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mosesII Nov 28th, 2010 04:13 AM

Recommended Shots before trip to Cairo and Nile
Hello! Has anyone done some research on what shots are necessary for a visit to Cairo and a float trip on the Nile? The Center for Disease Control says Hepatitis A, B and Thyphoid and Tetanus, perhaps Rabies. Are these all necessary for tourists? Thank you!

Grcxx3 Nov 28th, 2010 05:43 AM

I would definitely agree with the Tetanus and Hep A&B for travel just about anywhere. We had the Rabies shots, but we were living there. Don't think it's critical for tourists (unless you have a habit of going up to and petting stray animals). Don't know about Typhoid.

Percy??? Want to chime in! ;)

Leslie_S Nov 28th, 2010 06:36 AM

We got all of those vax but rabies. Also polio booster since that's only good for so many years and most adults should get the booster, especially if you're traveling a lot. And also diptheria which is combined - is it with tetanus? I guess a few of our childhood vax aren't really good for the long haul.

sandi Nov 28th, 2010 08:14 AM

Generally, adults should be current on inocs they haven't had since childhood, even if not leaving home.

Tetanus - good for 10/yrs
Hep-A - good for 10/yrs
Heb-B - not really needed unless one plans to be incoutry for extended period, as Peace Corp, NGO, working with locals or planning or having unprotected S#x while on holiday... duh!
Polio Booster - good for lifetime.

Remember: Tetanus and Hep-A are just as easy to contract at home, probably even more so; good to have these regardless whether traveling or not.

I've had all over these many years and get booster (as Tetanus or HepA) when the time runs out.

Rabies - not needed and even if you had this it doesn't really give you any more protection (maybe 1/day) to get to medical facility for proper care. Just don't pet stray animals (lots found in Egypt) when visiting anywhere.

MissGreen Nov 28th, 2010 12:02 PM

I just went to the doctor and he suggested the shots. I believe I had Hep A & P, Typhoid, Polio, Tetnus.

MissGreen Nov 28th, 2010 12:03 PM

Try B instead of P... lol

BeniciaChris Nov 28th, 2010 06:34 PM

We too went to our travel advise nurse-I think we got an adult polio-the flu & H1N1-also my husband was exposed to whooping cough at work right before we left so got that just in case.The hep A&B is a given-even at home. Chris

silverstar10 Nov 29th, 2010 09:23 PM

Our travel clinic doctor recommended Thyoid also. You can have it via a shot or pills (4 pills taken every second day). The shot version is good for 2 years and the pills are good for 4. My understanding is once you have your Hep A and B shots they are good for life. Tetanus/Diptheria/pertussis are every 10 years.
We also were given a perscription to fill before we depart for diarrhea.

Marianna Nov 30th, 2010 01:52 AM

We are going today to a travel clinic to get our immunizatons for our Egypt trip. Has anyone experienced any side effects from the shots mentioned here?

MissGreen Nov 30th, 2010 02:56 AM

No side effects and no pain with the injections! I had 3 at once for the first lot I think from memory then 6 months later another 1 or 2.

Marianna Nov 30th, 2010 03:01 AM

Thanks, MissGreen! I am a big baby when it comes to needles or IVs so I am glad the shots didn't hurt and your experience was without side effects.

Grcxx3 Nov 30th, 2010 03:58 AM

I always have a sore arm after a Tetanus shot, but maybe that's me.

Marianna Dec 1st, 2010 04:16 AM

We got our shots yesterday at the Travel Center of a local hospital. I survived! Arms hurt a smidge, but not a problem at all. I actually think my husband has more soreness than I do. We each got 3 shots (tetanus, typhoid, hepatitis A and B combo) and they suggested my husband get the flu shot which he did. We need to go back in January for the second round for the hepatitis shot. The doctor also gave us a prescription for cipro to take with us just in case we need it. They also gave us a folder of information about staying healthy while in Egypt - what to avoid and what to do if we get ill.

sandi Dec 1st, 2010 08:44 AM

I'm not a doctor, but for the Hep jabs, believe the 2nd shot had to be taken within 6/mo to 1/yr after the first, not the next month. The first jab is more than sufficient to cover you for your travel.

mmc923 Dec 6th, 2010 10:40 AM

To whoever asksed about Typhoid, my daughter has a friend who traveled there recently and contracted Typhoid. Not fun! Very ill for well over a week (perhaps it was two?). She did not get any innoculations. She was staying in Cairo. I would definitely recommend the Typhoid shot (in addition to the others discussed in more detail above).

TravellerB Dec 14th, 2010 03:05 AM

I think you don't need for all of that

Grcxx3 Dec 14th, 2010 04:36 AM

The CDC recommendations are here -

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