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divewop Aug 7th, 2004 05:23 AM

Kenya to allow hunting again?
I don't like what I read in this article at This is scary. Here's the link for whoever hasn't read it yet!

I hope this doesn't happen!!:(

tuskerdave Aug 7th, 2004 06:25 AM

I will have to send this to my tour op in kenya. She also will not be pleased with this. How can anyone be????? She knows many of the KWS people. I will see some of them again in sept. Who knows if this goes through. It will most likely be my last trip there. I will not stand for this. I will spread the word as far as I can. Like I did with articles on
Bunch of spoiled brats we humans are.
No questioning that.
Have to go now.
Thanks, David

sandi Aug 7th, 2004 10:46 AM

divewop - I try to keep up with Africa news on a regular basis and AllAfrica is a great resource, but haven't accessed the site recently. Thanks for the heads-up on this issue which is terrible and scary, so let's hope the government doesn't approve such.

I'm sure this came about and was an easy sell due to the downturn in tourism with the US and UK warnings re travel to East Africa (which thankfully is in turnaround); there must be some other alternative to self-sufficiency for the KWS!

Will try to get some information from in-country and advise if I do.

How does "writing campaign" sound?

divewop Aug 7th, 2004 11:59 AM

Message: Sandi-
I'm in on the writing campaign or any other campaign so keep me posted.

I heard from my friends at Campi Ya Kanzi in Chyulu Hills the other day and he told me that as far as tourism goes this season is great.

Last year he only had us and one other couple at his lodge. He's been pretty busy this year so it does look like the bad times may finally be over.

Let's keep our fingers crossed they don't reintroduce hunting! I'm with you, there has to be an alternative. There always is if you look hard enough.

tuskerdave Aug 7th, 2004 12:33 PM

Hello there, I called my guide out in kenya today. He just got back from tanz. He has not heard about this yet.He is going to stop at the kws this coming week to find out what the heck is going on. I sent him the article he will print it and take it to them.I asked him to tell them that this article is going around the web. That people are concerned and angry at what could happen out there. Also sent it out to a handful of other people. What ever you guys decide to do. Count me in. I am not sure if I should post that link on the VT travel site. It may get deleted. Tempted to try though. I have spent a lot time and money out there. Made kws friends and been giving to the sheldrick's orphanage. Anything else needed?
The more people visit those parks and reserves. The more money they will have to keep things going and alive. I am telling you. The way they think out there is. If It Pays, It Stays.
So, spread the word. Even if people go for a lousy week. It is better than nothing.
thanks, david

divewop Aug 7th, 2004 12:48 PM

I hear you Dave. Sometimes though, the wrong people have the deepest pockets and dirty politics come into play if you know what I mean.

Hopefully your guide friend can get to the bottom of this and find out what is really going on.

tashak Aug 7th, 2004 04:25 PM

Horrible news.
And you can be sure that Kenya will end up getting ripped off, and losing even more photo tourists as a result.

Wonder if any wildlife orgs will be lobbying/ arranging protests?

tuskerdave Aug 7th, 2004 05:38 PM

hi, i have been a member of african wildlife foundation since about 1999. not until the last yr. i have been feeling disillusioned by them. did i spell that right? anyways, it seems to me anyway. they are not doing much. i mean, they have been around for over 40yrs. still this crap and other kinds of this crap is still going on.i can't seem to get feed back like i used to from AWF. even the sheldrick's don't know about they are doing ect. so that is telling me after all this time. why am i giving them money!! i don't understand. why is this kind of thing not being looked into or prevented? i can not get an answer. it seems i bug them ect. i just care a lot and want things to be safe for the wildlife. so we can all go and be in AWE of it. i don't think that is too much to ask!
ok, so what should we do now?????

tuskerdave Aug 8th, 2004 06:47 AM

hello again, this is a reply that came over night from one of the ele researchers out there.Thought I pass it on.
thanks, david

Dear David,

We are in many ways trying to influence the situation, but for the time being lots of upsetting issues and policies are on the Kenyan agenda. In general the country is in a political and economical crisis. Our own personal agenda is to find the balance between fighting for what we believe in, and to survive doing our research. (Elephant communication) Funding is a huge struggle these days, and being independent researchers without institutional backing we have to fund everything.

If you have any ideas or contacts regarding this, we would be very happy to receive them!

Regards, Petter

Savanna Elephant Vocalization Project/ElephantVoices
Joyce Poole & Petter Granli

divewop Aug 9th, 2004 06:52 AM

Well Guys-
Here is the latest update at on the hunting issue.

Hopefully, this is the truth and Kenya's wildlife will remain safe from the re-introduction of sport hunting. :)

tuskerdave Aug 9th, 2004 08:07 AM

hi there,i will check this out later. but for now.we need more in-put, concern and out rage on this issue here in this forum. i am starting to get some feed back from my kenya guide and my tour ops partner here in the states. will post that info later tonight.
thanks, david

tuskerdave Aug 9th, 2004 04:07 PM

here is the 1st reply. with my question foloowing the reply.

REPLY:Not yet i will call the same office again its pitty that some people are supporting this.

kiptoo, did you have any luck?
mr. david

tashak Aug 9th, 2004 04:09 PM

Well you are not the only one disillusioned with the Africa Wildlife Foundation. Various well-informed people in Africa (including some conservationists) have expressed great frustration with, and disappointment with this group. I've been told that you really need to read their literature with a huge bucket of salt (a grain just won't be enough). They seem to claim credit for projects that they did little or next to nothing for (provide a tiny amount of money, then claim credit for all the work those projects and all the ones under them are doing!) but mostly seem to be funding more bureaucrats.

Unfortunately, so many of the conservation orgs in the US have such high overhead and direct mailing costs that it is difficult to see how much money actually gets into the field where it is needed...

Well this whole thing is frightening. How could the story be so wrong? Is there ANOTHER businessman who is proposing this? (Perhaps they just got the name wrong...) Seems fishy.

But I do hope that nothing is going on like this.

tuskerdave Aug 9th, 2004 04:09 PM

Another reply, from my guide in kenya.
Thanks, David

Hi David hope all is well and going on with your duties,Man have just read your mail and also some dailies papers here about our wildlife and for sure David this guys are never serious on what they are after this looks so bad that if the kenyan gov will give in.I went to the KWS headquarters this morning but was told the person responsible was not around.David i was so bitter and i really hard alot to disccuse with him otherwise the nature lovers cant seat down and wait so i think many people are againest it.

tuskerdave Aug 9th, 2004 04:12 PM

From my tour ops partner located in DC.Her reply to my ques.

Hi David,

Yea, I know...alot of people in Kenya are doing their best to stop this...I was just talking about it yesterday with someone and seeing how we could collaborate...let's see how it plays out...
----- Original Message -----
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2004 4:56 PM
Subject: Fw: kenya to allow hunting? article from

hi anne, thought you should see this too. going around on the web. that?s how I found out about it. can we stop it??

tuskerdave Aug 9th, 2004 04:19 PM

Hi Tas, thanks for the in-put on AWF. I have a long story on it. Won't get into it here. So now I am adopting eles and sending money to sheldrick's orphanage. They are in the trenches and trying and trying. What I found strange. Just over the weekend. Angela Sheldrick and I mailed a couple of times. I asked her about AWF. Well guess what. She didn't know anything about what they are doing! Found something wrong with that. Seeing they have been around over 40yrs. Elephants are the main thing for them blah-blah. Sheldrick's are right there in KENYA. So, I guess it is about time I stop with them AWF. If you think about it. What the heck are they helping and preventing any way??!!Hope this makes sense.

divewop Aug 9th, 2004 04:32 PM

Thanks for sending the article out to all your contacts. The more aware folks are of situations, maybe the more we can join together and do something to stop some of these atrocities.

Good for you for jumping on top of this. I think it is a great thing you're trying to do.

In my opinion, until animals are given guns, knives, snares and traps to fight back, no one should view hunting as a sport or as a necessity.
It is a horrible, despicable way for people to get their "thrills."

tuskerdave Aug 9th, 2004 04:56 PM

hello divewop and who ever may be interested. when you have a min. you may want to see this.

divewop Aug 9th, 2004 05:17 PM

And here is the latest update on the hunting issue:

Looks like reintroducing hunting is a pretty unpopular idea to a lot of Kenyans and people are speaking up! Keep your fingers crossed for the good guys!

tuskerdave Aug 10th, 2004 02:57 AM

here is the latest from my guide in kenya.

Hi David
Have been in town for the better part of the morning trying to gather some information on how people are reacting on the issueof The British Taking over the Kws and i am getting alot of different reactions from kenyans and also from other foreigners its really a sad story if the gov will just give in like it doesent have a direction its for sure bitter.Hope it will not go beyond where it is now.

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