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mv Aug 1st, 2006 09:03 AM

Pictures from Little Kwara and Lebala, July 2006
I have finally manged to sort my pictures and do a little work in photoshop.
The pictures can be viewed at:;conn_speed=1

I have tttèd the trip report.

cooncat3 Aug 1st, 2006 09:21 AM

Ony got about half-way through but what great shots! You enjoyed some lovely light on your subjects. Too many grat ones to even comment on! The lions playing, the various birds, the roller with the grasshopper...nice!

net_warrior Aug 1st, 2006 09:54 AM

Some of the best Lion shots I've ever seen. How did you get them to pose? You seem to have captured the lions characters. The cranes in formation would be my fave or maybe the roller with grasshopper or...

lisa Aug 1st, 2006 11:16 AM

Love the tiny francolin chicks too!

cooncat3 Aug 1st, 2006 11:28 AM

I know! Even that guinea fowl walking along the sand is quite cool! I'll look at them more carefully this evening. Thanks for sharing these!

johan_belgium Aug 1st, 2006 11:28 AM


Thanks for sharing your beautiful collection.

It brings back some memories from my beloved "Lebala".

Best regards,


csuss Aug 1st, 2006 11:49 AM

How did you get what appeared to be ground-level close up shots of the lions without putting yourself in harm's way? Did you actually get out of the vehicle?

Africa Aug 1st, 2006 11:52 AM

Thanks for sharing Michael. I really enjoyed the photos including the ones of the rooms and the views from the camps. What camera and equipment did you use, especially for the night-time shots?



mv Aug 1st, 2006 12:01 PM

I used a Canon 20d and a Canon 100-400mm L IS lens for most of the animal shots. For the camp shots and Landscapes I used a Canon 10d with a Sigma 24-70 mm lense.
I am using a powerful Sigma flash (I dont remember the model) and use the flash exposure compensation in the 20d.
There is a lot of trial and error in nighttime flash photography so if I have time I will take one shot look at the screen and try to improve settings for the next shot.
Csuss, I try to sit next to the driver to get as low to the ground as possible.
The only time I was out of the vehicle close to Lions I did not do it on purpose (see trip report).
Johan thanks for the kind works. Just like you I love Lebala and had a great time with Steve (who would like to see you again).
Net warrior, I actually saw some of these Lions when they were small cubs so maybe they remembered me!
Cooncat3 and Lisa, thank you for the kind words

Africa Aug 1st, 2006 12:18 PM

Thanks Michael, very much appreciated.

johan_belgium Aug 1st, 2006 12:28 PM


I had a great time with Steve in December last year and I also want to see him again (and I am sure I will).

Lebala and its staff is what I like and I can't wait to be there again in September. Going there is like coming home to me.

Best regards,


DonTopaz Aug 1st, 2006 12:45 PM

Terrific photos, Michael, both of the creatures, the landscape, and the Lesidi cultural village.

(And now I'm <i>really</i> itching for the next 3 weeks to race by so that I can experience
Lebala for myself.)

santharamhari Aug 1st, 2006 06:51 PM


Thanks for sharing. Makes me more excieted about my upcoming trip. Good to see the two cheetah boys in your collection. Lots of other fantastic pictures also.


santharamhari Aug 1st, 2006 06:53 PM


What dates are you at Lebala? I'm there for 4 nights starting August 25th. At Lagoon for 3 nights prior to that. Do we cross paths?


sundowner Aug 1st, 2006 07:15 PM

All of those lions - wonderful! Enjoyed seeing all of your photos. You saw many, many birds, too - lucky you! Thanks for sharing these.

DonTopaz Aug 2nd, 2006 04:40 AM

Hari, we do cross paths: I arrive on the 28th, so my 1st night at Lebala will be your final night there.

I'll be at Muchenje for a few days before Lebala, then Nxabega afterward.

santharamhari Aug 2nd, 2006 07:20 AM

Awesome!!! Look forward to meeting you at Lebala.


atravelynn Aug 2nd, 2006 11:00 AM

You have some outstanding lion shots. Your birds are great too. You really caught the colors in the lilac breasted rollers and the wattled crane flying in formation had to be staged!The frog and feather was a nice touch. Your flash produced wonderful African Wildcat pictures.

What was in the colorful basket? Insects?

Thanks for the great assortment. Can you remind us again how many days you were at each and the dates?

mv Aug 2nd, 2006 11:36 AM


thank you for your kind comments.
I was at Little Kara July 8-11 and Kwando Lebala July 11-15th followed by 3 nights in Jo`burg visiting friends.
The insects are fried Mopane worms.
Lots of proteine but really not my kind of food.

napamatt Aug 3rd, 2006 06:10 AM

Great shots, in particular the Little Jacana, where you in a boat for that one. Also the Lions leaving the water did you use a burst to get that.

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