inflamed when I saw some photos of the country in a "coffee table" book owned by some South African expat friends. The desire grew to fever pitch as we watched the old regime start to totter.

It tripped over into full-throttle planning and budgeting the day Mandela became President.

divewop May 21st, 2008 07:47 PM

LOL, ShayTay, you sound like me. Diving, diving, diving, was all I thought about. And in between diving, planning for the next dive trip!

But I gotta tell you guys, being BORN in North Africa, I think it was always in my soul.

Then when I was six, I saw that blasted movie, "Born Free" and made my Mom go buy bed sheets with lions on them. I remember they were called "Serengeti", appropriately enough!
(And I still get teary-eyed when I see the movie or hear the song!)

So the Africa bug was instilled in me at birth and came out at age six with my passion and love of animals and nature. It took a while for me to get back there but it eventually came around full circle, finally bringing me back to the continent that gave me life and still holds my heart! ((l))

Calo May 22nd, 2008 07:30 AM

Like so many others, I'd dreamed of going to Africa from the time I saw an African animals TV special as a little girl. Like so many others, life "got in the way" of me being able to go until (ahem) 40 years later after what seemed like a lifetime of planning. In the interim, I became an Loxodonta africana (African elephant) naturalist, and never lost sight of the dream.

I have used my lifelong dream of going to Africa many times in a workshop I facilitate as an Career Counsellor. The gist: If your dreams are a picture of what you want your life to look like, you can move toward them and see them become reality!

...and I am off to Africa again in 6 weeks - WOO HOO!

Tomsfries May 22nd, 2008 08:07 AM

I won a trip in a newspaper to Kenya.
Then went for a Harley Davidson trip in 1999 from East London to Cape Town which we combined with KNP and Mpumalanga.
Now i`m infected.

CarlaM May 22nd, 2008 08:43 AM

No exceptional knowledge or many visits here.

I always wanted to go to Africa, but all the catalogs I received in the mail had prices that were way out of my budget so I never consider it. Then a friend asked if I was interested in joining their small group and when she told me the price, I was shocked how affordable it was and didn't hesitate for one second. Well that trip was what I called the "sampler platter" (a little bit of everything) and I haven't quit thinking about getting back there since. This forum has helped immensely planning my next trip. <):)

Pula May 22nd, 2008 09:10 AM

Always, always, always wanted to go on safari in Africa but too chicken to go solo and no one I knew had the fever. Then I met a couple and became friends and when they planned their fourth trip, they invited me along. That was back in '94; after that I realized I HAD to go back even if it meant going by myself and that turned out to be easy as pie! What was I worried about? Initially it took awhile (nine years!) to get up the nerve (and get work squared away) and now I'm planning my fifth trip.

Lillipets May 22nd, 2008 09:24 AM

In 2002 my brother in law's mom died and left me $5000 for "the trip of my dreams."
Well I didn't have to think twice about where I wanted to go! I've wanted to go to Africa for as long as I can remember.
After that "trip of a lifetime" I realized that I HAD to go back somehow. My trip this summer will be my 3rd and I have a lot more in the planning stages!

Nyamera May 22nd, 2008 09:32 AM

Like many children, I was obsessed with animals and “knew” I would travel to Africa as a grown-up, but I made the mistake of thinking that I had to live in southern Spain. Now I know exactly what kind of landscapes confused me. In 1994 I started an obsessive collecting of brochures because I knew I had to go to Kenya as soon as possible. Some now irrelevant things like the film Out of Africa probably contributed to this urgency. Not until 2003 when I had left Spain could I go on my first trip to Kenya and in June I’ll be there for the 5th time. This time - like the previous trips – I HAVE TO find a way to stay …

SDtravelers May 22nd, 2008 09:50 AM

Grew up watching Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. Saw Born Free, Out of Africa. I'm hooked on any nature channel program about ANY animals - drives my hubby NUTZ!! Big Cat Diary, etc. He constantly says - "haven't you seen this one before? YEP and I'll watch it again a few more times!! We take a two week trip every year someplace new. He finally felt sorry for me and said you gotta go to Africa! For the price of a nice cruise we can go. So were just about there 100 days and counting! We are just sorry that we didn't think about this 3 years ago when we got married, would have been a perfect honeymoon....


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