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Leslie_S Nov 1st, 2010 10:48 AM

Hi Carrie - thanks for letting me know about your name - I was looking for a trip report or anything from carriet this weekend.

We got back Saturday from an AMAZING trip. I'll try to put together a small report later altho' it's daunting with all of the safari experts here. As a total newbie I'm sure I won't have the species' names correct, etc.

Absolutely loved Mashatu and yes we did see the cheetah babies - their picture is my favorite of the trip!

Because a flight was cancelled at the last minute we had to do a road transfer instead and were given a private vehicle at Mashatu as a gesture of goodwill. So our first game drives ever were just the 2 of us and we quickly became spoiled. Really not the same in a vehicle with 6 or 8 people as we found out at other camps later!

And no, I did not manage only carry-on. Barely managed one carry-on plus a duffle checked. I am so in awe of you guys that can do that. Maybe one day...
I did find that I brought clothes I never wore so maybe I can trim down my list for next time (yes, there will be a next time - I'm hooked!).

Did you have a great time, too? I'll have to look & see if you've posted anything under cjryan.

cjryan Nov 1st, 2010 05:55 PM

Hi Leslie! So glad you got to see the cheetah babies! Those photos are my favorites from the trip as well. And, yes, lucky you on the private game drives! I'm so jealous....we had TEN in our car if you count the driver.

I had a trip report posted but was having some issues with my profile and other things so I asked to have it deleted...I wanted to edit it too and couldn't (I realized I had a lot of typos!). I don't think I'll post it again but I'd be happy to e-mail it to you if you'd like along with a link to my photos. My email address is cjthurmanATYAHOODOTCOM (spelled'll need to use the at key and a period obviously). If you e-mail, I'll respond with the report and the photo link.

Hey, I understand not being able to do a carry-on, but it really was nice not to have to worry about luggage especially when I had a few tight connections. I really didn't have an issue since the laundry prices were so cheap at Mashatu (and included at Mala Mala). Actually, I had one shirt that I only wore once believe it or not ;-)

I look forward to hearing more about your trip as well. I'd love to hear what the main camp was like...

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