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soundslikedave Dec 15th, 2017 08:57 AM

Leishmaniasis Common? - Marrakech?

I typically do not worry when I travel overseas about insect diseases and take precautions as necessary; however, I was wondering if Leishmaniasis transmission is prevalent in Marrakech? I am going to Spain in May, and am looking at spending time in Marrakech as well. I was reading a tourist was infected with it from a sand fly while there, but don't know how common this is. FWIW, I have been to Thailand and taken precautions on mosquitos before, but this disease looks pretty disfiguring and can't find much information on how common it is there.

Anyone have any insight, or am I just being paranoid?


Bedar Dec 15th, 2017 09:17 AM

Never heard of that, and I lived in Morocco for 5 yrs. I wouldn't worry about it.

MmePerdu Dec 15th, 2017 10:09 AM

We have no way of knowing if you're being paranoid or not, that would be the extent of my insight. I've never heard of it either and have lost count of the number of visits to Morocco.

Try LP's Thorn Tree. Maybe there are some there more likely to be sleeping with the sand flies.

thursdaysd Dec 15th, 2017 07:42 PM

It is not specifically mentioned for Morocco, but the section on leishmaniasis lists north Africa as one area where it is found. However, it is found in 90 countries, including in southern Europe, so if you want to worry about it you have plenty of opportunity.

TimCullis Dec 16th, 2017 02:53 AM

You have more chance of dying from a bee sting—approx four deaths pa in Morocco.

Leishmaniasis is a real problem for dogs, especially in southern Spain, and ours wear Scalibor collars when in Spain to deter the sand flies.

All you have to do is to stick on insect deterrent.

hurrygirl Dec 17th, 2017 03:23 PM

I just returned from there and didn’t hear any morntion of it. We did not experience any insects at all in 3 weeks in Morocco.

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