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betharwein Jun 23rd, 2006 07:01 PM

nay sayers
We are planning a fammily trip to Kenya in August. Some of our "friends" don't want to hear anything about our trip. The best they can say is: bugs, disease, horrible warnings, danger, "we'd never risk taking our family to a place like that", blah blah. I'm ready to throw them out as friends. How do you deal with this. Betty

matnikstym Jun 23rd, 2006 07:13 PM

show them your pictures when you return....

santharamhari Jun 23rd, 2006 07:57 PM


Honestly, the only problem with these people is.....their lack of exposure, and the lack of openness to try different things.

I pity people like that, as they are the one's missing out.......

Stick to conversations they are comfortable with......mall shopping, movies etc etc.,


stakerk Jun 23rd, 2006 08:49 PM

a shame you are getting such a response. We have encountered nothing less than unadulerated jealousy from everyone. We have even had sales clerks who are strangers to us beg us to come back and show them our pictures upon our return.

My view would be if they do not want to hear about such an important event in your life, you might want to find a new friend or two.


cybor Jun 24th, 2006 04:43 AM

Hi Betty,
Don't let the unenlightened ruin your pretrip excitement.
Here's what I do:

1. Ask them where they got this information, tell them you'd like to check it out - guess what, they usually can't tell you where they got their facinating dire predictions. #o

2. Dis them in the future, as you've really known all along that these people are boobs.

Let them go on their way, and hope that they don't get run over by a bear riding a bicycle when they cross the street - you know that did happen in Montana one time back in 1966 (not really, to my knowledge)
* Travel warning Do not go to Montana, ever :)
Good Luck!

cybor Jun 24th, 2006 04:56 AM

edit; fascinating

Favor Jun 24th, 2006 05:17 AM

They're the ones in danger! Some day they'll despair that they lived such a pinched off life.

thit_cho Jun 24th, 2006 07:48 AM

Let them go to Cancun or Orlando, and don't discuss your trip with them.

santharamhari Jun 24th, 2006 08:06 AM

Sherry, just don't bother with such people and it is a waste of time trying to convince them or to dis them or whatever.......on the other hand, i doubt if any of us are interested in their trips to Orlando or New Jersey....


Matt_from_England Jun 24th, 2006 08:46 AM

<i>Some of our &quot;friends&quot;</i>
Change your friends ;-)
Stay here. In good company...

cybor Jun 24th, 2006 09:14 AM

Hi Hari,
The intended meaning of 'DIS' in my above post was 'get RID of' as in deletion or getting new an improved friends. That would be, however, after asking where they got their useless and mean spirited info. :L

You can't even imagine the idiotic things I had to listen to after announcing my intent of going to Africa after having some health issues.

Did you know you'll contract AIDS if you go to Africa? Must be in the air, I suppose :-! - this, my friends, came from so called educated (or so I thought) people. LOL

In retrospect, I must say that most of it was very humorous and it's a good thing I do have a sense of humor. Just think if I didn't, and listened to these folks. I'd be hiding under my bed reading tattered African Geographics rather than having healing memories of Afreek - ah.

To nay sayers everywhere: [(
Get on the bus Gus, make a new plan Stan and get out of my face Grace. Go take a cruise Suze, go see Micky Vicki!

cw Jun 24th, 2006 09:44 AM

Most everyone I've told about our forthcoming trip shares my excitement.

The exception: I, too, was asked if I &quot;wasn't afraid of catching AIDS.&quot; This from someone who had been on a long safari tour in East Africa about 20 years ago.

The funniest comment was &quot;there's no danger, right? They make sure all of the animals that you'll see are well fed.&quot;(!)


sandi Jun 24th, 2006 02:31 PM

As I've said before, tell them when you get home.

AIDs, duh! Yeh, in the air! cw - That was the thought 20-years ago, when your friend was traveling in Africa.

Just remind your &quot;friends&quot; there are as many, if not more, deseases to catch right here at home.

Go on your safari and enjoy with your family. And, personally, I wouldn't even bothering showing the friends your photos! Leave them chomping at the bit! LOL!

betharwein Jun 24th, 2006 06:27 PM

Thanks for your input. You are right for an event that is so important to us to show no interest and to belittle our trip tells a lot about the type of people they are, doesn't it. Most people are excited for us and say positive things. Thanks again, Betty

matnikstym Jun 24th, 2006 07:14 PM

a Tahitian friend of mine asked why I was going back to Africa and why didn't I go to Tahiti instead. I asked her if they had elephants in Tahiti, she said &quot;NO&quot; I said &quot;Let me know when they get them and I'll be the first one on the plane to Tahiti&quot;

santharamhari Jun 24th, 2006 08:02 PM

But Dennis, i have been asked honest questions like......why do i repeat specific camps vs trying new camps or discovering other parts of Africa or the rest of the world that i have not previously been to. I just said,&quot;i feel at home and at peace there.....&quot; To be honest........fair question, fair answer.

Lots of people here in India, their original impression of Africa was from CNN etc etc., and their own experiences at Indian game parks, but, when i showed them pics of all the lions and cheetahs and the camps and people. Their reaction was, WOW!!! I want to go......On the other hand, all my friends in America and Europe ask me for guidance in assisting them with planning their trips to Africa, since many of them have seen my pictures and once i cancelled travelling to New Jersey for a wedding to go to Africa instead!!! Dont blame me....i did go to the Macy's registry online and bought them a nice gift.


matnikstym Jun 24th, 2006 11:06 PM

Hari I know what you mean about repeating camps because of feeling of home and at peace. I'm going somewhere new in October but already planning a trip back to LRL next year.

santharamhari Jun 25th, 2006 12:18 AM

Hi Dennis!!! I had to be out last night (60th b'day party of a friend's dad)......gosh, i bumped into a whole bunch of ppl that i normally bump into, only once a year or so (for good reason)........all very curious about my Africa travels and wanting to give them suggestions.

If they were genuinely interested in my advice, i would glady give it to them (like i try to do on these boards), but, in their case.....i think their curiosity was for gossip purposes and to try and assess where i was travelling to...etc etc., I honestly dont have time for such people........and occassionally, i have to bite my tongue and put up with their crap!!!


kimburu Jun 25th, 2006 12:37 AM

I think everyone who has lots of &quot;friends&quot; has to face this Betty. PLEASE don't try to convince them to visit Africa - just take heart that it's just as well for the Masaai Mara and its animals that they do feel this way. They'd have the roads surfaced and the camps turned into 100% sanitised, risk-free fortresses in no time! Forget open vehicles - it'd be armoured Humvees sprayed for bugs hourly, US and British white guides only and predator-free zones for the kids. The Masaai would need to take a disinfectant bath before coming to &quot;camp&quot; to perform their evening show - preferably involving a declawed lion playing dead for the cameras. :-(

However, I wouldn't take it that seriously - there are plenty of people out there who believe much worse than that. I am afraid an open mind has always been considered rather an antisocial and dangerous trait and things like African travel are always going to put you in the &quot;potentially weird and dangerous&quot; category. Take comfort in the fact that you may find it will bring you new and possibly more interesting (although certainly more 'dangerous')friends.

atravelynn Aug 3rd, 2006 06:06 AM

Just stumbled upon this thread from awhile back.

Perhaps you read about a dangerous location that made CNN headlines a month ago. It is where I spent a week last summer in DOOR COUNTY, WISCONSIN-NEAR GREEN BAY! Not what one considers a hot spot for danger.

The very lovely, highly civilized, resort where I stayed a week as part of a family reunion blew up and killed two and injured several more. There were problems with underground propane tanks that were mishandled by contracters building private homes in the area.

An additional danger occured during my stay last July. My husband and I were walking on a designated trail in a state park at 9:00 am on a windless day in the middle of a week without strong winds or storms. Suddenly we heard a crack and saw a 40-foot dead tree coming down toward us. We jumped out of the way and it missed us by 10 feet.

So despite two near death experiences in
northern Wisconsin, I will bravely venture to those parts again, as well as to Africa.

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