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cooncat Sep 9th, 2005 09:17 AM

To Hwange after Zambia trip?
Does anyone know offhand if it's possible to drive to Hwange from Livingstone? I just got a quote from an operator who has me flying. It seems like a short enough distance that it could be driven. Has anyone done this and if so, what is the least costly way to do it? (For the curious, flying, it would cost me an additional {roughly} $2200 to add Makalolo Plains onto my Zambia itinerary. (Includes flights, transfers, etc.) Does this seem right? If so, I may just be sticking to Zambia next year. Thanks!

cooncat Sep 9th, 2005 09:19 AM

BTW: That's three nights at Makalolo.

cooncat Sep 9th, 2005 09:25 AM

One other thing...I wasn't asking if I could drive, I was asking whether there is ground transport to the park. Thanks as always...:-)

luangwablondes Sep 9th, 2005 09:35 AM

UTC is a big operator in Zimbabwe. Have your agent check with them. It would be a full days drive Lusaka to Hwangwe-any ground transport.

bwanamitch Sep 9th, 2005 09:39 AM

There are definitely road transfer options to Hwange NP. Your problem are the last 10-20 kms to this particular concession. Most upmarket operators don't offer this transfer option, mainly because nearly all of their clients don't want it.


Btw, I would pay extra for a road transfer from Maun to one of the better concessions in the Delta. Interesting to know if one of the operators will make this deal on my next Botswana trip.

jasher Sep 9th, 2005 09:47 AM

Hi Sharon,

Take a look at your Bradt guide -- there is a section on Hwange and how to get there from Vic Falls. Or get in touch with someone who books the Zim camps, like EOA.


cooncat Sep 9th, 2005 09:58 AM

Luanga- I don't want to drive from Lusaka - just from Vic Falls. On maps it doesn't look that far.

Julian- I did check with an operator - that's where I got my costs. I may check with yours, as well.

Mitch - not sure what you mean. I'm not going to be in Maun - I thought I'd see the falls, and then head down to Hwange. But it must be further than I thought. Did you mean ask an operator to send me to Bots for a few nights instead of Hwange? I think the camps in Bots are more expensive, but correct me if I'm wrong.


cooncat Sep 9th, 2005 10:26 AM

I've got another idiotic question. If I just decided to include a couple nights at the falls - if I want to stay on the Zim side, do I have to pay the visa?

Go easy on me folks.. ;-)

jasher Sep 9th, 2005 10:33 AM

Hi Sharon,

Yes, you would have to pay the visa to go to Zimbabwe, unless it was a day trip. I think there is a way to get the fee reduced by booking in advance (as opposed to just turning up) but I'm not sure.


luangwablondes Sep 9th, 2005 10:45 AM

UTC has an office and their vehicle yard in VF. All their safaris and transfers in the area originate there. From buses to vans to 4x4's.

cooncat Sep 9th, 2005 10:55 AM

Who is UTC? :-) (I really need to find that funny face thread.)

luangwablondes Sep 9th, 2005 10:56 AM

To email

They have a day trip to Hwange. If they do that, I'm sure you can get a transfer.

bwanamitch Sep 9th, 2005 10:58 AM


All I wanted to say is that more than 99% of the upmarket clients prefer an air transfer to their camp while I belong to the very few people who would occasionally prefer a road transfer. Botswana is an example, because I once made such a transfer there, and I even would pay more to do it again.


cooncat Sep 9th, 2005 11:17 AM

Luangwa - Thanks for the links..

Mitch - I understand now, thanks for further explaining!

cooncat Sep 9th, 2005 11:42 AM

One other thing - No one commented on the price. It also includes a night at Ilala Lodge. Any thoughts? I am ordering the Bradt Guide this weekend, if that helps! :-)

jasher Sep 9th, 2005 03:44 PM

Hi Sharon,

I think the reason no one has commented on the price is that so few of us have been to Zim we have very little grounds for comparison.

However, I do know that Ilala is about $200 per night, so that means that the time in Hwange is costing about $2000 including flights and transfers, or roughly $616 per night As a ballpark, the equivalent in a 5-paw camp for my Botswana trip this year was about $785. So Zim is definitely cheaper.

You could probably save a bit more money by going with Little Makalolo, the more rustic 'vintage' option. I'd also suggest getting a quote from EOA as their pricing has been very competitive in the past.


cooncat2 Sep 9th, 2005 04:41 PM

Thanks Jules! I did contact EOA so I'll let you know. FWIW: I don't think the price difference between Bots and Zim camps is that great. I am surprised. I thought it would be a bit cheaper, being in Zim and all. All fuel for the proverbial fire....
I've got some other ideas up my sleeve, but I'm sure people are getting sick of me and my plans and changing my mind, so I'll refrain until I get closer or need more answers! ;-)

Have a good weekend!

welltraveledbrit Sep 10th, 2005 02:38 PM

I'm sure you can get a land transfer though I have no idea of the cost. In fact I'm almost certain that you can take the train too. The train runs from Bulawayo to Vic Falls and stops near Hwange though when I took it years ago (in the 1980's)the Hwange stop was in themiddle of the night!

cooncat2 Sep 10th, 2005 05:24 PM

Hi Welltraveled: Thanks for the input. The train sounds dicey. I'm still unsure about Hwange. I'd really like to include it but it may add too much to the costs of my trip. It's a shame, because it seems so close....but I guess that's the way it goes! I'm considering all my options at this point...including keeping the trip to Zambia. Thanks again!~

bwanamitch Sep 10th, 2005 06:44 PM


maybe you should look for other camp options at Hwange, and not only W$ camps. ;-)


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