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Artsfan2 Sep 21st, 2010 06:53 PM

Tanzania extra day and itinerary help please
For our first trip to Africa in late January/early February I think I've narrowed down to this itinerary but have an extra day. After 2 full days of flying to arrive in Kilimanjaro should we spend the extra day in Arusha before beginning our Safari or spend an extra day at one of the safari locations? (We are 2 adults in our 50's and our 20 something daughter - experienced travellers)
Also we end with 4 days in Zanzibar. I'd like to spend at least 2 days in Stone Town. Would it make sense to spend 2 days at a beach resort and then 2 days in town?
Any comments/suggestions on the itinerary would be appreciated!
Day 1 : Arrival Kilimanjaro and transfer to Hotel in Arusha.
Accommodation: Mount Meru Game Lodge,

Day 2: Arusha / Tarangire
Estimated driving distance: 2.5hrs drive
Accommodation & Meals: Maramboi Permanent Tented Camp, B,L,D

Day 3: Tarangire / Lake Manyara
Morning game drive in Tarangire then drive to Lake Manyara National Park . Game drives in the park. Estimated driving distance: 2.5hrs drive
Accommodation & Meals: Kirurumu Luxury Camp, B,L,D

Day 4: Lake Manyara / Serengeti
Estimated driving distance: 4hrs drive
Accommodation & Meals: Serengeti Serena Lodge B,L,D

Day 5: Serengeti
Accommodation & Meals: Serengeti Serena Lodge B,L,D

Day 6: Serengeti / Ndutu
Accommodation & Meals: Ndutu Lodge, B,L,D

Day 7: Ndutu / Ngorongoro
Estimated driving distance: 3hrs drive
Accommodation & Meals: Ngorongoro Serena Lodge, B,L,D.

Day 8: Ngorongoro / Kilimanjaro / Kigali
Accommodation & Meals: Hotel Mille Collines, B,L

Day 9: Kigali / Volcanoes Park
Accommodation & Meals: Gorilla Nest Lodge, B, L, D.

Day 10: Volcanoes Park / Kigali
Accommodation & Meals: Hotel Mille Collines, B,L

Day 11: Kigali / Kilimanjaro / Zanzibar

Day 12 - 14 Zanzibar
Late Day 15 fly home.


sandi Sep 22nd, 2010 11:05 AM

For travel in Jan/Feb no need to go as far north into the Central Serengeti (Serena Lodge) rather stay in the Ndutu area where you will find the migration when the herds "calve" their young.

Also, there are Coastal flights from the Serengeti to KGL to avoid having to return to JRO for flight. Granted the coastal flight is more expensive, but sure saves all that travel. And, the flight to KGL from JRO on Rwandair isn't daily.

Personally, I'd visit Tarangire, then Manyara, then Ngorongoro, ending at Ndutu/Serengeti and from here flight to KGL.

And, as above, do verify the flight from KGL to ZNZ, probably on Coastal via DAR.

jomari Sep 22nd, 2010 01:16 PM

I agree with sandi on this. Fly from serengeti to zanz. You will save time and the long rough ride back to the airport.
As for spending the day in arusha, no way. Better to enjoy a break somewhere on your safari or adding the extra day in zan.
Flying to zan will also add time in Zanz as well.
Lots to do in stone town, however the beach is also nice to relax at.

Also as to the migration. Bottem line is the entire seregetti is just beutiful, you may get more out of the north parts. However you will not regret where they have placed you. If you havent set it all out yet. We like to also set our people just outside the national park on the western coridor in great places and you can even do night drives which are incredible.

If you dont change anything much on your plan, at least change to flying to zanz, you will appreciate that.

This is a great country, Karibu Tanzania

Artsfan2 Sep 26th, 2010 01:09 PM

Thanks for your help! I looked at Coastal Air for flights from the Serengeti to Kigali but they appeared to only have a milk run that stopped at many different locations. Am I perhaps misunderstanding?
Also, in this itinerary what other kinds of activities would you suggest in addition to game drives (other than ballooning)?

sandi Sep 27th, 2010 09:12 AM

The Coastal flights stops in the Serengeti "only" if there are paxs to deplane or board. From KGL, believe it's a 6:30am departure, flies to Mwanza, Tanzania for Immigration, Visas, Customs... then up-n-away into the Serengeti and stops at the appropriate airstrips based on paxs load, before concluding on landing at JRO. If only you, then no "milk-run".

pepnjak Oct 8th, 2010 10:04 AM

I'd stay in Stone town and then finish on the coast. Do you have lodging in Zanzibar?

We cut our stay in Stone town short because of the odors and always approached by the local people. We had finished 3 weeks of travel and were ready for some quiet and clean air.

pepnjak Oct 8th, 2010 10:05 AM

why are you flying into Kili and then transfering to Arusha. Can you get a flight into Arusha?

pepnjak Oct 8th, 2010 10:09 AM

I enjoyed the Arusha market,we bought our most reasonable gifts there. Always more than 1/2off of what they ask. The Cultural Heritage center is very nice also,enjoyed the art allery and we really enjoyed the small shop that was started to support people with disabilities. Shanga is the name.These are all in Arusha.

TC Oct 8th, 2010 11:59 AM

Your original post asked what to do with the extra day. I would tack it on somewhere in Tarangire . You are only staying one night in each place. That is a lot of moving around. On my first safari we stayed 2 nights in each place and that felt rushed. On our last safari we stayed 4 nights in each place and it was so much better.

sandi Oct 8th, 2010 01:17 PM

pepnjak -
<i>"why are you flying into Kili and then transfering to Arusha. Can you get a flight into Arusha?</i>

If OP is flying 2/days to arrive Tanzania, one would assume this is their international flight from home country, so has to arrive at an international airport, namely Kilimanjaro/JRO for Immigration and Customs. Arusha town in then 1/hr west of JRO.

Arusha/ARK is the small domestic airport where there is no Immigration/Customs. Arusha airport is used for internal flights within Tanzania and a once-daily flight TO Wilson (domestic) airport in Nairobi, Kenya. Even for flying FROM Wilson (Kenya) TO Tanzania, it has to be into Kilimanjaro... for Immigration/Customs.

Artsfan2 Oct 9th, 2010 10:36 AM

Thanks everyone for your help!

Bwana_Masharubu Oct 9th, 2010 10:39 PM

You should also cancel the Tarangire day in Jan/Feb ! The drive even from Arush all the way to the crater is not that bad. (Used to make it all the way to Ndutu in a day on the loaded lodge TRUCK & roads were not as good.)
Tarangire is a fantastic! DRY SEASON place. The only really common animal in Tarangire in the wet is the Impala. (I have spent conciderable time in both Tarangire & Ndutu.) If the migration is on the short grass plains around Ndudu spend what time you can there with a pop up to Seronera for a game drive (with lunch). The grass on the short grass plains is higher in calcium then other grasses - attracting the pregnant/lactating Gnus, etc. Predators follow & a 100 Lion day used to be possible. Wild Dogs were seen last year for the first time in some 20 years !!

tinydancer Oct 10th, 2010 02:30 AM

We just came back from Tanzania, Kenya, and gorilla trekking in Rwanda and I've already put my request in to my husband to go back to Rwanda again. The sooner the better. We did 2 days gorilla trekking, but several other people there did a gorilla trek, a golden monkey trek, and then another gorilla trek.

So, I guess I'd recommend you cancel those other days and add a second or even a third, fourth, and fifth day to Rwanda.

We spent part of the first day at the genocide memorial in Kigali, which was unbelievably moving, and driving up to the park. Rwanda (pronounced (R)Wanda btw, the R being silent) is so stunningly gorgeous we were sorry we didn't allow more time there. Some other people had spent 9 days in country and loved. It was our biggest surprise.

We went for the gorillas, but we discovered a beautiful country and wonderful people.

If I could do it again, I'd stay in Rwanda longer, do first gorilla trek, golden monkey trek, and then another one or two gorilla treks again. I know it sounds like a lot, and it's expensive and physical, but now that we are back and I look at the photos, that's the part I wish we had spent more time doing.

ShayTay Oct 10th, 2010 03:42 PM

I wouldn't drop Tarangire; it's one of my favorite parks in Tanzania. I've been there in February and seen 200 eles... not bad for that time of year! The landscape with the baobabs is unique, as well.

Bwana_Masharubu Oct 10th, 2010 11:46 PM

If it is raining on the short grass plains, you do not want to spend time in Tarangire. It is a matter of Global Climate Change - one can not be sure these days. If Tarangire is dry it is one of the best places !! I have seen lots of interesting behaviours there. But I did have enough time as I had only one tourist to worry about. Check with your travel agent say a few weeks before the trip & check on the weather and alter your stay accordingly.

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