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luangwablondes Oct 17th, 2005 03:08 PM

Missed that wild apple. Could have been never was in our path. As far as the elephant dung, it seems like most tourists get sucked up into that one. Originally from Iowa, it didn't get anywhere with me.

When on these walking safaris, I recommend to people to arrange in advance a porter to carry your equipment. The average wage for a camp laborer is about $1/day. So, it should be at best no charge or a nominal extra.

On the game walks,the opportunity for good shots are less, but when it happens-none better.

I'm a Buffalo Camp fan because of the lion prides seen on walks. You can go down river in the AM, see besides other wildlife, lion. Then in the PM walk say up river, see another pride. Sometimes pretty damn close. Walk back to camp-this was a couple times- and there is a buffalo kill in front of the camp. The old kukulis that hung out in the area were drawing the lions in frequently. I have walked behind the camp with some staff to get firewood and we encountered a pride of lion during their mid day snooze. They barely glanced at us as we carried on.

afrigalah Oct 17th, 2005 06:21 PM

A porter? Hmmm, hadn't thought of that. Stewart Granger and King Solomon's Mines, here I come ;) No, not really...nobody, but nobody else touches my camera gear for more than a few seconds. And if it's a full backpack safari, not just a daypack thing, the whole idea is to do it yourself. There'd be strange looks all round if one of my companions asked for a porter and didn't have a broken leg.

luangwablondes Oct 17th, 2005 09:38 PM

The bush walks are usually 4-5 hours tops, twice a day. So, its rare that people request assistance-porter. Just thought I would mention it as an option.


The book is pretty good for someone who didn't have much help from the family when putting it together.
Lamb took some licence(maybe she was never a journalist, eh) when writing the book, so there are a few inaccuracies.Had to throw that in.

Nelson Oct 18th, 2005 02:31 PM

From the Africa newbie / dumb question department: I presume the walking safaris mentioned here occur only in the dryer seasons in East and Southern Africa, roughly May-October, correct? If true, are there any locations where there are exceptions to that rule?

Thanks, Nelson

Kilo Oct 25th, 2005 12:42 PM

Hi Nelson - most of the lodges & camps in the Matusadona on the shores of Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe are open throughout the year. Whilst it might rain during your stay should you decide on travelling Dec - Mar, they normally have quick / heavy downpours and thus shouldn't affect your safari activities. The camps in this area don't only specialise in walking, they normally also offer game drives, boat cruises and hides where you can view game at waterholes, etc. Lots of options for a great safari experience with a good chance of seeing the Big 5.

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