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tuskerdave Aug 24th, 2004 07:39 AM

Weeping and Bleeding Alive On The Ground!
Was driven to write a poem. Will post later this eve.
PS, Had to do it!

tuskerdave Aug 24th, 2004 04:22 PM

Weeping and Bleeding Alive On The Ground!

Taking the path of the old days
Elephants in Kenya tonight will PAY!
They want peace, they want space
Instead they get AXES AND BULLETS in the face!
The Elephants will hear an sick and heckling sound, while
Weeping and Bleeding Alive On The Ground!

No shame, No soul, No heart
The mob is out to tear them APART!
THEY let the MANIC MOB degrade the KENYA JUMBOS
Why they let them do that
My heart is broke and I can the ELEPHANTS sound
Weeping and Bleeding Alive On The Ground

Shall I go back, after this disgusting act?
Skinned ALIVE while the Elephants CRY!
Butchered with Knifes while THEY stand by!
THEY broke my heart and I Froze of Sound
All I hear and see are Elephants
Weeping and Bleeding Alive On The Ground

My insides tremble with sadness, anger and fear
I will get back at THEM I SWEAR!
Man does not deserve the respect of the Elephants
The Elephants are still in HELL!
May these Locals get stomped to the ground!
Still I will see and hear the Elephants
Weeping and Bleeding Alive On The Ground!


Liz_Frazier Aug 24th, 2004 05:32 PM

How very moving. You truly feel the elephants pain. Wonderful how you portayed their suffering in your writing. Thanks. Liz

tuskerdave Aug 24th, 2004 05:45 PM

Hello, I found a couple of mistakes. I think I corrected them. So I will re-post.
Thanks, David

Weeping and Bleeding Alive On The Ground!

Taking the path of the old days
Elephants in Kenya tonight will PAY!
They want peace, they want space
Instead they get AXES AND BULLETS in the face!
The Elephants will hear a sick and heckling sound, while
Weeping and Bleeding Alive On The Ground!

No shame, No soul, No heart
The mob is out to tear them APART!
THEY let the MANIC MOB degrade the KENYA JUMBOS
Why THEY let them do that
My heart is broke and I can hear the ELEPHANTS sound
Weeping and Bleeding Alive On The Ground

Shall I go back, after this disgusting act?
Skinned ALIVE while the Elephants CRY!
Butchered with Knifes while THEY stand by!
THEY broke my heart and I Froze of Sound
All I hear and see are Elephants
Weeping and Bleeding Alive On The Ground

My insides tremble with sadness, anger and fear
I will get back at THEM I SWEAR!
Man does not deserve the respect of the Elephants
The Elephants are still in HELL!
May these Locals get stomped to the ground!
Still I will see and hear the Elephants
Weeping and Bleeding Alive On The Ground!

RuthieC Aug 25th, 2004 12:40 AM


This brought tears to my eyes. You have really captured the horror and sadness of thes situation. Thanks for sharing it with us.

tuskerdave Aug 25th, 2004 01:51 AM

from my tour op in kenya!

Hi David,

Its horrible I agree. Unfortunately the police over here have a lot more power than KWS so all KWS can do is to complain about the officers that shot the elllies - they don't have the jurisdiction to be able to arrest them or anything for having done it.

I'll keep you in touch!

All the best,


----- Original Message -----
To: melinda
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 7:22 AM
Subject: very angry at the moment at kws

melinda, this was brought to my attention on a travel site of all things. I can not believe the kws let these people get away with this crap. I am so angry I wonder if it were possible to change my plans from them. I am angry at the kws and the masai for all their spearing that?s going on in amboseli. my mind is in a circus right now.
I don't care they didn't have the right guns. they should have never let those people do that . It's sick!
have to go now. I can't take anymore tonight.

tuskerdave Aug 25th, 2004 02:13 AM

Message: ok, I painfuly read that article again. The KWS had nothing to do with felling of these elles. It was the local police.
So, in any event those people BITE!!!!!
I wonder how far away that site is from nairobi, I would go and put a huge pile of flowers right on it!

Kavey Aug 25th, 2004 02:59 AM

You have captured your emotions so well with this poem. Nicely done.

sandi Aug 25th, 2004 04:15 AM

Trying to write this with tears in my eyes is very difficult. You told the tale so well... good for you.

tashak Aug 25th, 2004 07:45 AM

It's a tragedy, which you have put painfully into words. I wish we knew the best way to help the ellies in this horrible situation....

tuskerdave Aug 25th, 2004 04:54 PM

Thanks everyone, means alot! I don't dare say anything about this to my wife, family members or people at work. I will never hear the end of it.
What I found out was that the crappy town this happened in. Is about 200km
from Nairobi. I am requesting a possible drive over there before I head home late on sept 29th. I leave TSAVO EAST the 28th. So maybe that day, or with luck the next.
I want to leave a ROSE, LEAVE THIS POEM in a plastic sleeve, and maybe bring some colored chalk, leave a message for the elles! Don't expect it to be there as soon as we take the corner. I wonder if this will work! Let you know.
Thanks again, David

tuskerdave Aug 26th, 2004 01:30 AM

Hi, it is positive the local police did this and let this happen. Not KWS, which I am at least glad about that.
Thanks, david

tuskerdave Aug 28th, 2004 03:35 AM

Hi,my tour op in kenya mailed over night. She had told me the place where this happend. It quite a ways out of the way from where we will be. BUT! She says she is going to be in that area soon. She can find out where exactly in town it happened.She will leave the flowers and take a pic of that spot for me. Thats how I must pay my respects to the elles.
Thanks, david
ps, I don't expect that stuff to be there when she turns the corner. But I tried!

mzcuriouz Aug 28th, 2004 04:35 PM

To use very old-fashion word, SHAME.
Imagine what these guys are like at home. I'm serious. I'll be inteested to find out the town of those police. I don't know exactly what to do, but I think if you can threaten someone's pocketbook is a place to start. That and just keeping light on the situation. But finding out just where exactly it took place is the first step. I want to be certain that anyone in that area knows they're not getting my money unless they use their influence to put this to a stop. I refuse to believe there is nothing to be done. What exactly is the law there?
David, thanks for being a stand up guy.
btw, I'm pissed about a lot of things, can't even begin to watch the news now, not even Jon Stewart. What is the matter with all these guys...idiot-meanness.

tuskerdave Aug 29th, 2004 02:09 AM

Hi, I talked to my guide in kenya sat.
We talked about this for a bit.
Depends on how much time we have, between the 28th and late on the 29th sept. I could go visit the site.
My guide had told me. From where the eles came from. Aberdares, they used to be able to migrate to AMBOSELI. Now stuff is in the way all over. They wanted to go home. Also something pretty bad. Someone had some video of this crap. They showed it on TV over there. He saw the ele stuck in the pit latrine.
My guide couldn't believe what was going on. Makes him sad to be KENYAN!
By the way, he told me the masai killed 1 or 2 more lions around nairobi area a few days ago!
My tour op mailed over night. She is for sure going to do that request for me. She will kinda say under her breath who sent her! Don't forget, this could effect her business too.
I will mail my guide asking what town
exactly it took place. He said it's more of a village. It happened in the middle of the village. But, maybe I could write a letter to their nation news paper. I have done that before.
Ok, thanks!

Kavey Aug 29th, 2004 07:52 AM

Tusker Dave
Your love of elephants is very clear... and I understand it. How anyone can not adore these creatures is a mystery to me.
I wonder if you'd be interested in going back to my thread on raising money for conservation and considering the images I'm selling as I have added a number of elephant ones recently and am hoping to make some additional sales.
Also, if you have any contacts in Kenya or elsewhere who you can pass the link on to, especially if they have contacts themselves who love African wildlife. I'd be very grateful.
I am desperate to raise funds to help groups such as David Shepherd put a stop to this kind of horror and to assist in the conservation of our wildlife, not just in Kenya but across Africa and Asia too.
Apologies for hijacking your thread.

tuskerdave Aug 29th, 2004 08:12 AM

Hi, thanks, but I have tons of my own ele pics. I am now donating to Sheldrick's Frondation . Adopting, de-snaring teams and the Mobile Vets Unit. Of course all the money I'm spending to go to these places.
But, I'll see if I can pass it along.
Thanks, David

Kavey Aug 29th, 2004 09:05 AM

Thanks David, much appreciated.
The main thing I think that will raise sales is getting the link itself around and I've exhausted my contacts base already...

tuskerdave Aug 30th, 2004 04:39 PM

hello, a little more info on the ele killing. It seems it is being talked about. Also, if anyone wants to send a letter to their news paper. Go ahead! The e-mail to send it to is here. I sent Edward, my poem asking him if he thinks they will print it. Will let you know. Edward, is a contact at KWS.
It looks like the KWS put down another ele today. More towards MT. KENYA. They did it with 1 shot. Again, the people were like. Well, sick with happiness. I don't get it!

Hi David,

You will see a letter in today's nation on the same. I planted it. just
write and send it via email to [email protected]
<mailto:[email protected]> . it's a topical issue, they will run it.


Edward M. Indakwa
Corporate communications officer
Kenya Wildlife Service
P.O Box 40241 00100
Tel: 254 020 600800


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 5:33 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: been a long time, need a little in-put!

Hello Edward, hope you and the KWS are doing ok. I am leaving SEPT
8TH. Will be in KENYA SEPT 20TH. Leaving the 29th. Edward, I wanted to ask
you again. If I do a letter about the Ele butchering in that village last
weekend. Can I get a little help again getting it posted?
I talked with my guide over there yesterday. He is very upset about
what is happening there. He saw some video on the Ele stuck in the latrine.
He could not believe what was going on. He is also ashamed to be kenyan!
Anyway, is it possible to get a hand?

mzcuriouz Aug 30th, 2004 05:23 PM

last week tried to email this via safaridreams, but it always bounced back. tried again, again today. finally sort of tried to figure out why and think it might have something to do with VT not accepting links?
anyway, think it might be good message for this thread....
google: listening to the elephants, then check out the audio
I love npr radio expeditions! They've got a great one on the HUGE Myanmar, who'd of thunk, Tiger preserve in the works.
I do believe there is hope if we act.

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