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Roccco Jun 17th, 2004 06:39 PM

Rocco's New Photo Album...
Try this link:;sort_order=0

I don't know how many I will post tonight, but at least the first 25 are up. Please excuse my inclusion of that fat little puppy!
I am sure a few of my other dogs will also find there way in there, as well. :)

sandi Jun 18th, 2004 03:34 AM

Roccco - was looking forward to seeing your photos even if just the first few - can't get other than a blank screen with thru or thru aol. Problem maybe with site address.

divewop Jun 18th, 2004 03:59 AM

Ditto on that, Rocco. Getting the same thing Sandi is. I tried last night and this morning opening new windows to access it as well and it's a no go.

uhoh_busted Jun 18th, 2004 04:12 AM

I've had best luck with Ofoto urls by sending the album to someone, then I copy the link that ofoto sends back to me to let me know I've sent someone access. (I also got the blank white screen last night)

GreenDrake Jun 18th, 2004 04:38 AM

URL worked for me!!! Excellent shots Roccco!!! You really got some great photos on your bush walks of the elephants. I can almost "hear" them through your photos.

Are the shots with substantial hills in the background (one with water buffaloes) all on the Lower Zambezi?

Thanks again for sharing.

thit_cho Jun 18th, 2004 06:52 AM

Great photos. I was able to access them by first logging in to Ofoto, and then pasting the URL into my browser.

I'm looking forward to your further commentary so I can get a sense of where the rest of the 103 photos were taken.


uhoh_busted Jun 18th, 2004 08:15 AM

ooooh, good idea! I didn't think to try that one...

jeorgiagirl Jun 18th, 2004 08:22 AM

Still no luck. We tried logging on to Ofoto first. Please let us know if anyone else is able to view these pictures.

jeorgiagirl Jun 18th, 2004 08:23 AM

Sorry if this is a duplicate post: It did not appear to go thru the first time.

We still can't seem to get the link to work. We've tried logging onto Ofoto first, different browswers, and from entirely different computers. The format of the link appears to be the same format to access an album of somebody who has previously accessed your pictures in the past. Is it possible Greendrake and thit cho are already on Roccco's Ofoto guestlist which gives them access?
Like everyone else we'd really like to see these pictures.

sandi Jun 18th, 2004 08:30 AM

thit_cho -

Thanks for the suggestions. Did likewise, copied the URL from above, went into ofoto and pasted the URL there. Photos came up fine.

Roccco - You had mentioned you were having problems with your camera while in Italy - can I gather that you either fixed it, it corrected itself, or you bought new memory sticks?

The ellees & hippo pics are great. Interesting "tree" pics, too. Nice to see how large the room was at Chichele. Good job! Thanks for sharing.

Roccco Jun 18th, 2004 08:43 AM


Fortunately the problem just fixed itself after I took a few pictures. All the way up until boarding my flight in London (to Joburg), I was very close to dropping $1,000 USD to buy a new camera, but fortunately I did not.

If anybody wishes to leave their e-mail, I will send you out an invitation to view the pics.

I have at least 50 more to post this weekend, and may post them as soon as tonight. The best ellie and hippo pics are yet to come, along with a few pics of lions, and a few pics of Kaingo, although not nearly as many as Chichele. Also, I have some very impressive shots of Puku Ridge.


Roccco Jun 18th, 2004 10:02 AM


Yes...the big hills in the background, buffalo shots, are in the Lower Zambezi. Our only spottings of significance were a herd of 350 buffalo, a pair of giant eagle owls, and a Pel's Fishing Owl? (couldn't get close enough for a good shot).

I will add comments to each photo this weekend.

See if you can spot the picture of the aroused elephant! ;)

divewop Jun 18th, 2004 10:12 AM

Hi Rocco,
I still can't seem to pull up the link and have tried all the suggestions above. If you wouldn't mind adding me to the list, my address is:
[email protected]

On another note, I bet your dogs and puppies were happy to see you after being away so long. And I bet those puppies sure have grown!

jeorgiagirl Jun 18th, 2004 10:17 AM

And please add [email protected] to that list as well.

Roccco Jun 18th, 2004 10:20 AM


Okay, I just sent you an invitation to view the photos.

Yes...the puppies doubled in size! :)
They were only three weeks old when we left and seven weeks old when we returned. Now it is time to turn on the PR machine and make my propoganda that is going to make all my neighbors fall in love with them and fight over them. :)

Roccco Jun 18th, 2004 10:22 AM


Okay, just sent you an invititation, also. :)

ila Jun 18th, 2004 11:26 AM

Welcome home. Please send a link to your photo album. [email protected]

uhoh_busted Jun 18th, 2004 11:51 AM

please send me an invite: [email protected]
Thanks :-)

thit_cho Jun 18th, 2004 11:59 AM

I had no problem accessing the photos, but when I revisited them, I noticed that the comments that I added were missing. I can't figure out how to make my comments permanent.

Anyway, great photos. I'm especially interested in animals and shots that I have not been able to get, so I'm really pleased with your owl photos (I've seen owls, but have never been able to photo them) and also your yawning hippo (I've waited for that shot but my timing has always been off). Also, great hyena photos -- I didn't see any hyena in Luangwa.

divewop Jun 18th, 2004 12:23 PM

The photos are great. Thanks Rocco.
And I'm glad I don't live near you 'cause I probably couldn't resist adopting a couple of those pups.;) They are way too adorable.
I'm sure you'll find homes for all of them.

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